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  • HadUK-Grid is a collection of gridded climate variables derived from the network of UK land surface observations. The data have been interpolated from meteorological station data onto a uniform grid to provide complete and consistent coverage across the UK. The data set at 25 km resolution is derived from the associated 1km x 1km resolution to allow for comparison to data from UKCP18 climate projections. The dataset spans the period from 1862 to 2018, but the start time is dependent on climate variable and temporal resolution. The grids are produced for daily, monthly, seasonal and annual timescales, as well as long term averages for a set of climatological reference periods. Variables include air temperature (maximum, minimum and mean), precipitation, sunshine, mean sea level pressure, wind speed, relative humidity, vapour pressure, days of snow lying, and days of ground frost. This data set supersedes the UKCP09 gridded observations and the earlier v1.0.0.0 version. Subsequent versions may be released in due course and will follow the version numbering as outlined by Hollis et al. (2018, see linked documentation). The primary purpose of these data are to facilitate monitoring of UK climate and research into climate change, impacts and adaptation. The datasets have been created by the Met Office with financial support from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in order to support the Public Weather Service Customer Group (PWSCG), the Hadley Centre Climate Programme, and the UK Climate Projections (UKCP18) project. The data recovery activity to supplement 19th and early 20th Century data availability has also been funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC grant ref: NE/L01016X/1) project "Analysis of historic drought and water scarcity in the UK". The dataset is provided under Open Government Licence.

  • HadUK-Grid is a collection of gridded climate variables derived from the network of UK land surface observations. The data have been interpolated from meteorological station data onto a uniform grid to provide complete and consistent coverage across the UK. The data sets cover the UK at 1km x 1km resolution. These 1km x 1km data have been used to provide a range of other resolutions and across countries, administrative regions and river basins to allow for comparison to data from UKCP18 climate projections. The dataset spans the period from 1862 to 2018, but the start time is dependent on climate variable and temporal resolution. The grids are produced for daily, monthly, seasonal and annual timescales, as well as long term averages for a set of climatological reference periods. Variables include air temperature (maximum, minimum and mean), precipitation, sunshine, mean sea level pressure, wind speed, relative humidity, vapour pressure, days of snow lying, and days of ground frost. This data set supersedes the UKCP09 gridded observations and the earlier v1.0.0.0 version. Subsequent versions may be released in due course and will follow the version numbering as outlined by Hollis et al. (2018, see linked documentation). The primary purpose of these data are to facilitate monitoring of UK climate and research into climate change, impacts and adaptation. The datasets have been created by the Met Office with financial support from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in order to support the Public Weather Service Customer Group (PWSCG), the Hadley Centre Climate Programme, and the UK Climate Projections (UKCP18) project. The data recovery activity to supplement 19th and early 20th Century data availability has also been funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC grant ref: NE/L01016X/1) project "Analysis of historic drought and water scarcity in the UK". The dataset is provided under Open Government Licence.

  • Regional climate model projections produced as part of the UK Climate Projection 2018 (UKCP18) project. The data produced by the Met Office Hadley Centre provides information on changes in climate for the UK until 2080, downscaled to a high resolution (12km), helping to inform adaptation to a changing climate. The projections cover Europe and a 100 year period, 1981-2080, for a high emissions scenario, RCP8.5. Each projection provides an example of climate variability in a changing climate, which is consistent across climate variables at different times and spatial locations. This dataset contains regional averages for 8 "country" regions including Channel Islands, England, England and Wales, Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, Scotland, United Kingdom, Wales.

  • An international long-term collaboration to study the climatic and environmental feedback mechanisms involved in the African monsoon, and in some of its consequences on society and human health. The programme, which started in 2004, has developed a network of ground-based observation stations over Sub-Saharan West Africa to measure heat flux and, for some stations, CO2 and H2O vapour fluxes. Files also include concomitant meteorological measurements (wind, temperature, pressure, humidity, rainfall) and soil physics parameters (soil temperature and moisture). The UK branch of AMMA makes use of several instruments provided by the UK Universities Facility for Atmospheric Measurement (UFAM) which are centred on the Niamey meso-site. The Facility for Airbourne Atmospheric Measurements (FAAM) aircraft was used during the July-August 2006 campaign.

