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  • This is version v3.4.0.2023f of Met Office Hadley Centre's Integrated Surface Database, HadISD. These data are global sub-daily surface meteorological data. This update (v3.4.0.2023f) to HadISD corrects a long-standing bug which was discovered in autumn 2023 whereby the neighbour checks (and associated [un]flagging for some other tests) were not being implemented. For more details see the posts on the HadISD blog: & The quality controlled variables in this dataset are: temperature, dewpoint temperature, sea-level pressure, wind speed and direction, cloud data (total, low, mid and high level). Past significant weather and precipitation data are also included, but have not been quality controlled, so their quality and completeness cannot be guaranteed. Quality control flags and data values which have been removed during the quality control process are provided in the qc_flags and flagged_values fields, and ancillary data files show the station listing with a station listing with IDs, names and location information. The data are provided as one NetCDF file per station. Files in the station_data folder station data files have the format "station_code" The station codes can be found under the docs tab. The station codes file has five columns as follows: 1) station code, 2) station name 3) station latitude 4) station longitude 5) station height. To keep informed about updates, news and announcements follow the HadOBS team on twitter @metofficeHadOBS. For more detailed information e.g bug fixes, routine updates and other exploratory analysis, see the HadISD blog: References: When using the dataset in a paper you must cite the following papers (see Docs for link to the publications) and this dataset (using the "citable as" reference) : Dunn, R. J. H., (2019), HadISD version 3: monthly updates, Hadley Centre Technical Note. Dunn, R. J. H., Willett, K. M., Parker, D. E., and Mitchell, L.: Expanding HadISD: quality-controlled, sub-daily station data from 1931, Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 5, 473-491, doi:10.5194/gi-5-473-2016, 2016. Dunn, R. J. H., et al. (2012), HadISD: A Quality Controlled global synoptic report database for selected variables at long-term stations from 1973-2011, Clim. Past, 8, 1649-1679, 2012, doi:10.5194/cp-8-1649-2012 Smith, A., N. Lott, and R. Vose, 2011: The Integrated Surface Database: Recent Developments and Partnerships. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 92, 704–708, doi:10.1175/2011BAMS3015.1 For a homogeneity assessment of HadISD please see this following reference Dunn, R. J. H., K. M. Willett, C. P. Morice, and D. E. Parker. "Pairwise homogeneity assessment of HadISD." Climate of the Past 10, no. 4 (2014): 1501-1522. doi:10.5194/cp-10-1501-2014, 2014.

  • This dataset contains the output of three fully coupled seasonal forecast experiments performed as a case study of summer 2022, using the same model setup as ECWMF seasonal forecast system 5 (SEAS5), as presented in the paper Patterson, M., Befort, D., O'Reilly, C., Weisheimer, A. "The ECMWF SEAS5 seasonal forecast of the hot and dry European summer of 2022" Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, (under review) ​ ​The three experiments are: 1) CONTROL A coupled hindcast ensemble with perturbed initial conditions for the 2022 summer, identical to the operational hindcast with the start date 1st May, but for 200 members rather than 51. 2) ATMOS-IC-2022 Similar to the CONTROL with 2022 initial conditions for the atmosphere and land surface and 2022 concentrations of carbon dioxide, but with ocean initial conditions taken from a year in 1981-2021. Five perturbed initial condition states taken for each year hence, 41 x 5 = 205 members. 3) OCEAN-IC-2022 Similar to CONTROL with 2022 initial conditions for the ocean, but with initial atmosphere, land surface and carbon dioxide conditions taken from a year in 1981-2021. Like ATMOS-IC-2022, 41 x 5 = 205 members. ​ The OCEAN-IC-2022 experiments were performed by taking the setup for hindcasts 1981-2021 and swapping the ocean initial conditions for 2022. The time dimension therefore corresponds to the time of the base hindcast taken from 1981-2021. Conversely, the ATMOS-IC-2022 were performed by running the 2022 hindcast and swapping the ocean initial conditions for other years. The time dimension for ATMOS-IC-2022 therefore is identical for all members. Hindcasts are all started on 1st May and run for four months. The data stored is monthly-mean output from the experiments with the following directory structure for variables on pressure levels: [experiment_name]/pl/[experiment_name]_[ensemble_member_number]_pl_[level] and for those on a single level or at the surface: [experiment_name]/sfc/[experiment_name]_[ensemble_member_number] The files each contain multiple variables. Variables on pressure levels are stored at 700hPa,500hPa and 250hPa levels. Pressure level variables stored are: u (zonal wind), v (meridional wind), t (air temperature), z (geopotential), q (specific humidity) Surface variables stored are: sst (sea surface temperature), swvl1 (Volumetric soil water layer 1), swvl2 (Volumetric soil water layer 2), swvl3 (Volumetric soil water layer 3), swvl4 (Volumetric soil water layer 4), msl (air pressure at mean sea level), t2m (2m temperature), tprate (mean total precipitation rate).

