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  • This service is the BGS contribution to the OneGeology project, providing UK onshore geological data at 1:625 000 scale and UK continental shelf seabed sediment data at 1:1 million scale. This map data is collected as part of an ongoing BGS project: Digital Geological Map of Great Britain (DiGMapGB). MapServer software is used to provide these OGC WMS and WFS services.

  • This CD-ROM contains data from the combined experiment: Airborne Southern Hemisphere Ozone Experiment; and Measurements for Assessing the Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft (ASHOE/MAESA). This experiment was conducted in four phases between March and November 1994 at NASA Ames Research Center, California; Barbers Point, Hawaii; and Christchurch, New Zealand. Most of the data are essentially in their final form, but additional calibrations are being done for some instruments. A second edition incorporating any changes to the datasets is anticipated in mid 1996. The data consist of in situ and remotely sensed measurements collected onboard the NASA ER-2 aircraft (including O3, H2O, N2O, CO2, CH4, CO, H2, SF6 and a wide range of CFCs); radiosonde, ozonesonde, and backscatter sonde balloon measurements; ground-based spectrometer and lidar measurements; and SAGE II satellite measurements. Theory teams provided calculations of: meteorological parameters in the form of partial hemispheric analyses, cross-sections along the ER-2 flight track, interpolations to the ER-2 flight path, and back- trajectories of selected parcels along the ER-2 flight path; photodissociation rates of selected chemical species along the ER-2 flight path; and cloud properties along the ER-2 flight track.

  • The Geotechnical Database contains information about site investigation reports, boreholes and samples. It contains geotechnical measurements taken over borehole intervals and on samples. Some of the data is obtained digitally from AGS files (Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists - File Transfer Format), some is obtained manually from Site Investigation Reports stored in the National Geoscience Data Centre. The database currently contains geotechnical data from over 450 000 laboratory test samples and core descriptions, borehole observations and in situ tests from over 96 000 boreholes extracted from over 4800 site investigation reports. The database underpins BGS Geo-engineering properties and processes research and is an important information resource for answering enquiries and providing for the data needs of external customers.

  • UK continental shelf seabed sediment data at 1:1 million scale. This data layer is the BGS contribution to the OneGeology project, providing UK onshore geological data at 1:625 000 scale and UK continental shelf seabed sediment data at 1:1 million scale.

  • This service is an INSPIRE download WFS service, providing UK onshore bedrock geological data at 1:625 000 scale. This map data is collected as part of an ongoing BGS project: Digital Geological Map of Great Britain (DiGMapGB). GeoServer software is used to provide this WFS service. This service is delivering MappedFeatures specified by GeologicUnits, the geological history of which is recorded by GeologicEvents.

  • A collection of large-size, representative hand samples of building stones from current and historic quarries in the UK, together with specimens from historic buildings supplied by conservation architects and contractors, currently c.680 samples. The sample coverage extends across the whole of the UK and supplements material in the Keyworth BGS BRITROCKS collection (Petrological Collection Database). The data included with the samples includes quarry and building locations and relevant lithostratigraphic information. The collection is ongoing and new material is added on a regular basis. The collection was created to mitigate the massive gap in knowledge resulting from the non-transferral of the main BGS Building Stone Collection to Keyworth from the Geological Museum in London, when the original move by BGS from London took place. The samples have been collected to assist in the sourcing, identification and matching of buildings stones from historic buildings throughout the UK. The collection provides essential support for the numerous enquiries the BGS receives through its GEOREPORTS Building Stone Assessment programme.

  • The 1:50 000 scale GeoSure (natural ground stability) data covering the map sheets for Loughborough and Kilmarnock are available in this OGC WMS service for personal, non-commercial use only. This service is a contribution to the OneGeology-Europe initiative. For information about more of the British Geological Survey's maps and other digital products please visit MapServer software is used to provide this OGC WMS service.

  • Data from the DiGMap covering the whole of the United Kingdom at a scale of 1:625 000 is available in this OGC WMS service for personal, non-commercial use only. The service is a contribution to the OneGeology-Europe initiative. The layers can be displayed either by age or by lithology. For more information about the digital maps available from the British Geological Survey, please visit

  • The Geophysical Properties dataset consists of density, velocity, magnetic susceptibility and thermal conductivity values, with related source, location and geology data. The data have been collected on a project basis, therefore the quality and completeness of the database coding is variable. The data is currently from the UK and Ireland although this may be extended. The data consists of samples with related data values - (1,000s), Density Values - Laboratory Measurements - (1,000s); Velocity Values - Laboratory Measurements - (1,000's), Magnetic Susceptibility Values - Laboratory Measurements - (1,000s); Magnetic Susceptibility Values - Field Measurements - (10,000s measurements on 1,000s samples). Borehole information for data obtained as Downhole profiles with related data values; British Rock Densities Project - Insitu density values obtained from the analysis of formation density logs - (10s boreholes with 100s values). Downhole Magnetic Susceptibility - Obtained for a confidential project with some offshore - (10s boreholes with 10,000s samples) . Thermal Conductivity - (100s boreholes with 1,000s samples), Mean Data Values derived from a data source such as published literature for a site or rock formation; Density - (100s), Magnetic Susceptibility - (100s). Information about the source from which data is obtained, Engineering Geology Laboratory Reports - (100s), Literature which may be published or unpublished - (100s). The database is not maintained and no new data has been added since 2004.

  • BGS have collected environmental radioactivity data for various purposes over several decades. This is being drawn together to produce a database of baseline gamma radioactivity and radon. Data includes the relevant portions of airborne and ground gamma spectrometer surveys, mineral exploration, baseline geochemistry and environmental radiometric surveys along with lithogeochemical and borehole log data. It is predominantly a specialist subset of other existing BGS databases. Incomplete UK coverage.