  • The UKCP18 exploratory extended time-mean sea level projections are provided as spatially a continuous dataset around the UK coastline for the period 2007-2300. These exploratory projections have been devised to be used seamlessly with the UKCP18 21st Century projections and provide very similar values for the period up to 2100. Users should be aware that post-2100 projections have a far greater degree of uncertainty than the 21st Century projections and should therefore be treated as illustrative of the potential future changes. Note that we cannot rule out substantially larger sea level rise in the coming centuries than is represented in the projections presented here. The data consist of annual time series of the projected change in the time-mean coastal water level relative to the average value for the period 1981-2000. Projections are available for the RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 climate change scenarios (Meinshausen et al, 2011). As with the 21st Century projections, nine percentiles are provided to characterise the projection uncertainty, based on underlying modelling uncertainty. However, users should view these uncertainties with a much lower degree of confidence for the period post-2100. This dataset was updated in March 2023 to correct a minor processing error in the earlier version of the UKCP18 site-specific sea level projections relating to the adjustment applied to convert from the IPCC AR5 baseline of 1986-2005 to the baseline period of 1981-2000. The update results in about a 1 cm increase compared to the original data release for all UKCP18 site-specific sea level projections at all timescales. Further details can be found in the accompanying technical note.

  • HadUK-Grid is a collection of gridded climate variables derived from the network of UK land surface observations. The data have been interpolated from meteorological station data onto a uniform grid to provide complete and consistent coverage across the UK. These data at 1km resolution have been averaged across a set of discrete geographies defining UK countries consistent with data from UKCP18 climate projections. The dataset spans the period from 1862 to 2017, but the start time is dependent on climate variable and temporal resolution. The grids are produced for daily, monthly, seasonal and annual timescales, as well as long term averages for a set of climatological reference periods. Variables include air temperature (maximum, minimum and mean), precipitation, sunshine, mean sea level pressure, wind speed, relative humidity, vapour pressure, days of snow lying, and days of ground frost. This data set supersedes the UKCP09 gridded observations. Subsequent versions may be released in due course and will follow the version numbering as outlined by Hollis et al. (2018, see linked documentation). The primary purpose of these data are to facilitate monitoring of UK climate and research into climate change, impacts and adaptation. The datasets have been created by the Met Office with financial support from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in order to support the Public Weather Service Customer Group (PWSCG), the Hadley Centre Climate Programme, and the UK Climate Projections (UKCP18) project. The data recovery activity to supplement 19th and early 20th Century data availability has also been funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC grant ref: NE/L01016X/1) project "Analysis of historic drought and water scarcity in the UK". The dataset is provided under Open Government Licence.

  • This dataset contains gridded meteorological data associated with challenging periods of weather for highly-renewable UK and European electricity systems of the future collected during the Adverse Weather Scenarios for Future Electricity Systems project. This project is a collaboration between the Met Office, the National Infrastructure Commission and the Climate Change Committee. More details about the project can be found in the associated documentation. Two categories of challenging weather conditions; long duration adverse events and short duration wind ramping events, are provided. Long duration events The long duration event component of the dataset provides daily time series at 60 x 60 km spatial resolution, covering a European domain, for surface temperature, 100 m wind speed and net surface solar radiation data, representative of a selection of adverse weather scenarios. Each adverse weather scenario is contained within a time slice of data. For summer-time events, one calendar year (January - December) of data is provided, with the summer-time event occurring in the summer of that year. For winter-time events, two calendar years of data are provided, with the winter-time event occurring in the winter (October-March) intersecting the two calendar years. In all cases, the start date, duration and severity of the adverse weather event, contained within the time slice of data, are given in the NetCDF global ttributes. Three types of long-duration adverse weather scenarios are represented: winter-time wind-drought-peak-demand events, summer-time wind-drought-peak-demand events, and summer-time surplus generation events. These are provided at various extreme levels (1 in 2, 5, 10, 20 ,50 and 100-year events); and for a range of current and nominal future climate change warming levels (1.2 [current day, early 2020s], 1.5, 2, 3, and 4 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial level), representative of events impacting either just the UK, or Europe as a whole. The data provided are derived from the Met Office decadal prediction system hindcast (, according to the climate change impacts identified from UKCP18 ( Short duration events The short duration event component of the dataset provides hourly time series at 4 x 4 km spatial resolution, covering a UK and surrounding offshore area domain, for 100 m wind speed, representative of a selection of wind generation ramping events. Each adverse weather scenario is contained within a time slice of data with up to one week before and one week after the day on which the event occurs (up to 15 days in total) provided. For the majority of events provided, the full 15 days are available, however for a small number of events which occur less than one week from the beginning or end of the underlying data used to derive this dataset, this is not possibly to supply, and these events are listed below. The start date and time along with the direction and magnitude of the ramp (change in wind capacity factor) contained within the time slice of data, are given in the NetCDF global attributes. The short duration wind generation ramping events are representative of events impacting five separate regions of Great Britain and surrounding offshore areas, as defined in the accompanying documentation. These regions are Scotland, the East England, West England and Wales offshore North and offshore South. The events are defined by changes in wind capacity factors occurring over different length time windows (1-hour, 3-hour, 6-hour, 12-hour and 24-hour windows). These are provided at various extreme levels (1 in 2, 5, 10, 20 ,50 and 100-year events) for the 1.2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial level (I.e. representative of early 2020s climate) and through the analysis outlined in the accompanying documentation are though to also be representative of the 2, 3, and 4 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial level nominal future climate change warming levels. The data provided are derived from the UKCP18 local projections ( The methods developed for characterising and representing these adverse weather scenarios, and the approach used to compile the final dataset are presented in the accompanying documentation. Use of this data is subject to the terms of the Open Government Licence ( The following acknowledgment must be given when using the data: © Crown Copyright 2021, Met Office, funded by the National Infrastructure Commission.

