
Atmospheric Conditions

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  • This web map service (WMS) show Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) values of sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric deposition for 5x5 kilometre (km) grid squares of the UK averaged over the years 2017 to 2019. The maps show deposition values (keq ha-1 year-1) for sulphur, oxidised nitrogen and reduced nitrogen, and base cations. Total deposition is the sum of four components calculated separately: wet deposition, dry deposition of gases, dry deposition of particulate matter and cloud droplet deposition. Habitat-specific data are provided for (i) moorland/short vegetation everywhere, and (ii) forest everywhere. Additionally, the grid square average over multiple land cover types (i.e. arable, grassland, forest, moorland, urban) is also calculated. The habitat-specific data are recommended for use with critical loads for the calculation of critical load exceedances. The work in generating and compiling the dataset has been funded by the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH) and various Departments for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) contracts.

  • This web map service (WMS) show Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) values of sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric deposition for 5x5 kilometre (km) grid squares of the UK averaged over the years 2013 to 2015. The maps show deposition values (kg ha-1 year-1) for oxidised nitrogen (NO2/NO3), reduced nitrogen (NH3/NH4) , non-marine sulphur (SO2/SO4) and base cations (Ca+Mg) . These total deposition values are the sum of four components calculated separately: wet deposition, dry deposition of gases, dry deposition of particulate matter and cloud droplet deposition. Habitat-specific data are provided for (i) moorland/short vegetation everywhere, and (ii) forest everywhere. Additionally, the grid square average over multiple land cover types (i.e. arable, grassland, forest, moorland, urban) is also provided.

  • This web map service (WMS) provides Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) values of sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric deposition for 5x5 kilometre (km) grid squares of the UK averaged over the years 2011 to 2013. The maps show deposition values (kg ha-1 year-1) for oxidised nitrogen (NO2/NO3), reduced nitrogen (NH3/NH4) , non-marine sulphur (SO2/SO4) and base cations (Ca+Mg) . These total deposition values are the sum of four components calculated separately: wet deposition, dry deposition of gases, dry deposition of particulate matter and cloud droplet deposition. Habitat-specific data are provided for (i) moorland/short vegetation everywhere, and (ii) forest everywhere. Additionally, the grid square average over multiple land cover types (i.e. arable, grassland, forest, moorland, urban) is also provided.

  • This dataset is a model output from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) model applied to the UK (EMEP4UK) driven by Weather and Research Forecast model meteorology (WRF). It provides UK estimates daily averaged atmospheric composition at approximately 5 km grid for the years 2001 to 2015. The data consists of atmospheric composition and deposition values of various pollutants; including PM10, PM2.5, secondary organic aerosols (SOA), elemental carbon (EC), secondary inorganic aerosols (SIA), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ammonia (NH3), nitrogen oxides (NOX) , and ozone (O3). The EMEP model version used here is rv4.17 and the WRF model version is the 3.7.1. This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council award number NE/R016429/1 as part of the UK-SCAPE programme delivering National Capability. A version of this dataset is available (, run with the latest release of the Atmospheric Chemistry Transport Model EMEP (rv4.36) and with the latest NAEI emissions. The new set of model runs covers an extended time period from 2002 until 2021 and is available in a higher resolution (3 km2 x 3km2). Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset comprises observations of snowline from the Snow Survey of Great Britain (SSGB) at 140 sites across Scotland . Daily observations were made between 1945 and 2007. Observations were made by a ground observer who looked out from a given location at 0900 GMT each day and noted the elevation at which snow cover was greater than 50%. The initial aim was to 'secure representative data relating to the occurrence of snow cover at different altitudes in the various upland districts over the period October to June'. The data were collated by the British Glaciological Society until 1954 and thereafter by the Met Office. It has been transcribed from paper records held in the Met Office archives in Edinburgh. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • The European Monitoring and Evaluation Program Unified Model for the UK (EMEP4UK) simulates the year 2001 to 2014 UK daily average atmospheric composition at a horizontal resolution of 5 x 5 km2. The species included in this dataset are surface daily average concentrations of: nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), ammonia (NH3), nitric acid (HNO3), sulphur dioxide (SO2), ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-), sulphate (SO42-), PM2.5 organic matter, and ground level ozone (O3). The EMEP4UK model framework consists of an atmospheric chemistry transport model (ACTM) which simulates hourly to annual average atmospheric composition and deposition of various pollutants and the weather research and forecast model (WRF). Pollutants simulated include fine particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5), secondary organic aerosols (SOA), elemental carbon (EC), secondary inorganic aerosols (SIA), sulphur dioxide (SO2), ammonia (NH3), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and ground level ozone (O3). Dry and wet deposition of pollutants are also generated by the EMEP4UK. WRF is used to calculate the required meteorological input data for the ACTM. The version of EMEP4UK used to model the 2001-2014 dataset available here is based on the EMEP Meteorological Synthesizing Centre West (MSC-W) model version rv4.4. A more recent version of this dataset, calculated using the EMEP model version rv4.17 and the WRF model version 3.7.1 is available at Notes: Only the simulations for the years between 2002-2012 include data for from forest fire. The emissions used for simulating the years 2013 and 2014 are the same as the year 2012 (updated date will be made available as soon as 2013 and 2014 national emission inventory data have been processed). The calculated year 2001-2012 use a different version of the WRF model, moreover for the year 2013 and 2014 the WRF model setup was changed as the specific Humidity is no longer nudged with re-analysis in the WRF simulation. Acknowledgements required (third-party datasets used to drive the model): The WRF model calculated meteorology uses the dataset from NCEP FNL Operational Model Global Tropospheric Analyses, continuing from July 1999. ( National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Weather Service/NOAA/U.S. Department of Commerce. 2000, updated daily. NCEP FNL Operational Model Global Tropospheric Analyses, continuing from July 1999. Research Data Archive at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Computational and Information Systems Laboratory. ( Emissions data from the EMEP emissions center (, and NAEI web site (

  • This dataset contains 90 source footprints of nitrogen and sulphur deposition across the UK. Emission data from UK sources of nitrogen and sulphur for the year 2012 has been modelled using the FRAME (Fine Resolution Atmospheric Multi-Pollutant Exchange) atmospheric dispersion model on a 5 x 5 km grid. The data are split by into both wet and dry deposition, oxidised and reduced, as well as local vs long-range components. Habitat-specific deposition data are provided also for (i) forest, (i) moorland (short semi-natural vegetation), and (iii) grid average (average of arable, grassland, urban, forest and moorland land cover types). Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset consists of spatially explicit (1 km gridded) metrics of climate change “exposure” (i.e. an index of the amount of expected change in a location) derived from quantifying the difference in observed historical and predicted future climatic conditions. Four comparisons are included between five discrete time periods: 1901–1930 v. 1961–1990; 1961–1990 v. 2010–2019; 2010–2019 v. 2021–2040; and 2021–2040 v. 2061–2080. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • Data comprise relative humidity measured at an automatic monitoring buoy located in Blelham Tarn, UK. Data are provided from January 2012 to December 2019. Hourly averages are given, calculated from measurements taken every four minutes. All data is given in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council award number NE/R016429/1 as part of the UK-SCAPE programme delivering National Capability. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset provides weekly pollutant concentration and deposition data in cloud and rain samples from the, now retired, Bowbeat field site near Edinburgh, UK. The data were captured approximately weekly between 03/09/2003 and 28/06/2006 using a cloud droplet collector and rainwater collector. They were collected to monitor and model cloud/rain water composition and deposition at high elevation as part of ongoing routine measurements. Full details about this dataset can be found at