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  • The Geophysical Properties dataset consists of density, velocity, magnetic susceptibility and thermal conductivity values, with related source, location and geology data. The data have been collected on a project basis, therefore the quality and completeness of the database coding is variable. The data is currently from the UK and Ireland although this may be extended. The data consists of samples with related data values - (1,000s), Density Values - Laboratory Measurements - (1,000s); Velocity Values - Laboratory Measurements - (1,000's), Magnetic Susceptibility Values - Laboratory Measurements - (1,000s); Magnetic Susceptibility Values - Field Measurements - (10,000s measurements on 1,000s samples). Borehole information for data obtained as Downhole profiles with related data values; British Rock Densities Project - Insitu density values obtained from the analysis of formation density logs - (10s boreholes with 100s values). Downhole Magnetic Susceptibility - Obtained for a confidential project with some offshore - (10s boreholes with 10,000s samples) . Thermal Conductivity - (100s boreholes with 1,000s samples), Mean Data Values derived from a data source such as published literature for a site or rock formation; Density - (100s), Magnetic Susceptibility - (100s). Information about the source from which data is obtained, Engineering Geology Laboratory Reports - (100s), Literature which may be published or unpublished - (100s). The database is not maintained and no new data has been added since 2004.

  • This dataset contains tabulated production, consumption and trade data on minerals in the UK together with authoritative commentary on current developments in the minerals industry. Data are supplied from official sources, companies and trade associations. Where data cannot be acquired, estimates are given. In addition to UK (country) data, statistics are also given at planning region level and, for certain minerals, at county level. Units of measurements are tonnes, kilograms or carats, according to commodity. Value is also provided for imports and exports. The information will be of value to all those interested in Britain's minerals. The data captured by BGS spans from 1973 onwards and is updated annually.

  • Laboratory results for the analysis of soil samples collected from urban areas during the baseline geochemical mapping programme of Britain. Sample sites are described on field slips. Chemical results are subjected to high level of quality control in the laboratory. Results are the raw data processed (standardisation and normalisation) to give seamless geochemical images and the value added G-BASE (Geochemical Baseline Survey of the Environment) data in the BGS geochemistry database.

  • Series of water/rock and water/mineral interaction experiments at a range of temperatures and pressures. Most experimental runs now held in Excel spreadsheets. All runs held as paper records in the laboratory. Analytical results also held in Excel format. Kinetic information held in Access database for a range of minerals. Also have several reference datasets in Hypercard and End Note.