  • The dataset consists of eleven spreadsheet tabs, each tab containing lipid biomarker palaeothermometry (air temperature reconstructions) and bulk organic carbon isotope data from individual lignites that are known to stratigraphically span the Cretaceous-Palaeogene (K-Pg) boundary. Uncalibrated, raw biomarker distributions (glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers; GDGTs) are provided, as well as the calculated calibration outputs. Site coordinates are: West Bijou, Colorado (39°34'14'N, 104°18'09'W), Sussex, Wyoming (43°39'40"N, 106°19'06"W), Pyramid Butte, North Dakota (46°25'03'N, 103°58'33'W), Hell Creek Road, Montana (47°31'35"N, 106°56'23"W), Rock Creek West, Saskatchewan (49°02'20"N, 106°34'00"W), Wood Mountain Creek, Saskatchewan (49°25'20"N, 106°19'50"W), Frenchman Valley, Saskatchewan (49°20’56"N, 108°25’05"W), Knudesn’s Coulee, Alberta (51°54’27"N, 113°02’57"W) Griffith’s Farm, Alberta (51°54’47"N, 112°57’51"W), Coal Valley Cores (GSC CV-42-2, Cores 1 and 2), Alberta (53°05’02"N, 116°47’ 40"W) Police Island, Northwest Territories (64°52'42"N, 125°12'33"W).

  • Backscattered electron and major element maps of pumice from the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines. Samples provided by Mauro Rosi; for detailed description of location and eruptive stratigraphy see the following paper: Rosi, M., Paladio-Melosantos, M., Di Muro, A., Leoni, R. and Bacolcol, T., 2001. Fall vs flow activity during the 1991 climactic eruption of Pinatubo Volcano (Philippines). Bulletin of Volcanology, 62, pp.549-566. Backscattered electron maps were obtained on a Zeiss Sigma HD Field Emission Gun analytical scanning electron microscope (ASEM). Major element maps were obtained on the same ASEM using dual Oxford Instruments X-max 150 mm2 energy dispersive silicon drift detectors.

  • The data is a first digital release of the UK legacy geothermal catalogue of temperature measurements, thermal conductivity measurements and heat flow calculations. The geothermal catalogue comprises data contained in numerous historic technical reports from the 1977-1991 Geothermal Energy Programme, delivered by BGS and funded by the then UK Department of Energy and the European Commission. This release contains 11,821 data points derived from 743 sites. This first digital release contains data that has been: spatially located, an identified data source, intellectual property rights (IPR) checked and assessed for release under version 3 of the Open Government Licence (OGL). There are known limitations on the dataset, including that the data is provided as it was listed in the UK legacy geothermal catalogue. Validation of the IPR and copyright status of some of the incorporated datasets was challenging and a take down policy is in operation. Further details can be found in the accompanying report

