

96 record(s)
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  • A list of the laboratory reports produced from testing in the engineering geology laboratory. It includes report number, title and author's name(s). The reports themselves contain data on a wide range of geotechnical and geophysical laboratory tests, from standard and index tests to complex research. Test materials are highly varied, soils and rock, from the UK or overseas.

  • A collection of reference drawings relating to investigations carried out by Nirex, during the period from 1989 to 1997. The drawings summarise the status of the geological investigation at Sellafield and include borehole locations, geology (surface, structure, sections etc) and geophysics (seismic, airborne, etc). Sites near Sellafield, in Cumbria, and Dounreay, in Caithness. The Nirex (Nuclear Industry Radioactive Waste Executive) geological archive was transferred to the British Geological Survey during 2000/2001. The BGS has undertaken to retain the records for a minimum of 50 years as part of its national geological archive. The ownership of Nirex was transferred from the nuclear industry to the UK Government departments DEFRA and DTI in April 2005, and then to the UK's Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) in November 2006.

  • This dataset includes numerical simulation data of bottom heated convection in a rotating spherical shell. These numerical models are used to investigate the dynamics of convection in planetary cores. The simulations are performed over a range of thermal forcing and rotation rate [1-3] to study the various dynamical regimes of rotating convection. The dataset includes the simulation states to reproduce the simulations, time-series output of relevant variables from the simulations apart from post-processed diagnostic quantities. Due to large volume of the simulation state files only the initial, final and time averaged files are stored in the dataset in NETCDF format. The simulation diagnostics are provided in text, which includes time series, spatial and temporal averages of various diagnostic quantities (e.g. kinetic energy of convection) and forces to assess the underlying dynamics and heat transfer behaviour. The simulations have been performed using the Leeds Spherical Dynamo code [4], using ARC2, ARC3 and ARC4 HPC system in University of Leeds and the ARCHER and ARCHER2 HPC system. Refs: [1] [2] [3] [4]

  • The UK Onshore Geophysical Library was established in 1994 in conjunction with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the UK Onshore Operators Group (UKOOG). The Library manages the archive and official release of seismic data recorded over landward areas of the UK. By agreement with the DTI and HMSO, the Library operates as a registered charity, funded by revenues raised from data sales and donations, with the long term objective of bringing all available UK onshore digital seismic data into secure archival storage, whilst providing efficient access to all interested parties. BGS has access to the data at cost of copying only for science budget work. Data index on the BGS Geoscience Data Index.

  • This digital data set contains original files of seismic reflection survey sections. Most data are within the UK Onshore area; although there are some UK near-shore and offshore (North Sea, Irish Sea) and foreign data. Most data were acquired for commercial hydrocarbon exploration and subsequently provided to BGS for use on specific projects. Some data were acquired by BGS and other public-sector bodies, e.g. BIRPS (British Institutions Reflection Profiling Syndicate), for academic research. These data are used for workstation-based interpretation. Some are kept as archive copies. There are approximately 50 tapes and 15 Exabyte cartridges. The data are mostly concentrated in areas prospective for coal, oil and gas.

  • The Geophysical Properties dataset consists of density, velocity, magnetic susceptibility and thermal conductivity values, with related source, location and geology data. The data have been collected on a project basis, therefore the quality and completeness of the database coding is variable. The data is currently from the UK and Ireland although this may be extended. The data consists of samples with related data values - (1,000s), Density Values - Laboratory Measurements - (1,000s); Velocity Values - Laboratory Measurements - (1,000's), Magnetic Susceptibility Values - Laboratory Measurements - (1,000s); Magnetic Susceptibility Values - Field Measurements - (10,000s measurements on 1,000s samples). Borehole information for data obtained as Downhole profiles with related data values; British Rock Densities Project - Insitu density values obtained from the analysis of formation density logs - (10s boreholes with 100s values). Downhole Magnetic Susceptibility - Obtained for a confidential project with some offshore - (10s boreholes with 10,000s samples) . Thermal Conductivity - (100s boreholes with 1,000s samples), Mean Data Values derived from a data source such as published literature for a site or rock formation; Density - (100s), Magnetic Susceptibility - (100s). Information about the source from which data is obtained, Engineering Geology Laboratory Reports - (100s), Literature which may be published or unpublished - (100s). The database is not maintained and no new data has been added since 2004.

  • The M2M Thematic Programme funded 17 scientific investigation projects leading to more unified physical understanding of fluid flow distributions in heterogeneous rock. The programme focused on developing an understanding of the relationships between measured and modelled subsurface fluid flows spanning the range of spatial and temporal scales relevant to fluid resource management. The programme was motivated by the growing recognition that assumptions of uniformity at certain scales are inadequate for extrapolating fluid behaviour both in time and space. Research spanning a wide spectrum of observation and simulation scales was undertaken by the programme which can be divided into four themes: (1) understanding the natural processes which lead to scaling relationships between size and magnitude of rock and flow heterogeneity; (2) quantification of essential fluid flow properties and their spatial pattern from measurements;(3) identification of appropriate statistical models and scaling laws describing rock property heterogeneity and fluid-rock interactions in geological media;(4) understanding the relationships between rock property distributions and flow model parameter distributions.

  • This dataset is an archive of the following original data for the seismic reflection surveys conducted by the BGS in Bangladesh for PetroBangla (Bangladesh state oil & gas company) and the UK Overseas Development Agency (funding body): Observers' logs, Surveyors' reports, Location data tapes, Field data recording tapes, Processed data tapes and various stages of processing: demultiplexed field data to migrated stack (not all available for all profiles). These data are kept as archive copies. They are only available with the agreement of PetroBangla and the ODA. Approx. written records and approx. 1200 tapes.

  • This database stores down-hole stratigraphic data to complement the seismic surface picks stored in the Seismic Locations And Sections Database (LOCSEC). Because these surfaces are chosen for their visibility on seismic data, they may not be directly equivalent to established BGS lithostratigraphic and/or choronstratigraphic divisions. However, the local coding system is based on and can relate to the BGS stratigraphic LEXICON. Stratigraphic picks are stored in terms of depth and seismic one-way travel time. Local borehole summary information (location, elevation, etc.) is used because both onshore and offshore boreholes are stored in this database. These data can be related to the BGS onshore borehole database by borehole registration, and to the offshore well database by DTI well-id. Additional tables (under development) provide information on hydrocarbon tests and their results. Almost all data are within the UK Onshore area; although there are some UK near-shore and offshore (North Sea, Irish Sea).

  • This low-resolution image has been produced from BGS airborne and marine magnetic data. The colour was generated using the BGS COLMAP software package. Colour levels are defined by histogram equalisation. Combining this image with the grey shaded relief image produces a similar image to the colour shaded relief image. A published coloured shaded relief map, using the full resolution of the data and produced at a scale of 1: 1500 000, is available. The map covers a larger area than this image, and includes additional data from other sources. The data used to compile this image are available in various forms for academic and commercial licensing. The data from surveys covering the UK mainland have been digitised from their original analogue form. Elsewhere data were acquired digitally. Standard methods of processing were used to remove diurnal and secular variations and to minimise line intersection errors. While efforts have been made to remove artefacts from the data, some may remain between adjacent datasets. Generally anomalies over man-made structures have not been removed. The data have been interpolated onto a 1km x 1km grid using a variable tension technique, and smoothed.