  • HadUK-Grid is a collection of gridded climate variables derived from the network of UK land surface observations. The data have been interpolated from meteorological station data onto a uniform grid to provide complete and consistent coverage across the UK. The data sets cover the UK at 1km x 1km resolution. These 1km x 1km data have been used to provide a range of other resolutions and across countries, administrative regions and river basins to allow for comparison to data from UKCP18 climate projections. The dataset spans the period from 1862 to 2017, but the start time is dependent on climate variable and temporal resolution. The grids are produced for daily, monthly, seasonal and annual timescales, as well as long term averages for a set of climatological reference periods. Variables include air temperature (maximum, minimum and mean), precipitation, sunshine, mean sea level pressure, wind speed, relative humidity, vapour pressure, days of snow lying, and days of ground frost. This data set supersedes the UKCP09 gridded observations. Subsequent versions may be released in due course and will follow the version numbering as outlined by Hollis et al. (2018, see linked documentation). The primary purpose of these data are to facilitate monitoring of UK climate and research into climate change, impacts and adaptation. The datasets have been created by the Met Office with financial support from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in order to support the Public Weather Service Customer Group (PWSCG), the Hadley Centre Climate Programme, and the UK Climate Projections (UKCP18) project. The data recovery activity to supplement 19th and early 20th Century data availability has also been funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC grant ref: NE/L01016X/1) project "Analysis of historic drought and water scarcity in the UK". The dataset is provided under Open Government Licence.

  • Convection permitting climate model projections produced as part of the UK Climate Projection 2018 (UKCP18) project. The data produced by the Met Office Hadley Centre provides information on changes in climate for the UK until 2080, downscaled to a high resolution (2.2km), helping to inform adaptation to a changing climate. The projections cover the UK and three time-slices (1981-2000, 2021-2040 and 2061-2080), for a high emissions scenario, RCP8.5. Each projection provides an example of climate variability in a changing climate, which is consistent across climate variables at different times and spatial locations. This dataset contains 2.2km data for UK Countries. Note that these data were updated during summer 2021, after the correction of a coding error relating to graupel. Full details can be found on the Met Office website, on the Project News page: The previous version of the data will be retained on CEDA for twelve months until 21st July 2022.

  • HadUK-Grid is a collection of gridded climate variables derived from the network of UK land surface observations. The data have been interpolated from meteorological station data onto a uniform grid to provide complete and consistent coverage across the UK. These data at 1km resolution have been averaged across a set of discrete geographies defining UK countries consistent with data from UKCP18 climate projections. The dataset spans the period from 1862 to 2018, but the start time is dependent on climate variable and temporal resolution. The grids are produced for daily, monthly, seasonal and annual timescales, as well as long term averages for a set of climatological reference periods. Variables include air temperature (maximum, minimum and mean), precipitation, sunshine, mean sea level pressure, wind speed, relative humidity, vapour pressure, days of snow lying, and days of ground frost. This data set supersedes the UKCP09 gridded observations and the earlier v1.0.0.0 version. Subsequent versions may be released in due course and will follow the version numbering as outlined by Hollis et al. (2018, see linked documentation). The primary purpose of these data are to facilitate monitoring of UK climate and research into climate change, impacts and adaptation. The datasets have been created by the Met Office with financial support from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in order to support the Public Weather Service Customer Group (PWSCG), the Hadley Centre Climate Programme, and the UK Climate Projections (UKCP18) project. The data recovery activity to supplement 19th and early 20th Century data availability has also been funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC grant ref: NE/L01016X/1) project "Analysis of historic drought and water scarcity in the UK". The dataset is provided under Open Government Licence.