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This is a 25m pixel data set representing the land surface of Great Britain, classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. It is a three-band raster in GeoTiff format, produced by rasterising three properties of the classified land parcels dataset. The first band gives the most likely land cover type; the second band gives the per-parcel probability of the land cover, the third band is a measure of parcel purity. The probability and purity bands (scaled 0 to 100) combine to give an indication of uncertainty. A full description of this and all UKCEH LCM2022 products are available from the LCM2022 product documentation. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/c9449bf5-b8f6-4a1c-b3eb-0d70575cba39
This 1 km summary pixel data set represents the land surface of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, classified using two classification schemas, target and aggregate classes. The target class schema comprise 21 UKCEH land cover classes based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. The aggregate class schema comprises 10 aggregate classes that are groupings of the 21 target classes. The aggregate classes group some of the more specialised target classes into more general classes. For example, the five coastal classes in the target class are grouped into a single aggregate class. The 1km percentage product provides the percentage cover for each of the 21 land cover classes for 1km x 1km pixels. This product contains one band per habitat class, producing 21 and 10 band images for the target and aggregate class products respectively. The 1km dominant coverage product is based on the 1km percentage product, and reports the land cover class with the highest percentage cover for each 1km pixel. A full description of this and all UKCEH LCM2023 products are available from the LCM2023 product documentation accompanying this dataset. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/96bc980a-31b4-4d1b-87e9-007d4932a56b
[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. Land Cover Map 2007 (LCM2007) is a parcel-based thematic classification of satellite image data covering the entire United Kingdom. The map updates and upgrades the Land Cover Map of Great Britain (LCMGB) 1990 and LCM2000. Like the earlier 1990 and 2000 products, LCM2007 is derived from a computer classification of satellite scenes obtained mainly from Landsat, IRS and SPOT sensors. It also covers Northern Ireland and incorporates information derived from other ancillary datasets. LCM2007 was classified using a nomenclature corresponding to Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) Broad Habitats, which encompasses the entire range of UK habitats. In addition, it recorded further detail where possible, incorporating land cover classes sought by other users. LCM2007 is produced in both vector and raster formats, with a number of different versions containing varying levels of detail and at different spatial resolutions. This dataset consists of 1km raster, dominant aggregate class (aggregation of Target Classes). Northern Ireland only. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/ef1cbd8a-9c8e-4ddc-90e6-360b1c7cae50
This 1 km summary pixel data set represents the land surface of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, classified using two classification schemas: target and aggregate classes. The target class schema comprise 21 UKCEH land cover classes based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. The aggregate class schema comprises 10 aggregate classes that are groupings of the 21 target classes. The aggregate classes group some of the more specialised target classes into more general classes. For example, the five coastal classes in the target class are grouped into a single aggregate class. The 1km percentage products describe percentage cover for each of the 21 land cover classes for 1km x 1km pixels. These contain one band per habitat class, producing 21 images for the target class product and 10 images for the aggregate class product. The 1km dominant coverage products are based on the 1km percentage products, and describe the land cover class with the highest percentage cover for each 1km pixel. A full description of these and all UKCEH LCM2020 products are available from the LCM2020 product documentation which accompanies the data. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/d6f8c045-521b-476e-b0d6-b3b97715c138
This is a 25m pixel data set representing the land surface of Northern Ireland, classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. It is a three-band raster in GeoTiff format, produced by rasterising three properties of the classified land parcels dataset. The first band gives the most likely land cover type; the second band gives the per-parcel probability of the land cover, the third band is a measure of parcel purity. The probability and purity bands (scaled 0 to 100) combine to give an indication of uncertainty. A full description of this and all UKCEH LCM2020 products are available from the LCM2020 product documentation. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/c1d73bd3-33aa-4a5f-aac5-47c403c2a0e6
This dataset comprises four RGB unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images collected in September 2020 of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) forest within core protected areas of the UNESCO Rhӧn Biosphere Reserve, Germany. The study forests were subject to the extreme drought event that impacted central Europe in 2018/2019 and this project sought to collect data to enable the analysis of individual tree and stand level response (canopy damage and defoliation) of European beech trees to extreme drought events. The RGB images available in this dataset have approx. 3cm pixel size with an associated 10cm pixel digital elevation model (DEM) and are suitable for identifying individual trees and the degree of canopy damage (defoliation, discolouration, and mortality) sustained by individuals/stands within the forest. The work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council (Grant NE/V00929X/1). Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/b2d17962-3c7f-4193-a180-cde885d1a83e
