Seabed photography
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As part of the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) Strategic Environmental Assessment for Area 6 (SEA6) an environmental survey was carried out from Kommandor Jack during October 2003. The aim of the survey was to acquire seabed and water samples for biological, physical and chemical analysis together with video and digital stills photography to ground-truth the geophysical data ans enable a general characterisation of seafloor habitats and community types present within a number of offshore areas containing pockmarks and shallow gas seeps within the Irish Sea. The areas surveyed were: St Georges Wall; Yuan's Pockmarks; Pisces Reef; Texel 11, Codlings Extension; Harvey's Trench; Texel 10. This report provides a log of the field sampling work undertaken.
This report describes fieldwork operations of the North Sea Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA2) Survey, Leg 3 (crests survey) conducted for he Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) from R/V Vigilance between 14 and 22 June 2001. The survey objectives were to carry out quantitative seabed sampling and seabed photography in SEA2 Survey Area 1 (sand bank / wave study areas, off the Norfolk coast). The report contains a brief description of seabed appearance and epifauna. 82 samples were collected.
As part of the Department of Trade and Industry's (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA7 an environmental survey was carried out from the SV Kommandor Jack. The aim of the survey was to acquire seabed samples for biological, physical and chemical analysis together with video and digital stills photography to ground truth the geophysical data and enable a general characterisation of seafloor habitats and community types present within the SEA7 area. The area sampled included Anton Dohrn Seamount, Rockall Bank, Hatton Bank, George Bligh Bank and Rosemary Bank. This report provides a log of the field sampling work undertaken for SEA7, in particular the biological, physical and chemical sampling.
Benthic imagery and light attenuation data from Paluma Shoals, Halifax Bay, Great Barrier Reef, 2016
This dataset consists of underwater benthic imagery and measurements of light attenuation taken from Paluma Shoals in the Coral Sea following a 2016 El Niño coral bleaching event. Data were collected between 09 and 11 August 2016. Benthic imagery was captured using a SeaViewer Sea-Drop™ Camera (950 Analog model) on 10 August 2016. Light attenuation measurements were taken using a LiCOR LI-192SA Light Meter deployed at a range of depths below the sea surface. These cruises formed the field component of NERC Discovery Science project "Quantifying ENSO-related bleaching on nearshore, turbid-zone coral reefs grant story”. The data were collected following a major El Niño event which caused mass coral bleaching across the Great Barrier Reef. The event provided opportunity to undertake a rapid assessment of the impacts of bleaching on the turbid-zone reefs in the vicinity of Paluma Shoals (central Halifax Bay). The aim of the project is to ascertain: 1) The total extent of bleaching-induced mortality; 2) The extent to which specific coral species have been impacted; 3) Any immediate impacts on the structural complexity and diversity of the reefs. The Discovery Science project was composed of Standard Grant NE/P007694/1. The grant was held by the University of Exeter, School of Geography and led by Professor Christopher Perry. The funding period ran from 01 July 2016 to 31 March 2017. All data described have been received by BODC from the RRS James Clark Ross and will be processed and made available online in the future. Raw data are available on request. No further data are expected from this project.
As part of the Department of Trade and Industry's (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA6) a seabed survey was carried out. The survey comprised photography and seabed sediment and water sampling. The purpose of these surveys was to shed light on the distribution and extent of methane-derived autigenic carbonate (MDAC) in the Irish Sea. 942 photographs are available. Cruise report is available.
