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H2 adsorption data on sub-bituminous coal as a function of pressure. Hydrogen flooding of a coal core. Micro CT imaging of the effect on coal swelling after hydrogen injection. Hydrogen is trapped, and no swelling is observed indicating that coal might be a good candidate for the storage of hydrogen.
The dataset contains model output from the land surface model JULES and the econometric agricultural land use model ECO-AG, at kilometre scale resolution over Great Britain for 8 different scenarios using unmitigated climate change. Modelled arable area, net primary productivity, runoff and irrigation demand are provided for scenarios combining and isolating the effects of climate, CO2 and irrigation. The driving climate data used to drive the models is from Regional Climate Model runs performed for the period 1998-2008 and for an eleven year period at 2100 for CO2 levels corresponding to the unmitigated Regional Concentration Pathway RCP8.5. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/2efac82b-2438-4806-999d-374663210c34
The dataset contains model output from an agricultural land use model at kilometre scale resolution over Great Britain (GB) for four different climate and policy scenarios. Specifically, arable area is modelled for with or without a climate tipping point (standard (medium emissions scenario SRES-A1B) climate change vs Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) collapse) and with or without widespread irrigation use for farmers from 2000 to 2089. Full details about this dataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/e1c1dbcf-2f37-429b-af19-a730f98600f6
Herein lies the supporting data for the paper 'Small-scale capillary heterogeneity linked to rapid plume migration during CO2 storage'. We supply experimental, analytical and numerical simulation data used in the paper. The supplied zipped folders follow the same order as the main paper, with codes to reproduce each figure (and those in the supporting information PDF). There are also video files (in the 5_Field_scale_simulation zipped folder) showing the final CO2 plume evolution from the static images in the main paper Figure 4. Descriptions of each of the folders are given below: 0 - README. This contains detailed instructions on the data and using the supplied files. 1 - Scaling analysis. This contains the scaling analysis analytical methods, with figure generation for Figure 1 in the main paper. 2 - Petrophysics. This contains all the petrophysical experimental data, analysis files and core flood simulation files. This is used to produce Figure 2 in the main paper. 3 - Fine_resolution_simulations. This contains the simulation files, Matlab post processing files and figure generation for the fine resolution simulations, presented in Figure 3 in the main paper. 4 - MIP_upscaling. This contains simulations files, Matlab post processing files and figure generation for the macroscopic invasion percolation scheme. The results of this are presented in the supporting information document. 5 - Field_scale_simulation. This contains the simulations files, Matlab post processing files and figure generation for the final field scale simulations in the main manuscript Figure 4 and in the supporting information. In each folder are separate READMEs containing specific information relevant for the included files.