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  • Multiple calibrated laboratory images of experiments to determine leakage rates through faults and geological heterogeneities. Two sequences of images, and associated movie (avi file) depicting laboratory fault experiments as described in; Gilmore, K., Sahu, C., Benham, G., Neufeld, J., & Bickle, M. (2022). Leakage dynamics of fault zones: Experimental and analytical study with application to CO2 storage. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 931, A31. doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.970

  • Fault lubrication during earthquake propagation in thermally unstable rocks in Central Italy Fieldwork pictures Fucino Basin Fault system: Castel di Monte fault Parasano fault Rocca Casale fault Venere fault Fieldwork pictures L’Aquila Fault System: Assergi fault Bitumen quarry Campo Imperatore Magnola fault Panoramic view Pettino fault Piani di pezza fault Vado di Corno fault Raw data from friction experiments. Links to associated papers:

  • Field and microstructural analysis of pseudotachylytes formed at lower crustal depths and now lying exposed in the Flakstadøy Anorthosite, Lofoten, Norway. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis : 10 EBSD datasets (cpr files) - unfiltered. These characterise deformation in pyroxenes spatially associated with pseudotachylyte faults in the Nusfjord anorthosite. Grain size analysis - backscattered electron (BSE) images and processed equivalents (segmented manually or with ImageJ software) of fragmented orthopyroxene for grain size analysis. Results are processed in the spreadsheet 'Grain size distributions for fragmented OPX'. Samples involved: LC1724 and N22 Grain growth modelling - spreadsheet calculating grain growth rates for orthopyroxene in samples LC1724 and N22 Strain analysis - used to estimate strain via clast analysis of mylonitised pseudotachylyte, sample 269c

  • Interpretations of fault positions, geometries and displacements, and seismic stratigraphic horizons. These are provided in the form of Seismic fault and horizon data as ‘Charisma fault sticks’ and ‘Charisma 2D interpretation lines’ ASCII files, respectively, exported from Petrel 2019. Additional CSV and XLSX files containing the compiled coordinate data are included. A readme file is also included explaining the contents of the different files and folders. Interpretations are from seismic profiles of the input oceanic plate section to the North Sumatra subduction zone. Results are published in: Stevens, D.E., McNeill, L.C., Henstock, T.J., Delescluse, M., Chamot-Rooke, N., Bull, J.M., 2020, Intraplate deformation offshore North Sumatra: New Insights from integration of IODP Expedition 362 results with seismic data. EPSL, 538, 116218.

  • The data comprises information on the subsurface structure of stratigraphic levels and units in the United Kingdom, detailing depth to and thickness of the units. These result from projects in different parts of the UK performed at different times. Common working scales are 1:50 000 and 1:250 000 with appropriate differences in detail. Much mapping results from interpretation of seismic data, and as a result many of the structural maps are in time rather than depth, although some have been depth converted.

  • Whole rock geochemical data from the Alpine Fault Zone. These data have been generated from systematic sampling through the Deep Fault Drilling Project - Phase 1 rock cores and from analyses of cuttings retrieved during the Deep Fault Drilling Project - Phase 2. Geochemical analyses on the fault rocks to understand the conditions at which they were deformed. The dataset is associated with the UK component of a major international campaign, the Deep Fault Drilling Project (DFDP). to drill a series of holes into the Alpine Fault, New Zealand. The overarching aim of the DFDP to understand better the processes that lead to major earthquakes by taking cores and observing a major continental fault during its build up to a large seismic event.

  • The database contains field measurements and field descriptions of pseudotachylytes and mylonites that formed at lower crustal conditions and that are now exposed on the Nusfjord ridge, Lofoten, northern Norway. The field measurements were used to derive earthquake source parameters associated with the generation of the Nusfjord pseudotachylytes.

  • Fault and Horizon interpretations are provided for the Offshore Corinth Rift. The majority of the interpretations were based on 2D profiles from seismic reflection surveys collected by the R/V Maurice-Ewing in 2003, M.V. Vassilios in 1996 and 2003, and the R/V AEGEAO. Interpreted faults include major rift border faults as well as minor syn-rift faulting. Interpreted horizons include basement, a basin wide unconformity and five inferred transgressive surfaces based on variations in seismic character. Details of the fault and stratigraphic framework can be found in Nixon et al. (2016). Rapid spatiotemporal variations in rift structure during development of the Corinth Rift, central Greece. Tectonics, 35, 1225-1248.’ Published paper, Nixon, C. W., et al. (2016), Rapid spatiotemporal variations in rift structure during development of the Corinth Rift, central Greece, Tectonics, 35, 1225–1248, doi:10.1002/2015TC004026

  • Fault analyses used to estimate underlying dyke properties, imaged in 3D seismic reflection data. The seismic reflection data are located offshore NW Australia and image a series of Late Jurassic dykes and overlying dyke-induced normal faults; these structures occur within a sedimentary basin and are now buried beneath several kilometres of rock. The specific seismic reflection dataset used for this study so far is the Chandon 3D survey, which is freely available through Other 3D seismic surveys (e.g., Glencoe) near Chandon will be used in due course to extend the study area. Analyses of these faults uses an array of point pairs, defined by X, Y, and Z co-ordinates, that mark where certain sedimentary beds are intersected by the fault in its footwall and hanging wall. Mapping of these points every 125 m along each studied fault, for 11-14 sedimentary horizons, was conducted using Petrel seismic interpretation software. From the footwall and hanging wall point pairs, the throw, heave, displacement, and dip of each fault was calculated. By measuring distances between corresponding point pairs on opposing faults, graben width properties and estimated down-dip fault continuations were calculated. The expression of dyke-induced faults observed at the surface in active volcanic areas is often used to estimate dyke location, thickness (expected to roughly equal the heave on overlying faults), and upper tip depth (expected to occur where overlying, oppositely dipping faults meet; i.e. the point of the ‘V’). This study represents the first time natural dyke-induced faults and underlying dykes have been imaged in 3D and quantitatively studied. The dataset presented here allows hypotheses concerning relationships between dyke-induced fault geometries and dyke properties to finally be tested, and provides insight into normal fault kinematics; this will be useful to structural geologists and volcanologists.

  • The UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) Glasgow 3D coal mine model outputs, created by the British Geological Survey, provide a semi-regional overview of the depth and extent of surveyed and probable coal mine workings, plus stone and coal roads surveyed within the mines. The model allows users to visualise the surveyed and probable coal mine workings to be found beneath this part of Glasgow, applicable at a scale of around 1: 25,000 to 1: 10,000. The data is supplied as grids, triangulated surfaces over a 5 by 4.15 km area, with the depth range to around 300 m below Ordnance Datum. The mine extents are ‘cut out’ of the UKGEOS Glasgow post-drill bedrock model. This model describes both surveyed (recorded on mine abandonment plan) and probable coal mine workings. An area of probable workings has been updated to account for the results of drilling borehole GGC01. Further details and model limitations can be found in the accompanying metadata report