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Queen Mary University of London

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  • This dataset includes capture data for insectivorous bats captured with harp traps in Sabah, Malaysia, and dietary metabarcoding data. The dietary data was generated through obtaining bat faeces, extracting the DNA, amplifying it using ZBJ-ArtF1c ZBJ-ArtR2c primers, and then sequencing it on an illumina miseq. Code to aid interpreting the data can be found at This data was collected as part of the NERC-funded LOMBOK HMTF project, also using a small grant from Bat Conservation International. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • Chlorophyll-a content and ash-free dry mass of quantitative samples of the biofilm on benthic substrate from three chalkstream sites in the Wessex chalk area (Nine Mile River, River Till and River Wylye). Chlorophyll a content and biomass were determined from up to 10 replicate samples at each site on each sampling occasion. The data are presented as means with standard deviation. Data were collected on seven occasions on the Wylye and Nine Mile River and on five occasions on the Till, between October 2012 and October 2013. Data were collected to construct quantified food webs detailing the flux of mass and nutrients between nodes of the food web. This dataset was created as part of work package 3.2 of the Wessex Biodiversity & Ecosystem Service Sustainability (BESS) project. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • The dataset contains measurements of the annual average abundance, biomass and elemental composition (C, N, P) of consumers (fish and invertebrates) in six rivers within sub-catchments of the Hampshire Avon of contrasting geology (clay, sand, chalk). Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset contains anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) and denitrification activity of riverine sediments in the Hampshire Avon catchment (UK). Nine rivers within sub-catchments of contrasting geology (clay, sand, chalk) were investigated. Data were obtained via laboratory incubations (potential data) and direct, field-based measurements (in situ data) in summer 2013. Also included are chemical parameters determined in porewaters prior to in situ rate measurements. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • The dataset contains denitrification, anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) and nitrification activity of riverine sediments in the Hampshire Avon catchment (UK). Six rivers within sub-catchments of contrasting geology (clay, sand, chalk) were investigated. Data were obtained via direct, field-based measurements in seasonal campaigns conducted between spring 2013 and winter 2014. Also included are chemical parameters determined in porewaters prior to in situ rate measurements. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • The dataset contains measurements of temperature (°C) and light availability (Lux) in rivers in the Hampshire Avon catchment (UK). Six rivers within sub-catchments of contrasting geology (clay, sand, chalk) were investigated. The stream sites monitored were chosen to reflect a gradient of base flow index. Data were obtained via direct, field-based measurements every 15 minutes from February 2013 to (max) December 2014 with sensors tethered to the bed of the river at each site. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • Ash-free dry mass (AFDM) of three distinct size fractions of organic matter (>1cm, >1mm and > 0.025mm) collected in quantitative samples of the benthic substrate determined from up to 10 replicate samples at three chalkstream sites in the Wessex chalk area (Nine Mile River, River Till and River Wylye) on each sampling occasion. Data were collected on seven occasions on the Wylye and Nine Mile River and on five occasions on the Till, between October 2012 and October 2013. Data were collected to construct quantified food webs detailing the flux of mass and nutrients between nodes of the food web. This dataset was created as part of work package 3.2 of the Wessex Biodiversity & Ecosystem Service Sustainability (BESS) project. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • [This dataset is embargoed until September 1, 2025]. The 3Rs experimental study investigated how trajectories of recovery following a prolonged drought were affected by the prior sediment composition and fine sediment loading. On each of six sampling occasions between December 2022 and March 2023 (Days 1, 8, 13, 29, 57 & 113 following resumption of flow), in each of 12 replicate experimental channels, we collected data on the macroinvertebrate communities on the stream bed surface (benthos), 10cm below the surface of stream bed (hyperheos), and potential colonists dispersing into each of the channels from upstream (drift) and from the aerial insect community (malaise traps). On each occasion we also measured discharge in each of 12 experimental channels as well as the quantity of fine sediment entrained within the stream bed (hyporheic fines). The dataset being deposited contains the following elements: • Abundance records for discrete taxa found in samples of the: o Dry bed sediment - 2.5 kg of bed sediment removed and examined for any macroinvertebrates still persisting in the drying stream bed. o Re-wetted bed sediment – 2.5 kg of bed sediment removed and retained to identify invertebrates that emerge from the sediments on each sampling day (related article for experimental rehydration of dewatered sediments method description). o Benthos - Surber sample (330 µm mesh size) of 0.0225m2 area for 30 seconds. A Surber taken from upstream, middle and downstream thirds of the channel length on each occasion. o Hyperheos - 500ml of water extracted using 60ml syringe from standpipes set 10cm below stream bed surface. A sample taken from upstream, middle and downstream thirds of the channel length on each occasion. o Drift - Nets (330 µm mesh size) deployed for 24hrs at upstream end of each channel. o Aerial communities – Malaise traps deployed bankside for 5 days. • Stream discharge (m3s-1)– stream velocity measured with Valeport 801 Electromagnetic Flowmeter. • Mass of hyporheic fine sediment (gl-1) – dry mass of fine sediment extracted with the 500ml hyporheic sample. The work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council (NE/X016706/1). Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This resource contains the R code and core results of a study seeking to identify whether there are global patterns in whether larger or smaller bodied species are showing different population trends within communities. This used the global BioTIME database (including community time series from hundreds of studies of mostly covering the last 20-50 years) and several large trait databases to gain a very large sample size (12,956 assemblage time series from 144 studies, incorporating 2,109,593 observations of 10,286 species, of which 7,234 could be linked to at least one size trait). Data resources in this deposit include matched trait values for each species, several population trends of each species, and community level correlations between population trends and body-size trait values. Additionally, html files describing the R markdown code to produce the data resources are included. This resource does not contain the raw population and trait data, which are openly available from various sources that are listed in the supporting documentation. The matching between global databases required a large amount of initial cleaning and filtering steps. Although the data was subject to a number of checks, with tens of thousands of species, it was too large to check all alignments manually, and trait matches assume a single bodysize value for a species across its range. The original purpose was to generate a relative rank within a community, but caution is needed for more fine-grained analyses using this approach. Full details about this application can be found at

  • Density and biomass of fish taxa from three chalkstreams in the Wessex chalk area: Nine Mile River, River Till and River Wylye. Data were collected on five occasions, between October 2012 and October 2013. The density of fish taxa at each of the three streams was estimated using benthic fish sampling and multi-pass electrofishing. The mean biomass of individuals of each taxon at each site on each occasion was then applied to the density estimates to derive an estimate of the biomass per m2 of each taxon at each site on each occasion. Data were collected to quantify food webs detailing the flux of mass and nutrients between nodes of the food web. This dataset was created as part of work package 3.2 of the Wessex Biodiversity & Ecosystem Service Sustainability (BESS) project. Full details about this dataset can be found at