  • This data set contains receiver functions calculated from three-component waveform data available in IRISDMC from 2000 to 2019. The waveform data are for earthquakes greater than magnitude 6.0, depth smaller than 100 km, and epicentral distances between 30 and 95 degrees. The raw waveform data are first converted to displacement and high pass filtered with a corner frequency of 0.02 Hz. Then the waveforms are windowed 20 s before and 400 s after the P arrival for analysis. The vertical-, north- and east-components are rotated to produce the L-, Q-and T-components. Subsequently, the [-20 s, 60 s] portion around the P arrival on the L-component is cut out as a parent waveform and deconvolved from the full L- and Q-components to produce the L- and Q-receiver functions. The data set is organized by year. The receiver functions in each year are compressed into a zip file named by the year when the waveforms were recorded. The receiver functions are in SAC format (, which can be read using the Seismic Analysis Code ( or the Obspy package ( The filename contains information of the origin time of the earthquake, the name of seismic network, the name of the seismic station, and component. For example, in the file name ‘TA.Z59A..BHL.M.2013.059.1405.SACD.01’, ‘TA’ stands for the network name, ‘Z59A’ is the station name, ‘BHL’ means the L component, ‘2013.059.1405’ means the earthquake occurred at 14:05 on the 59th day of the year 2013.

  • Whole rock analyses (presented in parts per million, ppm) of volcanic samples from Mt. St Helens, Washington, USA. Detailed sample descriptions and given in Blundy et al. (2008) and references therein. All samples were analysed using solution ICP-MS at the Open University. Blundy, J., Cashman, K.V. and Berlo, K. (2008) Evolving magma storage conditions beneath Mount St. Helens inferred from chemical variations in melt inclusions from the 1980-1986 and current (2004-2006) eruptions, in: Sherrod, D.R., Scott, W.E., Stauffer, P.H. (Eds.), A volcano rekindled: the renewed eruption of Mount St. Helens, 2004-2006, Reston, VA, pp. 755-790.

  • This dataset contains raw data from synthetic and experimental velocity steps analyzed using the MATLAB routine ‘steadystate.m’, as presented by Giacomel, P., Faulkner, D.R., Lambert, V., Allen, M.J (2024): ‘steadystate: A MATLAB-based routine for determining steady-state friction conditions in the framework of rate- and state- friction analysis’ – GSA, Geosphere. The data is provided in .zip folder containing the Velocity Steps and the outputs from steadystate.m, along with the scripts used to generate the figures shown in the Manuscript and Supplementary Material. The folder ‘Velocity_Steps’ notably contains the complete suite of mechanical data (subfolder ‘Mechanical_Data), the modelled rate- and state- friction parameters (subfolder ‘Modelled_RSF_Parameters SlipLaw’) obtained by assuming steady state at different displacements, as well as the linear detrended end members (i.e., at short to large displacements) fitted via inverse modelling (subfolder ‘Detrended_Velocity_Steps + Fit-Inversions’). Such observations were foundational for the development of the steadystate.m routine. Each subfolder is accompanied by a README.txt file that reports on the link between the raw .txt data with the MATLAB scripts generating the associated figures. For the sepiolite fault gouge used during the friction velocity steps, please refer to: Sánchez-Roa, C., Jiménez-Millán, J., Abad, I., Faulkner, D. R., Nieto, F., and García-Tortosa, F. J., 2016, Fibrous clay mineral authigenesis induced by fluid-rock interaction in the Galera fault zone (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain) and its influence on fault gouge frictional properties: Applied Clay Science, v. 134, p. 275-288.

  • Laser ablation (LA) ICP-MS analyses (presented in parts per million, ppm) of melt inclusions from the 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens (18th May-16th October). Detailed sample collection methods are given in Blundy et al. (2008). Blundy, J., Cashman, K.V. and Berlo, K. (2008) Evolving magma storage conditions beneath Mount St. Helens inferred from chemical variations in melt inclusions from the 1980-1986 and current (2004-2006) eruptions, in: Sherrod, D.R., Scott, W.E., Stauffer, P.H. (Eds.), A volcano rekindled: the renewed eruption of Mount St. Helens, 2004-2006, Reston, VA, pp. 755-790.

  • This catalogue contains the times, locations, families, and durations of earthquakes identified near Parkfield, California, USA. Collected over the period of 2020 – 2022. The methodology used to identify the earthquakes is described by Huang, H., Hawthorne, J.C. Linking the scaling of tremor and slow slip near Parkfield, CA. Nat Commun 13, 5826 (2022). The data provided here are also provided in the supplement of that paper. This catalogue contains the times (columns 1-2), locations (columns 3-5: latitude, longitude, and depth), families (column 6), and durations (columns 7).