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  • The collection of map series held by BGS which correspond to the outputs of discrete projects. The maps often focus on a specific theme, and / or may have limited spatial coverage. The thematic maps include: - Applied Geology Maps (AGMs), also known as Environmental Geology Maps (EGMs) or Planning for Development maps, which were produced between 1975 and 1996 as part of 'geological background for planning and development' and preliminary sand and gravel projects carried out on behalf of the Department of the Environment, Scottish Development Department and the Scottish Office. - Industrial Minerals Assessment Unit (IMAU) Mineral Assessment Report maps, published between 1971 and 1985 by the Institute of Geological Sciences. - Oil-shale Seam Maps of the Lothians, published between 1977 and 1982 by the Institute of Geological Sciences (IGS) in Edinburgh.

  • A set of data arising from a detailed ecological survey of the native Scots Pine woodland habitats within Scotland. In all, 27 woods from throughout Scotland were identified as the major remaining native pinewoods, and within each wood 16 randomly selected 200m2 plots were surveyed (26 of the woods were surveyed in 1971, with 1 extra wood surveyed in 1972). Details about the trees, ground flora, soil, habitat types as well as general plot information were collected for each plot using standardized procedures and coding systems. The survey was carried out by the Nature Conservancy, a forerunner of the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. Full details about this dataset can be found at