Land use maps under the trend, expansion, sustainability, and conservation scenarios in 2030 in the Luanhe River Basin, China by using the CLUMondo Model
Dataset contains the Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) map under four scenarios (Trend, Expansion, Sustainability, and Conservation) in 2030 in the Luanhe River Basin (LRB), China, with a resolution of 1km. The scenarios were based on different socio-economic development and environmental protection targets, local plans and policies, and the information from a stakeholders’ workshop, to explore land system evolution trajectories of the LRB and major challenges that the river basin may face in the future. The map includes nine different land use classes: 1) Extensive cropland, 2) Medium intensive cropland, 3) Intensive cropland, 4) Forest, 5) Grassland with low livestock, 6) Grassland with high livestock, 7) Water, 8) Built-up area and 9) Unused land. The land system classification is based on three main classification factors: (1) land use and cover, (2) livestock, and (3) agricultural intensity. The data was funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) through the Natural Environment Research Council’s (NERC) Towards a Sustainable Earth (TaSE) programme, for the project "River basins as 'living laboratories' for achieving sustainable development goals across national and sub-national scales" (Grant no. NE/S012427/1) . Full details about this dataset can be found at
- Date (Publication)
- 2021-07-06
- Identifier
- doi: / 10.5285/a94640dc-fe21-4c38-936b-d62dfca0c952
- Other citation details
- Xu, J., Renaud, F.G., Barrett, B. (2021). Land use maps under the trend, expansion, sustainability, and conservation scenarios in 2030 in the Luanhe River Basin, China by using the CLUMondo Model. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre 10.5285/a94640dc-fe21-4c38-936b-d62dfca0c952
School of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Glasgow
Xu, J.
School of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Glasgow
Renaud, F.G.
School of Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow
Barrett, B.
- Access constraints
- otherRestrictions Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- no limitations
- Use constraints
- otherRestrictions Other restrictions
- Use constraints
- otherRestrictions Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- If you reuse this data, you should cite: Xu, J., Renaud, F.G., Barrett, B. (2021). Land use maps under the trend, expansion, sustainability, and conservation scenarios in 2030 in the Luanhe River Basin, China by using the CLUMondo Model. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
- Spatial representation type
- vector Vector
- Distance
- 1000 urn:ogc:def:uom:EPSG::9001
- Metadata language
- EnglishEnglish
- Character set
- utf8 UTF8
- Topic category
- Environment
- Imagery base maps earth cover
- Begin date
- 2030-01-01
- End date
- 2030-12-31
- Unique resource identifier
- WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator
- Distribution format
- OnLine resource
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- OnLine resource
Supporting information
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- Hierarchy level
- dataset Dataset
- Other
- dataset
Conformance result
- Date (Publication)
- 2010-12-08
- Statement
- The map was developed based on three steps: First, land systems of the Luanhe River Basin (LRB) in the years 2000 and 2015 were mapped by integrating different datasets related to human-environment attributes. Then, the relationship between the land systems and local explanatory factors was calculated for the initial year (2000). Second, the CLUMondo model was parameterised and calibrated based on the 2015 land systems map. Finally, changes in the land systems from 2015 to 2030 were simulated under different scenarios, including alternative sets of demands for commodities and services and represented different pathways on managing LRB’s land resources.
- File identifier
- a94640dc-fe21-4c38-936b-d62dfca0c952 XML
- Metadata language
- EnglishEnglish
- Character set
- ISO/IEC 8859-1 (also known as Latin 1) 8859 Part 1
- Hierarchy level
- dataset Dataset
- Hierarchy level name
- dataset
- Date stamp
- 2024-03-04T17:09:51
- Metadata standard name
- Metadata standard version
- 2.3
Point of contact
NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre
Lancaster Environment Centre, Library Avenue, Bailrigg
Spatial extent
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