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  • The 3D multi channel seismic data were acquired as part of a collaborative investigation into models of magmatic segmentation between the Scripps Institute of Oceanography and BIRPS (the British Institutions Reflection Profiling Syndicate). The 3D EPR (East Pacific Rise) ARAD (Anatomy of a Ridge Axis Discontinuity) EW9707 cruise was undertaken in September and October 1997 to provide both refelction and wide-angle seismic data for the study of the overlapping spreading centre (OSC) at 9 degrees 3 minutes N on the East Pacific Rise. The data were acquired with a single source and a single streamer with a nominal line spacing of 100 m. The 3D-EPR ARAD survey was a joint NERC/NSF (US National Science Foundation) funded project and the copyright for this survey is held jointly. Reference: Bazin, S. Harding, AJ. et al. (2001) Three-dimensional shallow crustal emplacement at the 9 degree 03 minute N overlapping spreading center on the East Pacific Rise, Journal of Geophysical Research.

  • The Global Ocean Surface Temperature Atlas Plus (GOSTAplus) contains maps of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) climatologies and anomalies, Night Marine Air temperature climatologies and anomalies and Sea Ice coverage spanning the period 1851-1995. Dataset includes gridded, global SSTs from 1951-1990 and Sea Ice coverage from 1903 to 1994. The data are provided by the Met Office. Updated version of some data also available on request.

  • In Autumn 1995, the Goddard Distributed Active Archive Center (GDAAC) compiled the Climatology Interdisciplinary Data Collection (CIDC) to facilitate interdisciplinary studies related to climate and global change. This data collection has been produced in collaboration with the Center for Earth Observing and Space Research (CEOSR), Institute for Computational Sciences and Informatics (CSI), and George Mason University. It was designed for the study of global change, seasonal to interannual climate change, and other phenomena that require from one to dozens of interacting parameters. A few of the possible study areas are the depletion of stratospheric ozone, the weather changes associated with the periodic El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events, periodic droughts, and global warming. Short background information scenarios are given on the CD for the Monsoon, El Niño, and global warming phenomena. The CD set also contains read software and the Gridded Analysis and Display System (GrADS). Data from the scientific disciplines dealing with meteorology and atmospheric sciences, land surface, ocean, cryosphere, biosphere, the Sun, and remote sensing science have been gathered into one place and, where feasible, presented in a common format (monthly means with a 1° x 1° world grid, or commensurable resolution and IEEE 32-bit floating point numbers). Over 70 physical parameters from some 25 separate datasets are represented. The Data Collection Overview document on the CDs lists alphabetically all the physical parameters along with the dataset(s) in which they can be found. It also contains a separate listing of each dataset, its origin, and the parameters included. Each dataset is also accompanied by a detailed user's guide. The Climatology Interdisciplinary Data Collection (CIDC) has been subdivided into seven categories. The grouping is influenced by the types of physical parameters involved and partially by the way that they are processed. Because of this the same physical parameter may appear in several datasets and in more than one category. When this occurs different algorithms have normally been used to produce the parameter. The included datasets included below. Atmospheric dynamics & atmospheric sounding products Radiation and clouds Biosphere data Measured variable atmospheric constituents Measured surface temperature and pressure Hydrological data Remote sensing science The data on the CD set was collected in a variety of ways, using remote sensing, direct measurements, and model output. The individual datasets were provided in a variety of forms. In some cases this required the data publication team to regrid and reformat datasets and in others to produce monthly averages from finer resolution data. The specific handling for each dataset is detailed in the documentation. The regridded, reformatted, integrated, and peer reviewed datasets are published on this four-volume CD collection. The data are held online at the BADC are public and are made available for browsing purposes. Volume 1: Biosphere, Hydrology, Surface Temperature, Ozone, Greenhouse Gases Volume 2: Atmospheric Dynamics Volume 3: Radiation and Clouds Volume 4: Atmospheric Surroundings

  • Programme of research funded by the Natural Environment Research Council. URGENT aims to stimulate the regeneration of the urban environment through understanding and managing the interaction of natural and man-made processes. Projects throughout the UK first set up in 1997 and completed in 2005. It was supported by partners from British industry, local authorities and Government agencies. A total of 40 URGENT projects in four key areas - air, water, soil and ecology. The projects aim was to determine the magnitude of urban environmental problems and risks, to understand the underlying patterns and processes that affect them, and to produce effective strategies for control and managment which will be accessible to users both in the UK and abroad.

  • This dataset is an index of the Survey Collection of fossils for Scotland and Northern England. It is the digital equivalent of the analogue (card) index. The latter contains some 31k records, c.70% of which has been transcribed. The continually growing Survey Collection comprises about 450k samples (including nearly 30k specimens from the John Smith Collection) which are individually registered in c.150 leather bound volumes. The Oracle relational database BGS_FOSSLOC is a first step in ascertaining what registered fossil materials exist for certain areas, who collected them and when, their geographical and stratigraphical details, the type of collection (whether from boreholes or exposures), and any covering technical reports. It is also a pathway to an extensive and unique collection of paper graphic logs, some 18k of which record annotated information on fossil occurrences and assemblages at certain stratigraphical levels (particularly in the Carboniferous) in Scotland and Northern England.

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    This dataset comprises 45 hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, in April 1996 from stations in an area, centred around 56.5 N, 9.0 W in the North East Atlantic. A complete list of all data parameters are described by the SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (PDV) keywords assigned in this metadata record. The data were collected by the Napier University School of Life Sciences as part of the Land Ocean Interaction Study (LOIS) Shelf Edge Study (SES).

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    This dataset comprises hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, during July 1997. It incorporates casts along four E-W sections at varying latitudes between the mainland/Inner Hebrides and the Outer Hebrides. The data were collected by the Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory.

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    This dataset comprises hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, during June - July 1997. It incorporates CTD grid surveys of the Firth of Forth and the Moray Firth. The data were collected by the Marine Scotland Aberdeen Marine Laboratory.

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    This dataset comprises hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, during March 1997. It incorporates three standard sections. The Joint North Sea Information System (JONSIS) section extending eastwards from the Orkneys and the Fair Isle-Munchen and Nolso Flugga sections across the Faroe-Shetland Channel. The data were collected by the Scottish Office Agriculture Environment and Fisheries Department Aberdeen Marine Laboratory.

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    This dataset comprises hydrographic data profiles, collected by a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor package, during September 1997. It incorporates a CTD grid survey off the east coast of Scotland between 56N and 56.5N and 3W and 1W. The data were collected by the Marine Scotland Aberdeen Marine Laboratory.