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Data recorded during triaxial rock deformation experiments of Westerly granite in the presence of pressurised pore fluids (water). Data consists of mechanical data (load, displacement, confining pressure) and pore pressure data (up- and downstream pore pressure, upstream intensifier volume, four pore pressure transducers mounted on sample) for two experiments, recorded at low and high acquisition frequencies. Also contains .h5 files with all ultrasonic waveforms (active surveys and acoustic emissions). Dataset complementary to dataset ID165485 . Contains all data necessary to evaluate the results presented in the paper entitled: 'Rupture and afterslip controlled by spontaneous local fluid flow in crustal rock' by Aben and Brantut, submitted to Geophysical Research Letters, and available at arXiv (arXiv:).
This dataset comprises reference and deformed images of F1 hybrid and house sparrow (THE) hybrid skull prints and a short Matlab code to extract wireframe deformation model. Loading was conducted at the University of Nottingham in 2023 on a customised loading frame. A reference database is provided as an example of pre-processed data. Full details about this nonGeographicDataset can be found at https://doi.org/10.5285/38e3bd7f-63a6-41a6-8bb3-4cad89bdb14d
Grant: NE/N016173/1.The data presented herein comprises raw and segmented X-Ray micro-CT data, CMG simulation files and Matlab processing files for the paper 'Representative elementary volumes, hysteresis and heterogeneity in multiphase flow from the pore to continuum scale'. The data is organised as Core 1 and Core 2 respectively. Full core scans are obtained at a resolution of 6 microns. Region of interest (ROI) scans are obtained at 3.45 micron and 2 micon (core 1) and 3.5 micron (core 2). Resolution information is contained within the file names. Voxel sizes in the image files can be changed to match these values. Experimental post-processing files contain the upscaled saturations and porosity values in 3D, which are used in the paper. It also contains the pore-filling analysis. The CMG simulation files contain the input deck, 3D digitial core information (porosity, capillary pressure) needed to simulate both the drainage and imbibition core floods, with corresponding Matlab analysis files. These are Bentheimer outcrop cores obtained from Shell, Amsterdam. It is a shallow marine rock, deposited during the Lower Cretaceous. It outcrops between Enschede and Schoonenbeek in the Netherlands.
The data are nanoindentation, high-angular resolution electron backscatter diffraction (HR-EBSD), and transmission electron microscopy data collected on samples of synthetic forsterite bicrystals at room temperature. The data were collected in two samples, with high- and low- angle grain boundaries (HAGB, 60°, [100]/(011) and SB, 13°, [100]/(016)). The EBSD data are the basis for the HR-EBSD calculation. The HR-EBSD results are presented as Matlab data files. The nanoindentation data are categorised as a function of sample (‘ol13’ – low-angle grain boundary; and ‘ol60’ – high-angle grain boundary), and indenter tip geometry (spherical (with a 10 or 5 micron radius) and pyramidal (Berkovich). The data are presented in .xls files. The TEM data are presented as .tif files. The TEM data were collected in specific indents with various distances from the interfaces. These data have been published in the manuscript: : The Role of Grain Boundaries in Low-Temperature Plasticity of Olivine Revealed by Nanoindentation, with the DOI: 10.1029/2023JB026763
Herein lies the supporting data for the paper 'Small-scale capillary heterogeneity linked to rapid plume migration during CO2 storage'. We supply experimental, analytical and numerical simulation data used in the paper. The supplied zipped folders follow the same order as the main paper, with codes to reproduce each figure (and those in the supporting information PDF). There are also video files (in the 5_Field_scale_simulation zipped folder) showing the final CO2 plume evolution from the static images in the main paper Figure 4. Descriptions of each of the folders are given below: 0 - README. This contains detailed instructions on the data and using the supplied files. 1 - Scaling analysis. This contains the scaling analysis analytical methods, with figure generation for Figure 1 in the main paper. 2 - Petrophysics. This contains all the petrophysical experimental data, analysis files and core flood simulation files. This is used to produce Figure 2 in the main paper. 3 - Fine_resolution_simulations. This contains the simulation files, Matlab post processing files and figure generation for the fine resolution simulations, presented in Figure 3 in the main paper. 4 - MIP_upscaling. This contains simulations files, Matlab post processing files and figure generation for the macroscopic invasion percolation scheme. The results of this are presented in the supporting information document. 5 - Field_scale_simulation. This contains the simulations files, Matlab post processing files and figure generation for the final field scale simulations in the main manuscript Figure 4 and in the supporting information. In each folder are separate READMEs containing specific information relevant for the included files.