This dataset consists of a 1km resolution raster version of the Land Cover Map 2000 for Great Britain. The raster consists of 27 bands. Within each band, each 1km pixel represents a percentage cover value for one of 27 target (or 'sub') classes, roughly representing Broad Habitats. [Note subclass codes are numbered 0-26 but the raster bands are numbered 1-27; therefore each band relates to the one below it in the subclass code list (e.g. band 1 = unclassified, 2 = Sea/Estuary, 3 = inland water, etc] The dataset is part of a series of data products produced by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology known as LCM2000. LCM2000 is a parcel-based thematic classification of satellite image data covering the entire United Kingdom. The map updates and upgrades the Land Cover Map of Great Britain (LCMGB). Like the earlier 1990 products, LCM2000 is derived from a computer classification of satellite scenes obtained mainly from Landsat, IRS and SPOT sensors and also incorporates information derived from other ancillary datasets. LCM2000 was classified using a nomenclature corresponding to the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) Broad Habitats, which encompasses the entire range of UK habitats. In addition, it recorded further detail where possible. The series of LCM2000 products includes vector and raster formats, with a number of different versions containing varying levels of detail and at different spatial resolutions. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/d5ee5360-12c5-448c-9d2b-f5c941fe3948
This dataset consists of the 25m raster version of the Land Cover Map 2015 (LCM2015) for Great Britain. The 25m raster product consists of two bands: Band 1 - raster representation of the majority (dominant) class per polygon for 21 target habitat classes; Band 2 - mean per polygon probability as reported by the Random Forest classifier (see supporting information). The 21 target classes are based on the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) Broad Habitats, which encompass the entire range of UK habitats. This dataset is derived from the vector version of the Land Cover Map, which contains individual parcels of land cover and is the highest available spatial resolution. The 25m raster is the most detailed of the LCM2015 raster products both thematically and spatially, and it is used to derive the 1km products. LCM2015 is a land cover map of the UK which was produced at the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology by classifying satellite images from 2014 and 2015 into 21 Broad Habitat-based classes. LCM2015 consists of a range of raster and vector products and users should familiarise themselves with the full range (see related records, the CEH web site and the LCM2015 Dataset documentation) to select the product most suited to their needs. LCM2015 was produced at the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology by classifying satellite images from 2014 and 2015 into 21 Broad Habitat-based classes. It is one of a series of land cover maps, produced by UKCEH since 1990. They include versions in 1990, 2000, 2007, 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2019. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/bb15e200-9349-403c-bda9-b430093807c7
This dataset consists of the 1km raster, dominant target class version of the Land Cover Map 1990 (LCM1990) for Great Britain. The 1km dominant coverage product is based on the 1km percentage product and reports the habitat class with the highest percentage cover for each 1km pixel. The 21 target classes are based on the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) Broad Habitats, which encompass the entire range of UK habitats. This dataset is derived from the vector version of the Land Cover Map, which contains individual parcels of land cover and is the highest available spatial resolution. LCM1990 is a land cover map of the UK which was produced at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology by classifying satellite images (mainly from 1989 and 1990) into 21 Broad Habitat-based classes. It is the first in a series of land cover maps for the UK, which also includes maps for 2000, 2007, 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2019. LCM1990 consists of a range of raster and vector products and users should familiarise themselves with the full range (see related records, the UKCEH web site and the LCM1990 Dataset documentation) to select the product most suited to their needs. This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council award number NE/R016429/1 as part of the UK-SCAPE programme delivering National Capability. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/f5e3bd00-efd0-4dc6-a454-aa597d84764a
[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. Land Cover Map 2007 (LCM2007) is a parcel-based thematic classification of satellite image data covering the entire United Kingdom. The map updates and upgrades the Land Cover Map of Great Britain (LCMGB) 1990 and LCM2000. Like the earlier 1990 and 2000 products, LCM2007 is derived from a computer classification of satellite scenes obtained mainly from Landsat, IRS and SPOT sensors. It also covers Northern Ireland and incorporates information derived from other ancillary datasets. LCM2007 was classified using a nomenclature corresponding to Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) Broad Habitats, which encompasses the entire range of UK habitats. In addition, it recorded further detail where possible, incorporating land cover classes sought by other users. LCM2007 is produced in both vector and raster formats, with a number of different versions containing varying levels of detail and at different spatial resolutions. This dataset consists of the 1km raster, percentage Aggregate Class. Great Britain only. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/3f3fa303-d019-4b28-ad79-9a45f8ee04d0