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This dataset consists of landscape point feature information for points across Great Britain, surveyed in 1990. Data are presented as rows of information recorded as point features (for example individual trees, water bodies or structures), with associated plant species where relevant, within a set of 506 1km squares across Great Britain, surveyed during the Countryside Survey long term monitoring project (note: not all surveyed squares contained point features). The Countryside Survey is a unique study or 'audit' of the natural resources of the UK's countryside. The sample sites are chosen from a stratified random sample, based on a 15 by 15 km grid of GB. Surveys have been carried out in 1978, 1984, 1990, 1998 and 2007 by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, with repeated visits to the majority of squares. The countryside is sampled and surveyed using rigorous scientific methods, allowing us to compare new results with those from previous surveys. In this way we can detect the gradual and subtle changes that occur in the UK's countryside over time. In addition to point features, habitat areas, vegetation species data, soil data, linear habitat data, and freshwater habitat data are also gathered by Countryside Survey. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/1481bc63-80d7-4d18-bcba-8804aa0a9e1b
This dataset consists of invertebrate species records, sampled from headwater streams during a survey in 1990. Macro-invertebrates were sampled using standard protocols. The sample area in each stream was a single area of stream-bed whose major habitat types can be sampled within the recommended sampling period of three minutes of active sampling, supplemented by a one minute hand search. The length of river surveyed would normally vary from 5 to 15m. Samples were collected using a standard 1mm mesh pond net and returned to the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (formerly Institute of Freshwater Ecology) for later sorting and identification. Supplemental physical measurements (width, depth, substrate composition) required to run RIVPACS (River Invertebrate Prediction and Classification System) were taken. Data were collected under the Countryside Survey long term monitoring project managed by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. The Countryside Survey is a unique study or 'audit' of the natural resources of the UK's countryside. The sample sites are chosen from a stratified random sample, based on a 15 by 15 km grid of GB. Headwater stream surveys have been carried out in 1990, 1998 and 2007 with repeated visits to the majority of sites. The countryside is sampled and surveyed using rigorous scientific methods, allowing us to compare new results with those from previous surveys. In this way we can detect the gradual and subtle changes that occur in the UK's countryside over time. In addition to headwater stream data, soil data, habitat areas, vegetation species data and linear habitat data are also gathered by Countryside Survey. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/b4c17f35-1b50-4ed7-87d2-b63004a96ca2
This dataset consists of stock (area) data for landscape features across Great Britain in 1990. Data are presented as areas of Broad (or Priority) Habitats, with associated landscape attributes (such as plant species and land use), within a set of 506 1km squares across Great Britain. The Countryside Survey is a unique study or 'audit' of the natural resources of the UK's countryside. The sample sites are chosen from a stratified random sample, based on a 15 by 15 km grid of GB. Surveys have been carried out in 1978, 1984, 1990, 1998 and 2007 by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, with repeated visits to the majority of squares. The countryside is sampled and surveyed using rigorous scientific methods, allowing us to compare new results with those from previous surveys. In this way we can detect the gradual and subtle changes that occur in the UK's countryside over time. In addition to habitat areas, vegetation species data, soil data, linear habitat data, and freshwater habitat data are also gathered by Countryside Survey. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/94f664e5-10f2-4655-bfe6-44d745f5dca7
This index is a list of specimens and slides taken from the John Smith Collection and placed in the Type and Stratigraphical (T&S) Collection of Scotland and Northern England. To some extent it is the digital equivalent to part of the T&S analogue card index which is held in BGS Edinburgh. The data, however, appears to have been derived from the 5 leather bound volumes of the T&S register. The latter are held in BGS Keyworth, but equivalent information (microfilm and paper records) is held in BGS Edinburgh. The MS Access database (BGS_SMITH_GSE) contains 1123 records, it links the T&S register with that of the John Smith Collection (8 bound volumes held at BGS Edinburgh) and provides limited information on taxonomy, nomenclatural status and chronostratigraphy. It also has provision for stating where the specimen is housed. The repository of BGS John Smith specimens is the Edinburgh office.
This dataset (GSE_REFERENCES) is a list of specimens held in the Type and Stratigraphical Collection of Scotland and Northern England, and the publications in which they are featured or illustrated. This database along with GSE_SPECIMENS (Index To The UK (North) Type And Stratigraphical Collection Of Fossils) and to some extent SMITH_GSE (Index To Specimens Transferred From The John Smith Collection To The UK (North) Type and Stratigraphical Collection) are the digital equivalents of the analogue card index (held in BGS Edinburgh).The latter contains c.16k records, of which perhaps 25% have now been transcribed. The MS Access database BGS_GSE_REFS presently contains 431 records (but does not include specimens from the John Smith Collection). This represents an unknown, but probably small, proportion of the Type and Stratigraphical Collection of Scotland and Northern England featured in publications. The database links with GSE_SPECIMENS, and can also provide species, authors and nomenclatural status. Many of the publications referred to are held in an extensive paper reprint collection.
BGS holds a disaster recovery copy of the microfiche of the statutory mine abandonment plans for the Coal Authority. This collection is an incomplete copy of the mine plans deposited with the Coal Authority and held on behalf of the Health and Safety Executive under statutory legislation. Not for public use.
This is a simple Oracle table holding sample numbers, locations (UK National Grid) and illite crystallinity values measured for pelitic (mudrock) samples from Lower Palaeozoic terranes in the UK. Though intended for use by a BGS collaborative project with Birkbeck College, London, data may be made available to others on request.
The data shows the extent of mining within Great Britain it was captured in 1990 by OVE ARUP on behalf of the Department of Environment as a series of paper maps and no updates have been carried out. The data has been converted to a digital format (ESRI shape file) by BGS in 1995. The original scale of the data was 1km square. The dataset has limited attribution indicating type i.e. metalliferous, rock, coal, deneholes (chalk), evaporites or ironstone, and whether definitive evidence was found. Although every effort has been made to attribute the digital data to the original maps some inconstancies may have arisen due to data conversion process.
Index to manuscript geological maps produced by the Survey geologists or other recognised geologists on County Series (1:10560) and National Grid (1:10560 & 1:10000) Ordnance Survey base maps. The index was set up in 1991. Current holdings for Great Britain are over 35,000. There are entries for all registered maps but the level of detail depends on nature of original Survey, ie not all fields are complete for all entries.
This dataset consists of stock (length) data for landscape linear features across Great Britain in 1990. Data are presented as lengths of different feature categories (such as fences, walls and lines of trees), with associated species attributes, from 506 km squares, surveyed for the Countryside Survey long term monitoring project (note: not all surveyed squares contained linear features). The Countryside Survey is a unique study or 'audit' of the natural resources of the UK's countryside, carried out by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. The sample sites are chosen from a stratified random sample, based on a 15 by 15 km grid of GB. Surveys have been carried out in 1978, 1984, 1990, 1998 and 2007 with repeated visits to the majority of squares. The countryside is sampled and surveyed using rigorous scientific methods, allowing us to compare new results with those from previous surveys. In this way we can detect the gradual and subtle changes that occur in the UK's countryside over time. In addition to linear features, habitat areas, vegetation species plot, soil plot, freshwater habitat and satellite map data are also produced by Countryside Survey. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/311daad4-bc8c-485a-bc8a-e0d054889219