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This dataset provides the location details of Environmental Change Network (ECN) sites from which data are collected. There are 12 terrestrial sites and 45 freshwater sites. Sites range from upland to lowland, moor land to chalk grassland, small ponds and streams to large rivers and lakes. ECN is the UK's long-term environmental monitoring programme. A wide range of integrated physical, chemical and biological variables which drive and respond to environmental change are collated, quality controlled and made freely available for scientific research. The data form an important evidence base for UK environmental policy development. ECN is a multi-agency programme sponsored by a consortium of fourteen government departments and agencies. These organisations contribute to the programme through funding either site monitoring and/or network co-ordination activities. These organisations are: Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru - Natural Resources Wales, Defence Science & Technology Laboratory, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Environment Agency, Forestry Commission, Llywodraeth Cymru - Welsh Government, Natural England, Natural Environment Research Council, Northern Ireland Environment Agency, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Scottish Government and Scottish Natural Heritage.
This dataset contains operational taxonomic units for epilithon (water samples): Approximate location of sampling sites was determined from maps to provide good spatial coverage of the Wold River through to the Tamar River. Exact sites were determined in the field, considering accessibility and other logistics. The exact location of each sample site was determined using a Garmin GPS12. Three stones were taken from each of the 20 locations and epilithon removed from a defined area. Samples were kept in the cold and removed to the laboratory for analyses. DNA was extracted from all soil and epilithon samples using the MOBIO Powersoil 96 well DNA extraction kit. DNA was quality checked for purity and yield prior to submission for 454 pyrosequencing to assess both bacterial and eukaryotic biodiversity within each sample. Following bioinformatic sequence processing, sequencing were clustered into operational taxonomic units (OTU) and the data tables display the percentage of each OTU within each sample. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/16649ff0-af24-41b0-bcb4-15e610dac170
Data are of speed and accuracy of decision making in stickleback fish of different personalities. A laboratory population of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) were repeatedly tested in a T-maze. The work was carried out between March 2012 and February 2013 at The Structure and Motion Laboratory, Royal Veterinary College. The work was funded by a BBSRC studentship, NERC ( grant NE/H016600/2 Does diversity deliver? How variation in individual knowledge and behavioural traits impact on the performance of animal groups) and The Royal Society (RG 110401) All animal care and experimental procedures described here were approved as non-regulatory procedures by the Ethics and Welfare Committee of the Royal Veterinary College, London (URN 2011 1084). Full details about this nonGeographicDataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/1ed2ab55-0688-4513-be9a-f9f0f21d2788
This web map service presents modelled estimates of soil pH, carbon concentration (g kg-1), nitrogen concentration (% dry weight soil) and invertebrate density (individuals m-2) at 1km2 resolution across Great Britain. A Generalized Additive Model approach was used with Countryside Survey soil data from 2007 and including climate, atmospheric deposition, habitat, soil and spatial predictors. The models are based on data from Countryside Survey sample locations across Great Britain and are representative of 0-8cm soil depth for invertebrates and 0-15 cm soil depth for other variables. The Countryside Survey looks at a range of physical, chemical and biological properties of the topsoil from a representative sample of habitats across the UK. Loss-on-ignition (LOI) was determined by combustion of 10g dry soil at 375 degrees Celsius for 16 hours; carbon concentration was estimated by multiplying LOI by a factor of 0.55. Soil N concentration was determined using a total elemental analyser. Soil pH was measured using 10g of field moist soil with 25ml de-ionised water giving a ratio of soil to water of 1:2.5 by weight. Soil invertebrates were extracted from cores using a dry Tullgren extraction method and enumerated by microscope
