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  • Global Coordination of Atmospheric Electricity Measurements (GloCAEM) project brought these experts together to make the first steps towards an effective global network for FW atmospheric electricity monitoring by holding workshops to discuss measurement practises and instrumentation, as well as establish recording and archiving procedures to archive electric field data in a standardised, easily accessible format, then by creating a central data repository. This project was funded in the UK under NERC grant NE/N013689/1. This dataset contains measurements of atmospheric electricity and electric potential gradient made using a Cambell Scientific CS110 electric-field mill at Liberec Duba Panska Ves.

  • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Data Distribution Centre provides four main types of data and guidance: 1. Observed Climate Data Sets; 2. Global Climate Model Data; 3. Socio-economic data and scenarios; 4. Data and scenarios for other environmental changes.

  • Global Coordination of Atmospheric Electricity Measurements (GloCAEM) project brought these experts together to make the first steps towards an effective global network for FW atmospheric electricity monitoring by holding workshops to discuss measurement practises and instrumentation, as well as establish recording and archiving procedures to archive electric field data in a standardised, easily accessible format, then by creating a central data repository. This project was funded in the UK under NERC grant NE/N013689/1. This dataset contains measurements of atmospheric electricity and electric potential gradient made using a Cambell Scientific CS110 electric-field mill at Graciosa Azores.

  • Global Coordination of Atmospheric Electricity Measurements (GloCAEM) project brought these experts together to make the first steps towards an effective global network for FW atmospheric electricity monitoring by holding workshops to discuss measurement practises and instrumentation, as well as establish recording and archiving procedures to archive electric field data in a standardised, easily accessible format, then by creating a central data repository. This project was funded in the UK under NERC grant NE/N013689/1. This dataset contains measurements of atmospheric electricity and electric potential gradient made using a Cambell Scientific CS110 electric-field mill at Negev Mitzpe_Ramon.

  • The object of the scoping study was to assess the feasibility of creating a BGS International Minerals Data Library by first reviewing the nature and extent of minerals-related data holdings accumulated by BGS overseas projects in the last 35 years. Other important considerations such as data quality, utility and ownership are also addressed. Minerals-related information is regarded as geological, geochemical and geophysical data which have relevance in mineral exploration, prospect assessment, resource evaluation and ore deposit exploitation. This includes surveys and multidisciplinary studies on all scales and covering a wide range of disciplines/methodologies. The only aspects that are specifically excluded from the inventory are those projects that deal solely with hydrogeological investigations, development of hardware, software and laboratory techniques, training, institutional restructuring and management. This report lists the information holdings and their various formats summarised on a geographical basis and puts forward a proposal for the development of a digital BGS International Minerals Data Library for Industry and Government.

  • Data identifying linear features (shown as polylines) representing geological faults at the ground or bedrock surface (beneath superficial deposits). The scale of the data is 1:625 000 scale providing a simplified interpretation of the linear features and may be used as a guide at a regional or national level, but should not be relied on for local geology. Onshore coverage is provided for all of England, Wales, Scotland, the Isle of Man and Northern Ireland. Geological faults occur where a body of bedrock has been fractured and displaced by large scale processes affecting the earth's crust (tectonic forces). The digital data are attributed by fault type; two categories of fault are described in the data: fault at rockhead (representing normal dip-slip and strike-slip faults) and thrust fault (representing faults caused by compressive forces). The data has been generalised and shows only the location of major faults. The data are available in vector format (containing the geometry of each feature linked to a database record describing their attributes) as ESRI shapefiles and are delivered free of charge under the terms of the Open Government Licence.

  • The collection comprises plans of mine workings for ironstone, fireclay, limestone, baryte and metalliferous minerals for Scotland dating from 1872 onwards deposited on abandonment of a mine in compliance with the coal and metalliferous mines regulation acts. The plans are held on behalf of the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) and total about 610 plans. Indexed in the BGS Plans Database Index. As the collection relates to plans of mines abandoned after the 1872 Act, the holdings are fairly complete after this date. The Metalliferous Mines Act originally applied only to mines employing more than 12 men, (eg. some limestone mines). Where non-coal minerals were worked with coal, the abandonment plans are retained by the Coal Authority. Coal Authority also holds exclusively non-coal mine plans not covered by Mine Abandonment Plan collection. All non-confidential data held by NGRC Edinburgh (National Geological Records Centre). Mainly coalfield areas of Central Scotland with large collection relating to the Leadhills-Wanlockhead mining district.

  • This is a simple Oracle table holding sample numbers, locations (UK National Grid) and illite crystallinity values measured for pelitic (mudrock) samples from Lower Palaeozoic terranes in the UK. Though intended for use by a BGS collaborative project with Birkbeck College, London, data may be made available to others on request.

  • This document dataset contains original prints, on paper, sepia or film, of seismic reflection survey sections, dating from the 1960s. Most data are within the UK onshore area; although there are some UK near-shore and offshore (North Sea, Irish Sea) and foreign data. Most data were acquired for commercial hydrocarbon exploration and subsequently provided to BGS for use on specific projects. Some data were acquired by BGS and other public-sector bodies, e.g. BIRPS (British Institutions Reflection Profiling Syndicate), for academic research. This data set is a master set; copies must be used for interpretation purposes. Documents stored rolled in tubes, approximately 10 sections per tube, approx 850 tubes. The data are mostly concentrated in areas prospective for coal, oil and gas.

  • Radon is a natural radioactive gas, which enters buildings from the ground. The joint Public Health England (PHE) –British Geological Survey (BGS) digital Indicative Atlas of radon in Great Britain presents an overview of the results of detailed mapping of radon potential, defined as the estimated percentage of homes in an area above the radon Action Level. Exposure to high concentrations increases the risk of lung cancer. PHE (formerly the Health Protection Agency (HPA)) recommends that radon levels should be reduced in homes where the annual average is at or above 200 becquerels per cubic metre (200 Bq m-3). This is termed the Action Level. Public Health England defines radon Affected Areas as those with 1% chance or more of a house having a radon concentration at or above the Action Level of 200 Bq m-3. The Indicative Atlas of radon in Great Britain presents a simplified version of the radon potential for Great Britain with each 1-km grid square being classed according to the highest radon potential found within it, so is indicative rather than definitive. The joint PHE-BGS digital radon potential for Great Britain provides the current definitive map of radon Affected Areas in Great Britain. The Indicative Atlas of radon in Great Britain is published in two documents. The area of England and Wales is published in MILES J.C.H, APPLETON J.D, REES D.M, GREEN B.M.R, ADLAM K.A.M and MYERS, A.H., 2007. Indicative Atlas of Radon in England and Wales. ISBN: 978-0-85951-608-2. 29 pp). The corresponding publication for Scotland is MILES J.C.H, APPLETON J.D, REES D.M, ADLAM K.A.M, GREEN B.M.R, and SCHEIB, C., 2011. Indicative Atlas of Radon in Scotland.).