

16 record(s)
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  • 3D laser surface scan of a fossil held within the BGS Type and Stratigraphical Reference Collection. Sample number: BGS GSM 37292 Species: Metrolytoceras metretum (Ammonite) Age: Inferior Oolite Group, Jurassic Location: near Sherborne, Dorset

  • X-ray computed tomography (XCT) scans of four samples of consolidated shale from the Lower Jurassic (C.exaratum subzone) of the Cardigan Bay Basin (Wales, UK). The samples were taken from the Mochras Core, at depths of 789, 810, 812, and 818m (all samples within data measured in metres). Each sample is distinguished by its unique sample identification number (SSK). For each sample, there is a stack of XCT orthoslices (.tiff) files, and for SSK109633, an incomplete Avizo file. Mochras core location (aprox.) 52°48'39.74"N, 4° 8'48.09"W. Mochras Island, west of Llanbedr, Gwynedd, Wales, UK

  • This document is the drillers log of strata encountered during site investigation work. The log was made in the field during drilling at Prees, Shropshire on 8th to 10th January 2020. The log includes basic information on lithology and drilling equipment used and depths of the individual core runs.

  • Raw CT scan data for the following taxa (Euparkeria, Scelidosaurus, Lesothosaurus, Hypsilophodon, Herrerasaurus, Adeopapposaurus, Leyesaurus, Pantydraco, Heterodontosaurus, Coelphysis, Columba, Uromastyx), deposited as either .tif stacks or .dicom stacks, together with .vol files. CT reconstructions for each of these provided as .stls and in other file formats and also all files associated with the generation of Finite Element Models for each of these taxa. Reference photographs of specimens also provided where relevant. Scans and models are arranged in folders by taxon on a hard drive, accompanied by a Read Me file giving full details.

  • Raw and lithology-sorted data on building stone in about 125 churches in South Cambridgeshire. Each line on the sheets is one dated project of building or repair. The Key tab explains the various abbreviations on the sheet, and the nature of the data on each sheet. The data are the basis for a paper on "The choice of local or imported building stone in English medieval churches; a south Cambridgeshire case study" by N H Woodcock submitted to Geoheritage in June 2024"

  • 3D structured light surface scan of a fossil held within the BGS Type and Stratigraphical Reference Collection Sample number: BGS GSM 26215 Species: Lytoceras jurense (Ammonite) Age: Inferior Oolite Group, Jurassic Location: Quarry Hill, Chideock, Dorset

  • This dataset shows the distribution of Middle Jurassic, Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous lithostratigraphic (UK Offshore Operators Association - UKOOA) units within the UK North Sea graben. The data are based on a subset of released exploration and appraisal wells from within the UK North Sea graben areas. The well data are concentrated in the areas overlying the deep sedimentary basins of the Viking Graben, Central Graben and the Moray Firth Basin, with fewer wells over the adjacent platforms. The UKOOA lithostratigraphic classification has been applied consistently.

  • This dataset spans the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian boundary of the Llanbedr (Mochras Farm) drill core that was drilled onshore in the Cardigan Bay Basin, Wales, UK. This dataset contains 1. Micro-, macro-charcoal data and palynofacies, obtained at the University of Exeter (Streatham campus), UK, 2. Clay mineralogical data (X-ray diffraction (XRD)) obtained at the University of Burgundy, France, in collaboration with Jean-François Deconinck, 3. Carbon-isotope data, TOC and carbonate content, obtained at the University of Exeter (Penryn campus), UK. The dataset was created within the scope of the JET project (Integrated understanding of Early Jurassic Earth system and timescale) - This project has received funding from the International Continental Scientific Drilling Programme (ICDP) and the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). The PhD-project within this dataset was created is funded by the University of Exeter, UK.

  • Clumped isotope analyses, raw data, replicates and temperatures calculated using the empirical calibration of Wacker et al. (2014), recalculated using the [Brand] isotopic parameters.

  • The measurements and data were obtained to study the release of carbon dioxide during the chemical weathering of sedimentary rocks, and how these CO2 fluxes were related to environmental parameters (temperature, hydrology). Weathering of sedimentary rocks can result in CO2 release from the oxidation of rock organic carbon oxidation, but also due to the oxidation of sulfide minerals, production of sulfuric acid and subsequent release of CO2 from carbonate minerals. The rock-derived carbon sources are understudied, and form an important part of the geological carbon cycle. The CO2 flux measurements were made on 5 rock chambers (H4, H6, H7, H8 and H13) installed in the Draix-Bleone Critical Zone Observatory, France, on outcrops of Jurassic marls. Measurements and data were collected from December 2016 to May 2019. Regular visits to the site (~4 per year) returned data on total CO2 flux (Total-CO2-flux.csv). This was explored as a function of temperature and ambient hydroclimate (precipitation). The datasets include the total CO2 flux measured at each visit to a chamber, and measurements of the internal chamber temperature. To determine the source of CO2 measured in the chambers, we trapped the CO2 using zeolite sieves and recovered it in the laboratory. The radiocarbon activity (reported as fraction modern, F14C) and its stable isotope composition (d13C) were measured from CO2 collected from chambers H4 and H6 over the sampling period (Radiocarbon-data.csv). These were used in a mixing analysis to partition the source of CO2 using a mixing model approach (Partitioned-CO2-fluxes.csv) as explained in full in the published paper Soulet et al., 2021, Nature Geoscience. We also measured the geochemical characteristics of the bedrocks being measured (rock-geochemical-composition.csv), including the organic carbon concentration, inorganic carbon concentration and their isotopic composition. Finally, we measured environmental variables of interest - the chamber temperature and the air temperature at the Draix-Bleone observatory (chamber-temperature.csv and Air-temperature-at-laval-le-plateau-weather-station.csv, respectively). This research was funded by a European Research Council Starting Grant to Robert Hilton (ROC-CO2 project, grant 678779) and radiocarbon and stable isotope measurements were funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), UK, (NERC Environmental Isotope Facility NEIF Radiocarbon Allocation 2074.1017) to Guillaume Soulet, Robert Hilton and Mark Garnett. Full details of data analysis and interpretation can be found in Soulet et al., 2021, Temperature control on CO2 emissions from the weathering of sedimentary rocks, Nature Geoscience