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Numerical climate output from the ALL experiment run of the HadCM3 climate model as part of the NERC funded Euroclim500 project: Causes of change in European mean and extreme climate over the past 500 years. These data were produced by Andrew Schurer, Mike Mineter and Simon Tett using the HadCM3 climate model on the HECTOR supercomputer at the University of Edinburgh. This dataset includes data from 4 ensembles, r1 to r4. r1 spans 800 to 2000 while ensembles r2 to r4 span 1400 to 2000. All ensembles were run utilising all the available forcings in operation: Solar, Volcs, GHGs, LUSE, AER (fixed at 1820), O3 and Orb. The data are available in CF-netCDF to all registered users under the UK Government Open Data License.
Numerical climate output from the NoAER experiment run of the HadCM3 climate model as part of the NERC funded Euroclim500 project: Causes of change in European mean and extreme climate over the past 500 years. These data were produced by Andrew Schurer, Mike Mineter and Simon Tett using the HadCM3 climate model on the HECTOR supercomputer at the University of Edinburgh. This dataset includes data from 4 ensembles, r1 to r4. All ensembles ran with Solar, Volcs, GHGs, LUSE, 03 and Orb forcings. The data are available in CF-netCDF to all registered users under the UK Government Open Data License.
Numerical climate output from the VOLC experiment run of the HadCM3 climate model as part of the NERC funded Euroclim500 project: Causes of change in European mean and extreme climate over the past 500 years. These data were produced by Andrew Schurer, Mike Mineter and Simon Tett using the HadCM3 climate model on the HECTOR supercomputer at the University of Edinburgh. This dataset includes data from ensembles r1 to r3. All ensembles were run utilising the Volcs forcing throughout the simulation and with constant forcing set for the following additional forcings (bracketed dates indicate the year of constant forcing): Solar (1400), GHGs (1400), LUSE (1400), O3 (Pre-industrial levels) and Orb (1400). The data are available in CF-netCDF to all registered users under the UK Government Open Data License.
Numerical climate output from the NoLUSE experiment run of the HadCM3 climate model as part of the NERC funded Euroclim500 project: Causes of change in European mean and extreme climate over the past 500 years. These data were produced by Andrew Schurer, Mike Mineter and Simon Tett using the HadCM3 climate model on the HECTOR supercomputer at the University of Edinburgh. This dataset includes data from 4 ensembles, r1 to r4. All ensembles ran with Solar, Volcs, GHGs, O3 and Orb forcings, the LUSE forcing set at 1400 levels and AER from 1820 onwards. The data are available in CF-netCDF to all registered users under the UK Government Open Data License.
Numerical climate output from the SOLAR experiment run of the HadCM3 climate model as part of the NERC funded Euroclim500 project: Causes of change in European mean and extreme climate over the past 500 years. These data were produced by Andrew Schurer, Mike Mineter and Simon Tett using the HadCM3 climate model on the HECTOR supercomputer at the University of Edinburgh. This dataset includes data from 4 ensembles, r1 to r4. All ensembles ran with the following constant forcing set (bracketed dates indicate the year or range of constant forcing): Solar, GHGs (1400), LUSE (1400), O3 (pre-industrial) and Orb (1400). The data are available in CF-netCDF to all registered users under the UK Government Open Data License.
Numerical climate output from the SOLARSHAPIRO experiment run of the HadCM3 climate model as part of the NERC funded Euroclim500 project: Causes of change in European mean and extreme climate over the past 500 years. These data were produced by Andrew Schurer, Mike Mineter and Simon Tett using the HadCM3 climate model on the HECTOR supercomputer at the University of Edinburgh. This dataset includes data from r1 ensemble only. This utilising the Shapiro solar forcing in place of the standard Steinhilber/Wang solar forcing throughout the simulation and with constant forcing set for the following additional forcings (bracketed dates indicate the year or range of constant forcing): Volcs (800-850), GHGs (800-850), LUSE (825), O3 (Pre-industrial levels) and Orb (825). The data are available in CF-netCDF to all registered users under the UK Government Open Data License.
Numerical climate output from the GHG experiment run of the HadCM3 climate model as part of the NERC funded Euroclim500 project: Causes of change in European mean and extreme climate over the past 500 years. These data were produced by Andrew Schurer, Mike Mineter and Simon Tett using the HadCM3 climate model on the HECTOR supercomputer at the University of Edinburgh. This dataset includes data from 4 ensembles, r1 to r4. All ensembles ran with the following constant forcing set (bracketed dates indicate the year or range of constant forcing): Solar (1400), LUSE (1400), O3 (pre-industrial levels) and Orb (1400). The data are available in CF-netCDF to all registered users under the UK Government Open Data License.
Numerical climate output from the DRIFT experiment run of the HadCM3 climate model as part of the NERC funded Euroclim500 project: Causes of change in European mean and extreme climate over the past 500 years. These data were produced by Andrew Schurer, Mike Mineter and Simon Tett using the HadCM3 climate model on the HECTOR supercomputer at the University of Edinburgh. This dataset includes data from the r1 ensemble run with the following constant forcing set (bracketed dates indicate the year or range of constant forcing): Solar (850), Volcs (800-850), GHGs (800-850), LUSE (825), O3 (pre-industrial) and Orb (825). The data are available in CF-netCDF to all registered users under the UK Government Open Data License.
Numerical climate output from the HadCM3 climate model simulation runs for the NERC funded Euroclim500 project: Causes of change in European mean and extreme climate over the past 500 years. These data were produced by Andrew Schurer, Mike Mineter and Simon Tett using the HadCM3 climate model on the HECTOR supercomputer at the University of Edinburgh.
Data from the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, Centre National de Recherches Meteorologiques, Meteorological Institute of the University of Bonn, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, National Center for Atmospheric Research and the Met Office Hadley Centre.