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  • This dataset comprises 259 smallholder agricultural field surveys collected from twenty-six villages across three Districts in Mozambique, Africa. Surveys were conducted in ten fields in each of six villages in Mabalane District, Gaza Province, ten villages in Marrupa District, Niassa Province, and ten villages in Gurue District, Zambezia Province. Data were collected in Mabalane between May-Sep 2014, Marrupa between May-Aug 2015, and Gurue between Sep-Dec 2015. Fields were selected based on their age, location, and status as an active field at the time of the survey (i.e. no fallow fields were sampled). Structured interviews using questionnaires were conducted with each farmer to obtain information about current management practices (e.g. use of inputs, tilling, fire and residue management), age of the field, crops planted, crop yields, fallow cycles, floods, erosion and other problems such as crop pests and wild animals. The survey also includes qualitative observations about the fields at the time of the interview, including standing live trees and cropping systems. This dataset was collected as part of the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) funded ACES project , which aims to understand how changing land use impacts on ecosystem services and human wellbeing of the rural poor in Mozambique. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset contains information on soil physico-chemical characteristics and palm nutrient concentrations collected in 2019 across twenty-five smallholder oil palm farms in Perak, Malaysia. Leaf and rachis were sampled from 3 palms within each plot. Soils were sampled to 30cm depth in the palm circle of the same 3 palms and the adjacent inter-row area. These data were collected to assess the soil condition and nutritional status of oil palms across smallholder farms. This information was used to advise on best agronomic practice. The work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council (Grant No. 355 NE/R000131/1). Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset includes values of 15 traits (total dry mass; root length to shoot length ratio; leaf mass fraction; root mass fraction; shoot mass fraction; leaf thickness; leaf force to punch; leaf area to shoot area ratio; leaf concentrations of N, P, K, Ca and Mg; leaf N: P concentration ratio; specific maximum root length) measured in February 2020 on 394 seedlings of 15 woody plant species growing in logged in the Ulu Segama Forest Reserve or unlogged forest in the Danum Valley Conservation Area, Malaysia. The purpose of this data collection was to determine whether the expression of plant functional traits differed between tree seedlings recruited into logged and unlogged forests. This information is important for understanding the drivers of variation in seedling growth and survival in response to logging disturbance, and to uncover the mechanisms giving rise to differentiation in tree seedling composition in response to logging. These data were collected as part of NERC project “Seeing the fruit for the trees in Borneo: responding to an unpredictable community-level fruiting event” (NE/T006560/1). Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset includes results from biodiversity, social and environmental surveys of 46 oil palm smallholders and farms in Riau, Indonesia. Biodiversity data includes: pitfall trap data on arthropod abundance and higher-level order identification, sticky trap data on flying invertebrate abundance (identified to higher-level order), transect data on assassin bugs, Nephila spp. spiders and butterflies (identified to species), counts of insects visiting oil palm inflorescences if any open (identified to Elaeidobius kamerunicus and higher-level orders for other groups) and data on meal worm removal from each plot. Environmental data includes: soil temperature readings recorded over 24 hours, information on size of plot, crop type and cover, GPS location, vegetation cover, vegetation height, canopy density, epiphyte cover, soil pH, soil moisture, leaf litter depth, horizon depths, palm herbivory and palm health. Social data includes information (all anonymised) on: plot area, number of palms, sociodemographic data, plantation management practices applied, knowledge and value assigned to wildlife, and yield. Data were collected from November 2021 to June 2022. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This data were created as part of the NIMFRU project and consists of 21 flood matrices. These have been completed by community members from the project target communities of Anyangabella, Agule and Kaikamosing which are all found in the Katakwi district. Five of the matrices were completed by local district officers. The data were collected in December 2020. These data were collected to understand how communities resilience had changed as a result of the NIMFRU project. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset is a product of the raw HEA (household economy approach) data that were collected in sixteen communities in the Katakwi district, and the raw IHM (individual household method) data that was collected with 42 households in the community of Anyangabella, and 51 households in the community of Kaikamosing. These data were collected in December 2020 and shows the crop calendars of the Katakwi district. These data consist of quantitative information relating to crop and fishing production timelines throughout a typical agricultural year. The data were collected to support the analysis of vulnerability levels of different to further support livelihood impact modelling, and the development of targeted policies to support resilience at household and community level. The data collection team comprised of local, Ugandan partners. All data were collected in the local language and translated into English. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • [This dataset is embargoed until December 15, 2025]. This data set represents field-based monitoring of insect pollinator communities found within soya (Glycine max L. Merril) crops located along a latitudinal gradient ranging from -37.669486 to -24.495121 covering both Argentina and Brazil. Yield data was also collected from these same sites to elucidate the dependencies of this crop on insect pollination with a focus on managed and wild pollinators. Data was collected over multiple seasons between 2020 and 2022. Soybean is one of the most traded agricultural commodities and is of significant economic importance in South America. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset holds survey data of individual farming households in the Terai region in Nepal relating to their nitrogen use. The survey was conducted in 2022 and the questions covered two seasons (summer and winter) asked at a single visit in the summer season. The questions on the winter season were based on recall. The data cover the following topics: household characteristics, general farm characteristics, plot characteristics, crop production and harvest, synthetic and organic fertilizer use and compost production, labour, irrigation, pesticides, livestock, information sources, drivers of and barriers to adoption of sustainable practices, attitude, behaviour, perception and opinion, household expenditure and income, household asset and wealth, subsidies. The data were collected primarily to assess differences in nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and sustainable nitrogen practices between households. The data also aim to enhance understanding of farmers’ attitudes, opinion and decision making affecting NUE in crop production and farm related factors which enable adoption of sustainable practices. The data are part of a wider SANH (South Asian Nitrogen Hub) harmonised household survey covering Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • The dataset contains greenhouse gas fluxes (N2O, CO2 and CH4) following artificial and real sheep urine applied to organic soils within the Carneddau mountain range (556 m a.s.l.) in Snowdonia National Park, North Wales, UK. The study was conducted across two contrasting seasons (summer and autumn). Soil greenhouse gas emission data was collected using a combination of automated chambers and manually sampled chambers, with gas samples analysed via gas chromatography. Supporting data include characterisation of the soil properties at each site, meteorological data, soil moisture and soil chemistry on a time-series following treatment application. The data were used to calculate sheep urine patch N2O-N emission factors, to improve estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from sheep urine deposited to extensively grazed montane agroecosystems. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset contains responses from an online choice experiment with associated socio-economic covariates on the topic of environmental land management schemes. Sample: 348 farmers based in the north of England in 2022. Full details about this dataset can be found at