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  • Data generated by a range of scientific projects, including: UK Geoenergy Observatories in Glasgow & Cheshire: UK future energy monitoring and testing, Cardiff Urban Observatory: monitoring geothermal heat recovery and storage project, Seismic monitoring: a network of more than 100+ seismograph stations, River Thames ground water monitoring. BGS collect data from sensors located throughout the UK and beyond.

  • We collect data from sensors located throughout the UK and beyond capturing information on properties such as groundwater temperature and levels, barometric air pressure and motion sensors. We have recently started collecting information related to the energy efficiency of buildings and have developed techniques for incorporating data from sensors operated by other institutions. Some of the data we collect is available through the sensor API and sensor dashboard which provides easy access to the API data.

  • This dataset is the complete collection of the British Geological Survey (BGS) held Marine Survey data. The data held includes digital data and analogue records, plus associated physical sample material. Data are stored within the National Geosciences Data Centre (NGDC) and the Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) Data Archive Centre (DAC) for Geology and Geophysics. BGS have collected Marine Survey data since 1966 and have also been provided with a range of third-party data. The data includes geophysical data (seismic reflection, side-scan sonar, multibeam echosounder bathymetry and backscatter, gravity and magnetics) and sample data from boreholes, cores and seabed grabs (logs, geological descriptions, geochemical, particle size analysis and geotechnical data). The majority of surveys are within the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS) area. Individual survey data coverage varies, depending on survey type (sampling, geophysics, multibeam or multi-disciplinary) and objectives (regional or local, shallow or deep). These data are applicable to a wide range of uses including environmental, geotechnical, geophysical and geological studies. Data are delivered via the BGS Offshore GeoIndex Additional data are available on request

  • Superficial Geology (250k) This layer shows the superficial (drift) geology of Northern Ireland at 1:250,000 scale. For each rock unit there is a brief generalised description under the following headings. LEX_D: Description of the selected polygon. LEX_RCS: Map code as it appears on the published 1:250,000 map. RCS_D: Decription of the deposit. VERSION: Version of the data. RELEASED: Date of release/update of the data. Persons interested in the detailed geology of particular sites should consult the latest large-scale maps or the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland at:- Geological Survey of Northern Ireland Colby House Stranmillis Court Belfast BT9 5BF

  • A 1:250,000 map showing the main geological bedrock divisions in Northern Ireland. The bedrock shown on GeoIndex map comprises the bedrock geology, which represents the outcrops (at surface) and subcrops (at near-surface, beneath superficial deposits) in Northern Ireland. For each rock unit there is a brief generalised description showing the major rock group, rock type and age under the following headings. LEX_D: The name of the selected area. This can be a group, formation or igneous intrusion e.g. dyke. LEX_RCS: Map code as it appears on the published 1:250,000 map. RCS_D: The name of the dominant types of rock (lithologies) in the different areas shown on the map e.g. granite. The names of the rock types given here are often generalisations, appropriate for the large areas of geological coverage at this scale. These areas may include a number of different geological formations whose distribution can only be portrayed on more detailed geological maps. RANK: Identifies formations and groups. Min_Time_D and Max_Tim_D: The age of the rock unit in terms of periods, relatively smaller units of geological time e.g. Carboniferous, Jurassic etc. Some of the map areas include rocks with a range of ages and these are shown as such e.g. Triassic to Cretaceous. The oldest metamorphic rocks are described as Moinian and Dalradian. The rocks range in age from those deposited relatively recently, some 2 million years ago, back to ancient and highly altered Precambrian rocks over 2500 million years old. In broad terms the youngest rocks are found in the south and east of the UK, the oldest in the north and west. VERSION: Version of the data. RELEASED: Date of release/update of the data. CAUTION Because of the generalisation and simplification used in the compilation of this map, it should not be used to determine the detailed geology of any specific sites. It is best used to provide a basic understanding of the geology of the country in general, and for showing the geology of large regions where broad trends are more important than specific details. Persons interested in the detailed geology of particular sites should consult the latest large-scale maps or the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland.

  • 1:50,000 maps showing the main geological superficial divisions in Northern Ireland. This series shows the superficial (drift) geology of Northern Ireland at 1:50,000 scale. For each rock unit there is a brief generalised description under the following headings. LEX_D: Description of the selected polygon. LEX_RCS: Map code as it appears on the published 1:250,000 map. RCS_D: Decription of the deposit. VERSION: Version of the data. RELEASED: Date of release/update of the data. Persons interested in the detailed geology of particular sites should consult the latest large-scale maps or the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland at:- Geological Survey of Northern Ireland Colby House Stranmillis Court Belfast BT9 5BF

  • Data from Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) surveys are archived in the MEDIN Data Archive Centre (DAC) for Geology and Geophysics at the British Geological Survey. This includes geology (Particle Size Analysis) data and multibeam backscatter data. Data are delivered via the BGS Offshore GeoIndex. Additional data are available on request Other data types are archived with the other MEDIN DACs as appropriate (UKHO DAC for bathymetry data and DASSH DAC for biological data).

  • Scanned images of the records of onshore Great Britain (or near shore) site investigation reports held in the BGS archives in paper, microfilm or digital format. The entire collections in BGS Edinburgh have been scanned, but in BGS Keyworth currently only new reports received since 2002. Scanning started in 2002 and is ongoing with new records being scanned and added to the collection. Images are stored in TIFF format (Tagged Image File Format). Indexed on the site investigation database and the boreholes within the report, and their images, are associated via the borehole database.

  • The Single Onshore Borehole Index (SOBI) is an index of over 1 million boreholes, shafts and wells and references collections of digital and analogue records from all forms of drilling and site investigation work held by the BGS. The index covers onshore and near shore boreholes from Great Britain dating back to at least 1790 and ranging from one to several thousand metres deep. Some 50,000 new boreholes are added each year. The majority of the records contain written descriptions of the ground encountered. The SOBI index database originated in 1988 from a number of existing tables and from data input from a variety of coding forms. Therefore not all fields in the database are populated and data that should be in some fields may currently form part of the entries in another. The index is available on the BGS website via the Geoindex

  • Hourly and minute means of the geomagnetic field vector components from observatories around the world from, respectively, 1883 and 1969, to the present day. At present there are about 160 observatories. These data are useful for tracking changes in the magnetic field generated inside and outside the Earth. Data are produced by a number of organisations around the world, including BGS. Data are available in plain text from