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  • An important paper archive of a wide variety of miscellaneous geological information organised on the basis of its location within 1:10 000 scale geological map sheet areas in Great Britain. The majority of the data has been produced or collected from a wide variety of sources by BGS staff since 1835. Mainly acquired as part of the mapping programme new information is added on a regular basis. The data may not fit into any of the main collections, but is valuable for future projects and answering enquiries.

  • Rocks, thin sections and paper registers: samples from past BGS surveys and projects overseas. Though neglected for several years, the collection has been re-opened for addition of new material from overseas projects and donations. Paper registers are arranged by accession order on a country by country basis. The records have not been placed in electronic format and are not currently machine readable.

  • A comprehensive collection of British fossil specimens and records compiled over 150 years of palaeontological collecting and research. Also includes all associated paper data, registers, indexes of locality and storage and reports of conclusions. The specimens have variable scattered coverage mostly within the UK and Ireland but there are some overseas data. Some specimens are sited accurately to less than 1 metre, whilst some specimens have accuracies of several kilometres. Includes both locality based biostratigraphic material, plus significant type, figured and cited samples of taxonomic importance. Specimens collected by Survey geologists throughout history of Survey, with some donated specimens (e.g. the Geological Society of London Collection) predating 1835, material is still being added. The collection includes hand specimens, casts & moulds, microfossil slides & cut sections and also registers containing identifications and locality information. The specimens have various uses within biostratigraphy and taxonomy. The data have key attribute data such as locality, stratigraphic age, matrix lithology, taxonomy, etc that could be used for linking in other datasets. Access and use of the data is subject to current policies, inline with MDA's (Museum Documentation Association) Spectrum guidelines and MLA's (Museum Libraries Archives Council) Accreditation guidelines. The collection can be viewed by loan or visit, whilst copies of the associated paper data can be made available as photocopy, scan, spreadsheet, etc., subject to certain constraints and conditions.

  • Interrelated specimens and records compiled over 150 years of palaeontological collecting and research. All associated paper data (registers, indexes of locality and storage, reports of conclusions).

  • The dataset comprises plans of various types relating to mining activity, including abandonment plans, gathered since the 1800s. Most were collected as part of the BGS mapping programme and the type and amount of data available will vary considerably. The coverage for Northern England and Scotland is more comprehensive than for the rest of the country. The plans include working copies, compilations and interpretations which may be copyright or confidential. The general nature of some of the plans means that they may not be applicable to a specific site. Current holdings over 60,000.

  • An important paper archive of a wide variety of miscellaneous geological information organised on the basis of its location within 1:50 000 scale geological map sheet areas in Great Britain. The majority of the data has been produced or collected by BGS staff since 1835 as part of the mapping programme. The data may not fit into any of the main collections, but is valuable for future projects and answering enquiries.

  • Collection of c.5,000 items relating to economic mineral exploration and exploitation in Scotland (with some records for Northern England) pre c.1960. Incorporates Non-Ferrous Metallic Ores Committee and Mineral Development Committee records. Collection originally arranged by mineral commodity, but new data is added in accession order.