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NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre

2021 record(s)
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From 1 - 10 / 2021
  • This web map service presents modelled estimates of soil pH, carbon concentration (g kg-1), nitrogen concentration (% dry weight soil) and invertebrate density (individuals m-2) at 1km2 resolution across Great Britain. A Generalized Additive Model approach was used with Countryside Survey soil data from 2007 and including climate, atmospheric deposition, habitat, soil and spatial predictors. The models are based on data from Countryside Survey sample locations across Great Britain and are representative of 0-8cm soil depth for invertebrates and 0-15 cm soil depth for other variables. The Countryside Survey looks at a range of physical, chemical and biological properties of the topsoil from a representative sample of habitats across the UK. Loss-on-ignition (LOI) was determined by combustion of 10g dry soil at 375 degrees Celsius for 16 hours; carbon concentration was estimated by multiplying LOI by a factor of 0.55. Soil N concentration was determined using a total elemental analyser. Soil pH was measured using 10g of field moist soil with 25ml de-ionised water giving a ratio of soil to water of 1:2.5 by weight. Soil invertebrates were extracted from cores using a dry Tullgren extraction method and enumerated by microscope

  • This is a web map service (WMS) for the 10-metre Land Cover Map 2021. The map presents the and surface classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats.

  • This is a web map service (WMS) for the 10-metre Land Cover Map 2020. The map presents the and surface classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats. It is the first 10m resolution land cover map produced by UKCEH..

  • This web map service shows the suitability of climate conditions for infection of Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae across the UK. Suitability is mapped for individual years 2007 to 2011; the average and standard deviations for the whole period are also provided. The model is based on laboratory data of environmental responses of these pathogens and hourly temperature and relative humidity regimes in the period, and describes how many times infection could have been completed within running 48 hour periods through the year. This research was funded by the Scottish Government under research contract CR/2008/55, 'Study of the epidemiology of Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae in managed gardens and heathlands in Scotland' and involved collaborators from St Andrews University, Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture (SASA), Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), Forestry Commission, the Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA) and the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH).

  • This is a web map service (WMS) for the 10-metre Land Cover Map 2022. The map presents the and surface classified into 21 UKCEH land cover classes, based upon Biodiversity Action Plan broad habitats.

  • This web map service provides a 1km resolution gridded coverage of wooded areas in riparian zones (river- or streamsides) across Great Britain. The areas classified as riparian in this dataset are defined by a 50 metre buffer applied to the CEH 1:50000 watercourse network. Wooded areas within this zone are identified as those classified by the Land Cover Map of Great Britain 2007 as either coniferous or deciduous woodland. The data are aggregated to a 1km resolution.

  • This dataset is from a network of rain gauges located across the Pontbren study site in mid-Wales, UK. Rain gauges were installed at various locations across the site between 2005-2009 as part of the Pontbren Catchment Study Land Use and Management Multi-Scale Experimental Programme. Each sub-folder within the Pontbren Rain Gauge data set contains data for each of the different monitoring locations. Each location has a 0.2 mm tipping bucket rain gauge along with a storage gauge, apart from at the Bowl study site where only a tipping bucket rain gauge was installed. Tipping bucket rain gauges were connected to data loggers and the number of tips occurring in a 10 minute period recorded. This data is presented in mm of rainfall / day (mmd 1). Data are provided in the form of .txt files and the tipping bucket data is generally split into six-month blocks. Associated with each data point in the .txt file is a quality assurance code, QA code, in the adjacent column. Storage gauge data where it exists are presented in the form of mm of rainfall occurring between a start and finish time. Details of the dataset, the quality assurance coding system and monitoring locations are provided in the supporting documentation.

  • LCM2007 is a parcel-based thematic classification of satellite image data covering the entire United Kingdom. The map updates and upgrades the Land Cover Map of Great Britain (LCMGB) 1990 and LCM2000. Like the earlier 1990 and 2000 products, LCM2007 is derived from a computer classification of satellite scenes obtained mainly from Landsat, IRS and SPOT sensors. It also covers Northern Ireland and incorporates information derived from other ancillary datasets. LCM2007 was classified using a nomenclature corresponding to the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) Broad Habitats, which encompasses the entire range of UK habitats. In addition, it recorded further detail where possible, incorporating land cover classes sought by other users. LCM2007 is produced in both vector and raster formats, with a number of different versions containing varying levels of detail and at different spatial resolutions. This dataset consists of the 1km raster, percentage Aggregate Class. Northern Ireland only.

  • This is a web map service (WMS) for the Land Cover Map 2007 (LCM2007), percentage cover at 1km for aggregate classes. Land Cover Map 2007 (LCM2007) is a parcel-based thematic classification of satellite image data covering the entire United Kingdom. The map updates and upgrades the Land Cover Map of Great Britain (LCMGB) 1990 and LCM2000. Like the earlier 1990 and 2000 products, LCM2007 is derived from a computer classification of satellite scenes obtained mainly from Landsat, IRS and SPOT sensors. It also covers Northern Ireland and incorporates information derived from other ancillary datasets. LCM2007 was classified using a hierarchical nomenclature corresponding to Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) Broad Habitats, which encompasses the entire range of UK habitats. In addition, it recorded further detail where possible , incorporating land cover classes sought by other users. LCM2007 is produced in both vector and raster formats, with a number of different versions containing varying levels of detail and at different spatial resolutions. This WMS is for Great Britain only.

  • The WATCH Forcing data is a twentieth century meteorological forcing dataset for land surface and hydrological models. It consists of three/six-hourly states of the weather for global half-degree land grid points. It was generated as part of the EU FP 6 project "WATCH" (WATer and global CHange") which ran from 2007-2011. The data was generated in 2 tranches with slightly different methodology: 1901-1957 and 1958-2001, but generally the dataset can be considered as continuous. More details regarding the generation process can be found in the associated WATCH technical report and paper in J. Hydrometeorology. To understand how the data grid is formed it is necessary to read the attached WFD-land-long-lat-z files either in NetCDF or DAT formats. The data covers land points only and excludes the Antarctica. PSurf or surface pressure is the surface pressure (instantaneous) measured in Pa at 6 hourly resolution and 0.5 x 0.5 degrees spatial resolution.