1970 record(s)
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From 1 - 10 / 1970
  • In this mesocosm study, three types of wet wipes (plastic containing, and home and commercially compostable) colonised with E. coli were buried in beach sand and their degradation, tensile strength, and concentration of E. coli was quantified over 15 weeks. Wipes were firstly passed through a series of treatments to simulate their journey from the bathroom to the beach. Water characteristics (pH, salinity) of these water types were measured. Full details about this nonGeographicDataset can be found at

  • This is a web map service (WMS) for the 10-metre Land Cover Map 2023. The map presents the and surface classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats.

  • [This dataset is embargoed until December 15, 2025]. This data set represents field-based monitoring of insect pollinator communities found within soya (Glycine max L. Merril) crops located along a latitudinal gradient ranging from -37.669486 to -24.495121 covering both Argentina and Brazil. Yield data was also collected from these same sites to elucidate the dependencies of this crop on insect pollination with a focus on managed and wild pollinators. Data was collected over multiple seasons between 2020 and 2022. Soybean is one of the most traded agricultural commodities and is of significant economic importance in South America. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • [This dataset is embargoed until November 1, 2024]. These data contain bank strength measurements in a 100 km reach of the Solimões River from Sep/Oct 2022 recorded with a shear vane and a cohesion strength meter. In addition, processed satellite (Landsat) imagery from 1984-2021 was used to calculate erosional and depositional area in three 50-120 km long reaches in the Solimoes River presented here as shape-files. Processed Corona imagery 1967 for a 120 km long reach in the Solimoes River shows the banklines and bar outlines. A spreadsheet provides erosional and depositional area at 20-km sections along the 1,600km of the Solimoes River that were based on measuring floodplain width from a digital elevation model (FABDEM). We also attach a GeoTIFF file of the multibeam echo sounder (MBES) data collected during the field campaign in a 20-km long reach in the Solimoes River Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset contains two gridded potential evapotranspiration variables for Great Britain from 1961-2019: daily total potential evapotranspiration (PET; kg m-2 d-1) and daily total potential evapotranspiration with interception correction (PETI; kg m-2 d-1). The variables were calculated from the Climate Hydrology and Ecology research Support System meteorology dataset for Great Britain (1961-2019) [CHESS-met] gridded observed meteorological data at 1 km resolution. The units kg m-2 d-1 are equivalent to mm d-1. The data are provided in gridded NetCDF files. There is one file for each variable, for each calendar month. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset comprises operational data for a point-of-use drinking water treatment system (POU DWTS) located on the University of the West of England’s Frenchay campus. This dataset covers 34 months (November 2019 to September 2022). The POU DWTS was continuously operational throughout this period with parameters presented in this dataset including oxidation reduction potential, free available chlorine, flow rate, discharge pressure, filtration flux, ultrafiltration membrane permeability. Telemetry data is collected over a 5-minute period provide a rolling 5-minute average and is available in a .csv format. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • [This dataset is embargoed until October 1, 2024]. The Reference Observatory of Basins for INternational hydrological climate change detection (ROBIN) dataset is a global hydrological dataset containing publicly available daily flow data for 2,418 gauging stations across the globe which have natural or near-natural catchments. Metadata is also provided alongside these stations for the Full ROBIN Dataset consisting of 3,060 gauging stations. Data were quality controlled by the central ROBIN team before being added to the dataset, and two levels of data quality are applied to guide users towards appropriate the data usage. Most records have data of at least 40 years with minimal missing data with data records starting in the late 19th Century for some sites through to 2022. ROBIN represents a significant advance in global-scale, accessible streamflow data. The project was funded the UK Natural Environment Research Council Global Partnership Seedcorn Fund - NE/W004038/1 and the NC-International programme [NE/X006247/1] delivering National Capability Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • [This dataset is embargoed until November 1, 2024]. These data encompass land cover data and sediment geochemistry from the Rio Santa catchment of the Peruvian Andes. Sediment samples were collected within the SIGMA: Peru project between 2019-2020. Geochemistry data include major and minor elements in sediment samples determined by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), organic matter determined by loss-on-ignition (LOI), and particle size data, and are provided for both the wider Rio Santa catchment and the Ranrahirca sub-catchment. The research was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council and the Newton Fund (grant NE/S013245/1). Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • [This dataset is embargoed until December 15, 2025]. Data comprise of 13 different ecosystem services that were modelled at the 1 km2 resolution across Great Britain, mostly using data from 2015. The ecosystem services modelled were potential crop Production (in terms of calories), pollinator visits, greenhouse gas sequestration, two measures of biodiversity (biodiversity conservation index and richness index), erosion avoided, potential grassland productivity, nutrient retention, water retention, water yield, and potential timber yield. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This is a dataset of spot gauged river flows (m3 s-1) at multiple sites along the River Frome, Dorset, UK, conducted during the year 2022. All sites are contained within the stretch of river between the Environment Agency gauging stations located at Dorchester and East Stoke, i.e. the lower part of the River Frome. The monitoring sites included the major tributaries along this river reach, which are: the South Winterbourne, Tadnoll Brook, and the River Win. In total, 19 river channels were spot gauged at 11 river cross-sectional locations. Due to the braided nature of the river, some locations required multiple channels to be measured to produce a total cross-sectional flow for that part of the river. The river cross-sectional locations were evenly spaced, approximately every 3 km along the river reach. Measurements were taken on multiple flow accretion survey days between 12/04/2022 and 05/11/2022. On each day, as many of the sites were spot gauged as possible, working upstream to downstream. Full details about this dataset can be found at