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  • This dataset consists of computer code transcripts for two proprietary flood risk models from a study as part of the NERC Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme. This project was conceived in order to address the public controversies generated by the risk management strategies and forecasting technologies associated with diffuse environmental problems such as flooding and pollution. Environmental issues play an ever-increasing role in all of our daily lives. However, controversies surrounding many of these issues, and confusion surrounding the way in which they are reported, mean that sectors of the public risk becoming increasingly disengaged. To try to reverse this trend and regain public trust and engagement, this project aimed to develop a new approach to interdisciplinary environmental science, involving non-scientists throughout the process. Examining the relationship between science and policy, and in particular how to engage the public with scientific research findings, a major diffuse environmental management issue was chosen as a focus - flooding. As part of this approach, non-scientists were recruited alongside the investigators in forming Competency Groups - an experiment in democratising science. The Competency Groups were composed of researchers and laypeople for whom flooding is a matter of particular concern. The groups worked together to share different perspectives - on why flooding is a problem, on the role of science in addressing the problem, and on new ways of doing science together. We aimed to achieve four substantive contributions to knowledge: 1. To analyse how the knowledge claims and modelling technologies of hydrological science are developed and put into practice by policy makers and commercial organisations (such as insurance companies) in flood risk management. 2. To develop an integrated model for forecasting the in-river and floodplain effects of rural land management practices. 3. To experiment with a new approach to public engagement in the production of interdisciplinary environmental science, involving the use of Competency Groups. 4. To evaluate this new approach to doing public science differently and to identify lessons learnt that can be exported beyond this particular project to other fields of knowledge controversy. This dataset consists of computer code transcripts for two proprietary flood risk models. Flood risk and modelling interview transcripts from this study are available at the UK Data Archive under study number 6620 (see online resources). Further documentation for this study may be found through the RELU Knowledge Portal and the project's ESRC funding award web page (see online resources).

  • The R code "carbon_stock_calculations.R" estimates aboveground carbon stocks for 49 plots in 14 fragmented forest sites and 4 continuous forest sites in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, using the vegetation dataset 'Vegetation and habitat data for fragmented and continuous forest sites in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, 2017'. The 14 fragmented sites were all in Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil-certified oil palm plantations, and are hereafter termed 'conservation set-asides'. The code also estimates the aboveground carbon stocks of oil palm plantations for comparison. The R code "analyses_and_figures.R" runs analyses and makes figures of aboveground carbon stocks and associated plant diversity for these sites, as presented in Fleiss et al. (2020) This R code was created in order to investigate the following: (1) to establish the value of conservation set-asides for increasing oil palm plantation aboveground carbon stocks; (2) to establish whether set-asides with high aboveground carbon stocks can have co-benefits for plant diversity; (3) to compare the carbon stocks and vegetation structure of conservation set-asides with that of continuous forest, including assessing tree regeneration potential by examining variation in seedling density; (4) to examine potential drivers of variation in aboveground carbon stocks of conservation set-asides (topography, degree of fragmentation, and soil parameters); (5) to scale-up the estimates of the aboveground carbon stocks of conservation set-asides, in order to predict average carbon stocks of oil palm plantations with and without set-asides, and for varying coverage of set-asides across the plantation. Full details about this application can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/9ff5cdca-b504-4994-8b07-5912ee6aff47

  • This model combines the carbon footprint of a reforestation project in the Peruvian amazon with a biomass model of the growing trees and a soil carbon model. The script aims at estimating the net carbon capture potential of a growing forest located in the Peruvian amazon and on degraded sandy soil only. It compares the emissions associated with setting up a reforestation plot (from seed reception to seedling transplant) with the expected carbon capture by the growing trees and increased soil carbon stock at a desired timescale. The model includes the production, use, and degradation of biochar. This model was produced within the Soils-R-GGREAT project, funded by NERC. Full details about this application can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/ef45a7de-035a-486c-9cef-ee7f78a8efcf

  • This model code for object oriented data analysis of surface motion time series in peatland landscapes provides the procedure to assess peatland condition using object oriented data analysis. The model code assesses peatland condition according to which cluster each surface motion time series is assigned, based on key measures capturing differences between the time series. It can be run on any machine with R. Full details about this application can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/dbdb9f19-c039-4a73-b590-e1acc7f79df4

  • This package contains a number of functions required to predict spatial patterns of encounter rate, the probability of encountering the species on a survey visit under specified conditions, around the south west (Cornwall) coast. Full details about this application can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/1b9a9a48-0402-4839-9e8a-3d8c4bc35154

  • This dataset contains the stochastic Rainfall and Weather GENerator (RWGEN) model and observational historical climate inputs for UK applications. The model simulates one or more stochastic realisations of any length for rainfall (mm), temperature (°C) and potential evapotranspiration (mm) at hourly or longer timesteps. RWGEN can be used for single site or spatial simulations of historical/reference or perturbed/future climate. The model version in this dataset is a snapshot of the RWGEN Github repository, which contains new releases and developments: https://github.com/rwgen1/rwgen. The observational climate inputs consist of historical hourly rainfall and daily weather time series for selected UK Met Office (UKMO) station locations. The historical time series are derived from the UKMO Met Office Integrated Data Archive System (MIDAS) Open datasets for the period 1853 to 2020. These time series can be used to train the RWGEN model for UK locations or catchments. Note that the data coverage is not consistent throughout the 1853-2020 period, with lower data availability prior to the mid-twentieth century. A user may also choose to use alternative data for model input. Full details about this application can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/44c577d3-665f-40de-adce-74ecad7b304a

  • This application is an implementation of the Ecological Risk due to Flow Alteration (ERFA) method in R language. This method assesses the potential impact of flow change on river ecosystems. Although the code was developed with a geographical focus on southeast Asia (example datasets are provided for the Mekong River Basin), it can be applied for any location where baseline and scenario monthly river flow time series are available. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Full details about this application can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/98ec8073-7ebd-44e5-aca4-ebcdefa9d044

  • This is a theoretical model of leadership in warfare by exploitative individuals who reap the benefits of conflict while avoiding the costs. In this model we extend the classic hawk-dove model to consider pairwise interactions between groups in which a randomly chosen leader decides whether the group will collectively adopt aggressive or peaceful tactics. We allow for unequal sharing of fitness payoffs among group members such that the leader can obtain either a larger share of the benefits, or pay a reduced share of costs, from fighting compared to their followers. Our model shows that leadership of this kind can explain the evolution of severe collective violence in certain animal societies. Full details about this application can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/7aab999e-cef9-41c2-8400-63f10af798ec

  • This code: (1) Generates equilibrium genotype frequency values. This is provided in the "Script_to_generate_equilibrium_genotype_frequencies.m" script. (2) Tests our relatedness expression with simulated data. This is provided in the "Comparison_of_simulated_and_expected_relatedness.m" script. Full details about this application can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/07af78a7-4022-43b1-b85f-b31caf596362

  • This resource comprises two Jupyter notebooks that includes the model code in python to train a random forest model to predict long-term seasonal nitrate and orthophosphate concentrations at each river reach in Great Britain. The input features considered are catchment descriptors and land cover matched to the reaches. The training data is obtained from the Environmental Agency Water Quality Archive, 2010-2020. This method provides an effective way to map water quality data from stations to the river network. A live demo of a web application to visualize the dataset can be viewed at https://moisture-wqmlviewer.datalabs.ceh.ac.uk/wqml_viewer Full details about this application can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/ba208b6c-6f1a-43b1-867d-bc1adaff6445