

102 record(s)
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  • The Single Onshore Borehole Index (SOBI) is an index of over 1 million boreholes, shafts and wells and references collections of digital and analogue records from all forms of drilling and site investigation work held by the BGS. The index covers onshore and near shore boreholes from Great Britain dating back to at least 1790 and ranging from one to several thousand metres deep. Some 50,000 new boreholes are added each year. The majority of the records contain written descriptions of the ground encountered. The SOBI index database originated in 1988 from a number of existing tables and from data input from a variety of coding forms. Therefore not all fields in the database are populated and data that should be in some fields may currently form part of the entries in another. The index is available on the BGS website via the Geoindex

  • Site investigation and geotechnical data received by BGS from 3rd party organisations in AGS file format. When received by BGS the data is validated against predefined rules, processed and stored in the BGS AGS agnostic store. This data is delivered as received e.g. no interpretative values or observations are added to the data by the BGS. For more details about the Association of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Specialists (AGS) see: For more details on depositing AGS data with BGS see: To access AGS data held by BGS:

  • The Geotechnical Database contains information about site investigation reports, boreholes and samples. It contains geotechnical measurements taken over borehole intervals and on samples. Some of the data is obtained digitally from AGS files (Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists - File Transfer Format), some is obtained manually from Site Investigation Reports stored in the National Geoscience Data Centre. The database currently contains geotechnical data from over 450 000 laboratory test samples and core descriptions, borehole observations and in situ tests from over 96 000 boreholes extracted from over 4800 site investigation reports. The database underpins BGS Geo-engineering properties and processes research and is an important information resource for answering enquiries and providing for the data needs of external customers.

  • 2014 and 2016 time series of basal multiprobe data (Dataset 1), englacial temperature data (Dataset 2), and englacial tilt data (Dataset 3) measured in boreholes drilled at the location of the SAFIRE research project, Store Glacier, Greenland.

  • Database of samples taken from the Norham Westmains Farm borehole for isotope, thin section, palynology and fossil analysis. Westmains Farm, Norham, Berwick-upon-Tweed NT 91589 48135. BGS borehole ID NT94NW20.

  • The Geophysical Borehole Log index provides details of hardcopy geophysical logs known to BGS. The index provides the storage location of the logs and details of the format they are available in, eg. paper, at a scale of 1:200. The data is updated when new data becomes available. Contains most geophysically logged bores known to BGS National Geological Records Centre. Scattered distribution of boreholes, locally dense coverage, few logs from Scotland.

  • The BGS collection of downhole CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) recordings and backup tapes for worldwide SKYLAB satellite imagery. CCTV recordings carried out down boreholes, mainly drilled for water, were undertaken by BGS for specific commercial contracts in Great Britain, and may also have associated geophysical data. The collection started in 1997, and the present holdings are 138 videos, with infrequent additions. Video recordings on other topics may be added.

  • This layer of the Map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of records of boreholes, shafts and wells from all forms of drilling and site investigation work. Some 850,000 records dating back over 200 years and ranging from one to several thousand metres deep. Currently some 50,000 new records are being added to the collection each year. The dataset available via the GeoIndex is a snapshot, taken at a particular date, of the Single Onshore Borehole Index. Although the GeoIndex is updated at regular intervals more information may be available than is shown.

  • These are groundwater geochemical data taken from two sites in the Kien Svay district of northern Kandal Province, Cambodia, southeast of Phnom Penh. These sites are referred to as “clay-dominated” and “sand-dominated” in reference to the known lithology and are known for high arsenic concentrations (Richards et al., 2017). Each site contained four 18 m boreholes installed in January 2019 using manual drilling described in Richards et al (2015), spaced evenly about ~1.5 m apart. The boreholes that were located at the clay-dominated site are referred to NB01, NB02, NB03 and NB04. The boreholes that were located at the sand-dominated site are referred to as NB05, NB06, NB07 and NB08. Two sampling campaigns were carried out: 6th-12th May 2019 (pre-monsoon season), and 27th-31st January 2020 (post-monsoon season). References: Richards, L. A., Magnone, D., Sovann, C., Kong, C., Uhlemann, S., Kuras, O., van Dongen, B. E., Ballentine, C. J., Polya, D. A. High Resolution Profile of Inorganic Aqueous Geochemistry and Key Redox Zones in an Arsenic Bearing Aquifer in Cambodia. Science of The Total Environment 2017, 590–591, 540–553. Richards, L. A., Magnone, D., van Dongen, B. E., Ballentine, C. J., Polya, D. A. Use of Lithium Tracers to Quantify Drilling Fluid Contamination for Groundwater Monitoring in Southeast Asia. Applied Geochemistry 2015, 63, 190–202.

  • The Land Survey Record Index was set up c.1988 to provide a digital database index to records and archives held by the Land Survey in Scotland and Northern England and contains over 46,600 records. Finding aid to the following record groups/data sets, is provided through a application query interface: Site Investigation Records (SE); Land Survey Archives (LSA); Land Survey Records (LSR); Mineral Resource Records (MR); Additional Information Files (AI); Enquiry Record Files (EE; EN); Opencast Coal Sites (OC).