The dataset consists of ACi (net CO2 assimilation rate, A, versus calculated substomatal CO2 concentration, Ci) curve data from an ozone experiment during which Trifolium repens and Lolium perenne were exposed as both monocultures and two-species mixtures to an episodic rural ozone regime in large, well-watered containers within solardomes for 12 weeks. Treatments were elevated ozone (AOT40 (Accumulated Ozone Threshold exposure of 40 parts per billion) of 12.86 ppm h) or control conditions (AOT40 of 0.02 ppm h). ACi curves were carried out mid-way and at the end of the exposure period using a Portable Photosynthesis System, CIRAS (PP-Systems) to calculate the photosynthetic parameters Jmax (maximum rate of photosynthetic electron transport) and Vcmax (maximum rate of Rubisco carboxylase activity). The observed decreases in photosynthetic efficiency and capacity in elevated ozone indicate that the ability of such ubiquitous vegetation to act as a sink for atmospheric carbon may be reduced in future climates. The experiment was carried out at the CEH Bangor Air Pollution Facility. This work was funded by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Integrating Fund Initiative. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/f14b9056-ccc0-4887-812e-c004f613a138
The data are biomass and ozone-injury data for white clover (Trifolium repens). Dataset concerns a 2014 study on the effects of Jasmonic acid/cutting in modulating the response of clover to ozone. A short-term (4-week) ozone-exposure experiment was conducted in 2014 to investigate the interactive effects of cutting on ozone-induced responses in white clover (Trifolium repens). A strong interaction was found in root biomass and root nodule biomass in cut white clover plants in a high ozone background (45-67 parts per billion (ppb) treatment mean), suggesting ozone-impacts on root nodule biomass occur through limitation of carbon availability. The work was carried out as part of a NERC funded PhD. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/10c6df00-c7ef-444b-951f-33a2c0072bec
Data includes raw shoot biomass and yield, production and gas exchange, nodulation and N-fixation and forage quality data, including relative and consumable food values. The impacts of ozone on the growth and functioning of high-sugar ryegrass pasture mesocosms was assessed in year 2013. Pasture mesocosms, containing perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L) and white clover (Trifolium repens L), were grown in the early spring and exposed to ozone in solardomes from late April 2013 to the end of September 2013. Ozone (30, 35, 40, 45, 52, 67 parts per billion (ppb) treatment means) had a large effect on the pasture mesocosms. The work was carried out as part of a NERC funded PhD. Project number NEC04456. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/e0bcdc39-ab79-413c-bf76-d6ffbc510f15
This dataset contains operational taxonomic units for epilithon eukaryotes (water samples): Approximate location of sampling sites was determined from maps to provide good spatial coverage of the Wolf River through to the Tamar River. Exact sites were determined in the field, considering accessibility and other logistics. The exact location of each sample site was determined using a Garmin GPS12. Three stones were taken from each of the 20 locations and epilithon removed from a defined area. Samples were kept in the cold and removed to the laboratory for analyses. DNA was extracted from all soil and epilithon samples using the MOBIO Powersoil 96 well DNA extraction kit. DNA was quality checked for purity and yield prior to submission for 454 pyrosequencing to assess both bacterial and eukaryotic biodiversity within each sample. Following bioinformatic sequence processing, sequencing were clustered into operational taxonomic units (OTU) and the data tables display the percentage of each OTU within each sample. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/18023db5-25d8-44f7-b291-61869f937367
The dataset consists of proportions of ozone injured or senesced leaves from a study which investigated how the presence of competing species in a community affects these two common responses to ozone. Monocultures and mixtures of Trifolium repens and Lolium perenne were grown in large containers and were exposed in solardomes to either a rural episodic ozone profile (AOT40 (Accumulated Ozone Threshold exposure of 40 parts per billion) of 12.86 ppm h) or control conditions (AOT40 of 0.02 ppm h) for 12 weeks. The proportion of ozone-injured or senesced leaves was determined in different regions of the canopy, the upper canopy (>14cm high), the canopy edge and the inner canopy, by separating injured/senesced leaves from healthy leaves. The experiment was carried out at the CEH Bangor Air Pollution Facility. This work was funded by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Integrating Fund Initiative Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/bc4d0325-b67b-4fff-a14b-6e06edf397bd
A dataset of historical sediment Carbon and Nitrogen isotope measurements from lake cores (n=95) spanning the range of lake types and catchments found across the UK. These data have been obtained from the Environmental Change Research Centre (ECRC) lake sediment core archive with well-resolved time intervals (1850, 1900, 1980 and present) determined by radiometric dating (210Pb; 137Cs). This data has been collated to investigate historical sources and accumulation of C and N in lakes. This dataset provides historical data for hydrological / nutrient modelling from the Long Term Large Scale (LTLS) Project in the NERC Macronutrients programme. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/4b53b1d7-f290-4b47-97e9-9f9ec79f3003