
Raw suspended particulate material concentration sensor output

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    This dataset comprises 94 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, in February 2009 from 2 sites over 25 hour tidal cycles, in Welsh and Hilbre Channels. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory as part of the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Dee Experiment.

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    The dataset comprises 35 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, from across the North Sea area specifically along a transect offshore of Stonehaven and across the Wee Bankie/Marr Bank study area. The data were collected during October of 2001. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory.

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    This dataset comprises 89 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, in March 2009 from 2 sites over 19 and 25 hour tidal cycles, in Welsh and Hilbre Channels of the Dee Estuary. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory as part of the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Dee Experiment.

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    The dataset comprises 34 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, from across the South Atlantic Ocean area specifically the Drake Passage, during November and December of 2001. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Southampton Oceanography Centre.

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    The dataset comprises 14 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, from the English Channel and North Sea areas specifically between the Warp and West Gabbard sites during October 2004. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Lowestoft Laboratory.

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    The dataset comprises 54 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, from across the North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W) area specifically along the standard JONSIS, Fair Isle-Munken, Nolso-Flugga survey lines, in the Faroe Shetland Channel, at stations in the northern North sea and the Norwegian trench. The data were collected during December of 2001. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory.

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    This dataset comprises hydrographic and meteorological data transmitted in near real time from unmanned surface vehicles (USVs). Also included are hydrographic profiles through the water column obtained from submarine Slocum gliders, upon recovery. Data from these platforms have been converted into the international 'Everyone's Gliding Observatories (EGO)' exchange format. The dataset is supported by barotrophic tidal current imagery. Hydrographic data were obtained from two geographical regions. Firstly, from a transect extending from the Isles of Scilly out to the moored Carbon And Nutrient Dynamics and Fluxes Over Shelf Systems ('Candyfloss') Array in the Celtic Sea. Subsequently, a more localised survey was carried out in the English Channel, south of Plymouth. The tidal image data span the period 1st October to 21st November 2014 (15 minute intervals). Autonomous platforms were deployed between 1st and 26th October 2014 (Phase One, Celtic Sea), subsequently between 4th and 7th November 2014 (Phase Two, English Channel). Data were collected as part of Marine Autonomous Systems in Support of Marine Observations ('MASSMO'), contributing to the Exploring Ocean Fronts project. Tidal images are a product of Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Coastal Ocean Modelling System (POLCOMS) simulation runs. MASSMO was carried out as a trial of new autonomous technologies and to collect scientific data, including observation of marine life. The dataset acquired provides valuable oceanographic and meteorological measurements including a traverse of an ocean front. MASSMO was a collaborative effort involving various UK laboratories and commercial organisations, coordinated by the National Oceanography Centre (NOC). This data archive consists of measurements made by wavegliders operated by NOC and the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), the MOST Autonaut and Slocum glider units 398 and 400, operated by NOC.

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    The dataset comprises 29 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, from the North Sea area specifically the Northern flank of the Dogger Bank during September and October 2004. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Lowestoft Laboratory as part of the Cefas North Sea Dogger Bank project A1225.

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    The dataset comprises 77 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, from across the North Sea and the North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W) area specifically along the JONSIS standard section in the northern North Sea, along the standard Faroe Shetland Channel sections and a wide area CTD survey of Faroe Shetland Channel. The data were collected during October of 2001. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory as part of the Monitoring the Atlantic Inflow toward the Arctic (MAIA) project.

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    The dataset comprises 22 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, from the North Sea area with CTD profiles in a transect between West Gabbard and Warp during May 2004. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Lowestoft Laboratory.