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  • The initial borehole information pack from the TH0424 Ground Investigation Borehole drilled as part of the UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) Cheshire facility. TH0424 was drilled to TD of 101 m between the 08-Nov-2021 and 30-Nov-2021. Drill core was collected from 2 m – 101 mm with 100 mm diameter. This initial data release pack from BGS contains composite and digital wireline logs alongside daily driller's borehole records. This information pack also contains the Initial Core Scan dataset from the BGS Core Scanning Facility (

  • This data pack contains information from geotechnical and contaminated land investigations carried out at potential sites for the development of the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Cheshire. Following these investigations, a decision was made to move the proposed observatory to Thornton Science Park. None of the sites discussed in this data pack are in scope for development as part of the Cheshire Observatory. In total 16 holes were drilled using a variety of techniques. The only hole to be drilled using rotary coring was BHA-101. This borehole was cored extensively and logged with wireline geophysical tools. As such this is the main focus of the data pack. BHA-101 was drilled to TD of 121.2 m between 19-Nov-2020 and 09-Dec-2020. Drill core was collected from 51 m – 121 mm with 100 mm diameter. This initial data release pack from BGS contains composite and digital wireline logs alongside daily driller's borehole records.

  • The Geophysical Borehole Log index provides details of all digital geophysical logs available to BGS. The database provides the borehole metadata related to logging and metadata for the logging itself and log data stored in a proprietary hierarchical database system (PETRIS RECALL). Contains most digital geophysically logged bores known to BGS National Geological Records Centre. Scattered distribution of boreholes, locally dense coverage, relatively few logs from Scotland & Central Wales, increasing data density on UK continental Shelf.

  • This dataset contains the collated wireline logs, stratigraphy and core analysis of the three boreholes drill as part of the publicly funded Rapid Global Geological Events Project (RGGE) which ran between 1995-1998. The aim of the RGGE project was to identify the effects of climatic changes on modern sediments. The project focused on the Kimmeridge Clay due to its unbroken sequence of fossiliferous marine mudstones. These mudstones have compositional variations in organic content, minerology, fauna and clay content which reflect changes in both the climate and sea level. Over the course of the project the entire sequence of the Kimmeridge Clay was cored across three boreholes, two at Swanworth Quarry and one at Metherhills.