As part of the Department of Trade and Industry's (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) 1999 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA1 (White Zone) Environmental Survey: Seabed survey of the deep-waters to the north and west of Scotland. The aims were to : Complete TOBI sidescan sonar survey of the "White Zone" begun on RRS Charles Darwin cruise 119C leg A; To carry out photographic surveys of the "White Zone" to ground truth the sidescan sonar imagery and provide an assessment of the seabed fauna; To carry out seabed sampling to further ground truth the sidescan sonar imagery and generate samples for the future analysis of selected environmental parameters (hydrocarbons, elements, particle size). 39 samples were collected. Raw TOBI Bathymetry - includes sidescan sonar, sub-bottom profiler and magnetometer data and Mosaiced TOBI sidescan imagery are available. The survey report is also available. The preliminary report describes the data collection and interpretation carried out by Southampton Oceanography Centre in the summer of 1999 on behalf of the DTI. The areas surveyed were in unlicensed parts of the UKCS NW of Scotland, and the purpose of the work was to obtain regional environmental information. The work was carried out in two survey legs, Leg A was a regional side-scan sonar survey, whilst leg B was a seafloor survey of targets selected from the results of leg 1. This report is presented in 4 sections: Section 1 - Cruise report for Leg A; Section 2 - Cruise report for Leg B; Section 3 - Regional environmental interpretation from side-scan sonar and camera data; Section 4 - Initial environmental assessment.
As part of the Department of Trade and Industry's (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA7) a seabed sampling survey was undertaken at Anton Dohrn Seamount, Rockall Bank, Hatton Bank, George Bligh Bank and Rosemary Bank. The objective of this cruise were: To carry out a seafloor sampling programme in selected areas within the SEA7 area of the UK Continental Shelf to the west of Scotland. The purpose of this work is to study the ecology of seamounts and other potential Annex 1 (Habitats Directive) type habitats in deep water. The survey to include target areas of the Anton Dohrn and Rosemary Bank seamounts and the George Bligh Bank, northern Rockall Bank and selected areas on the Hatton Bank. The sampling to be guided by a broad survey designed developed in advance of the cruise and modified on the basis of field observations and information generated by geophysical data, including swathe bathymetry, side scan sonar and sub-bottom profiling, conducted immediately previously to this seafloor sampling programme; To similarly carry out seafloor photographic surveys in the same areas; To repeat seafloor sampling at selected stations on transects previously sampled by SAMS during oil-industry related surveys, and the LOIS-SES surveys. 54 video files are available and 1813 photos are available.
As part of the Department of Trade and Industry's (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA5) a geophysical survey was undertaken on Wessex Explorer as part of a geophysical survey and seabed sampling on shallow sand bank areas in the Southern North Sea off the Norfolk Coast; in particular Race Bank, Docking Shoal and Ower Bank. Multibeam and sidescan sonar data were collected. The survey comprised seabed sampling, video and geophysical survey on shallow sand bank areas in the Southern North Sea off the Norfolk Coast; in particular Race Bank, Docking Shoal and Ower Bank. The survey objectives were to collect geophysical data, conduct quantitative seabed sampling and gather video footage of the seabed in the vicinity of selected sand banks with a view to better understanding the complex sediment transport processes at work in the area. An additional objective was to collect seabed samples and video footage for subsequent identification and assessment of benthic habitat. 3 processed gridded multibeam files are available. Navigation and tide data and cruise reports are also available.
As part of the Department of Trade and Industry's (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA7) a regional seafloor environmental survey was undertaken in the Faroe Shetland Channel off the north and west coasts of Shetland. The work included bathymetric surveys, sediment sampling for biological and chemical analysis, and seabed photography. 7 video files and 507 photographs are available. Raw multibeam data are available. A cruise report is also available.
1999 SEA1 (White Zone) - TOBI surveys of the Wyville-Thomson Ridge and the eastern slope of the Faeroe-Shetland Channel carried out during the Department of Trade and Industry's (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA1. This preliminary report describes the data collection and interpretation carried out by Southampton Oceanography Centre in the summer of 1999. The work was carried out in two survey legs, Leg A was a regional side-scan sonar survey, whilst leg B was a seafloor survey of targets selected from the results of leg 1. This preliminary report is presented in 4 sections: Section 1 - Cruise report for Leg A; Section 2 - Cruise report for Leg B; Section 3 - Regional environmental interpretation from side-scan sonar and camera data; Section 4 - Initial environmental assessment. Raw data and the survey report are available.