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  • This dataset is the complete collection of the British Geological Survey (BGS) held Marine Survey data. The data held includes digital data and analogue records, plus associated physical sample material. Data are stored within the National Geosciences Data Centre (NGDC) and the Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) Data Archive Centre (DAC) for Geology and Geophysics. BGS have collected Marine Survey data since 1966 and have also been provided with a range of third-party data. The data includes geophysical data (seismic reflection, side-scan sonar, multibeam echosounder bathymetry and backscatter, gravity and magnetics) and sample data from boreholes, cores and seabed grabs (logs, geological descriptions, geochemical, particle size analysis and geotechnical data). The majority of surveys are within the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS) area. Individual survey data coverage varies, depending on survey type (sampling, geophysics, multibeam or multi-disciplinary) and objectives (regional or local, shallow or deep). These data are applicable to a wide range of uses including environmental, geotechnical, geophysical and geological studies. Data are delivered via the BGS Offshore GeoIndex Additional data are available on request

  • The data set consists of the results of particle size analysis (PSA) performed on approximetaly 29,000 sea-bed sediment samples collected by BGS from the UK Continental Shelf and adjacent deep water areas, mostly using sediment grabs, but also sediment corers on occasions. Measurements were also made on approximately 8000 downhole sub-samples from shallow cores and boreholes. Data from other UK organisations have also been added to the PSA dataset. The data are stored as part of the National Geoscience Data Centre (NGDC) and the Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) Data Archive Centre (DAC) for Geology and Geophysics. Data are delivered via the BGS Offshore GeoIndex Seabed Sediment Data layers.

  • The British Geological Survey has collected over 50000 offshore samples using grabs, dredges and shallow coring devices (to a maximum depth of 6m below the sea bed). The collection also includes additional third party data and has assisted in the creation of BGS Marine Geology Maps. The distribution is variable, but in general there are sample stations spaced about every 5 - 10km across the entire UK Continental Shelf (UKCS). In some localised areas the sampling density is much higher. The data held includes digital data and analogue records (sample data sheets), plus associated physical sample material. Sample data sheets which have been scanned contain index information and geological descriptions and are more detailed from 1983 onwards. Coded geological descriptions were entered on sheets which were subsequently digitised, and this information is available for about 10,000 samples. The data also includes results of analyses such as micropalaeontological examination or age dating. Particle Size Analysis, geochemistry and geotechnical data are described in separate metadata entries. Sample material are managed as part of the BGS Materials collection and are available for examination and subsampling. The data are stored within the National Geoscience Data Centre (NGDC) and Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) Data Archive Centre (DAC) for Geology and Geophysics. Data are delivered via the BGS Offshore GeoIndex activity and scan layers contains location information, metadata and links to scanned sample datasheets/core logs, and the geological, geotechnical, geochemical and sea-bed sediment data layers contain observations and/or measurements as digital values. The data are applicable to a wide range of uses including environmental, geotechnical and geological studies. Reference: Fannin, NGT. (1989) Offshore Investigations 1966-87. British Geological Survey Technical Report WB/89/2, British Geological Survey.

  • The British Geological Survey hold a collection of data recorded during marine geophysical surveys which includes digital data and analogue records. These data result from approximately 350,000 line kilometres of multi-instrument geophysical survey lines. The data include seismic, sonar, magnetic, gravity, echo sounder, multibeam bathymetry and navigation data. The seismic data are mainly for airgun, sparker, boomer and pinger. The data were primarily collected by BGS and the collection also includes additional third party data. The data are primarily from the UKCS (United Kingdom Continental Shelf). The data are stored within the National Geoscience Data Centre (NGDC) and the Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) Data Archive Centre (DAC) for Geology and Geophysics. The majority of legacy geophysical paper records are available as scanned images viewable via the BGS Offshore GeoIndex Other records can be scanned on request. Older records are of variable quality. Data not yet available online including segy are available on request The data are applicable to a wide range of uses including environmental, geotechnical, geophysical and geological studies. Reference: Fannin, NGT. (1989) Offshore Investigations 1966-87. British Geological Survey Technical Report WB/89/2, British Geological Survey.