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  • These data are a copy of MODIS data from the NASA Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System (LAADS) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The copy is potentially only a subset. Below is the description from The MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) BRDF/Albedo Model Parameters product (MCD43A1) contains three-dimensional (3D) data sets providing users with weighting parameters for the models used to derive the Albedo and BRDF products (MCD43A3 and MCD43A4). The models support the spatial relationship and parameter characterization best describing the differences in radiation due to the scattering (anisotropy) of each pixel, relying on multi-date, atmospherically corrected, cloud-cleared input data measured over 16-day periods. Both Terra and Aqua data are used in the generation of this product, providing the highest probability for quality assurance input data. It is designated with a shortname beginning with MCD, which is used to refer to 'combined' products, those comprised of data using both Terra and Aqua. Note that the V006 MODIS MCD43 products are retrieved daily and represent the best BRDF possible based on 16 days worth of inputs with the day of interest emphasized. Unlike the earlier reprocessed versions (where the date of the product signifies the first day of the retrieval period), and the Direct Broadcast version (where the date signifies the last day of the retrieval period), the date associated with each daily V006 retrieval is the center of the moving 16 day input window. This change is in response to user requests. Version-5 MODIS BRDF & Albedo products have attained Validation Stage 3. Shortname: MCD43A1 , Platform: Combined Aqua Terra , Instrument: MODIS , Processing Level: Level-3 , Spatial Resolution: 500 m , Temporal Resolution: daily , ArchiveSets: 6, 61 , Collection: MODIS Collection 6 (ArchiveSet 6) , PGE Number: PGE23 , File Naming Convention: MCD43A1.AYYYYDDD.hHHvVV.CCC.YYYYDDDHHMMSS.hdf YYYYDDD = Year and Day of Year of acquisition hHH = Horizontal tile number (0-35) vVV = Vertical tile number (0-17) CCC = Collection number YYYYDDDHHMMSS = Production Date and Time , Citation: Crystal Schaaf - University of Massachusetts Boston, Zhuosen Wang - NASA GSFC and MODAPS SIPS - NASA. (2015). MCD43A1C MODIS/Terra+Aqua BRDF/Albedo Model Parameters Daily L3 Global - 500m. NASA LP DAAC. , Keywords: Climate Change, Albedo, Reflectance

  • These data are a copy of MODIS data from the NASA Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System (LAADS) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The copy is potentially only a subset. Below is the description from The MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) BRDF/Albedo Quality product (MCD43A2) describes the overall condition of the other BRDF and Albedo products. The MCD43A2 product contains 16 days of data at 500 meter spatial resolution provided in a level-3 gridded data set in Sinusoidal projection, and includes albedo quality assurance, snow conditions, ancillary information, and inversion information. Both Terra and Aqua data are used in the generation of this product, providing the highest probability for quality assurance input data. It is designated with a shortname beginning with MCD, which is used to refer to 'combined' products, those comprised of data using both Terra and Aqua. Note that the V006 MODIS MCD43 products are retrieved daily and represent the best BRDF possible based on 16 days worth of inputs with the day of interest emphasized. Unlike the earlier reprocessed versions (where the date of the product signifies the first day of the retrieval period), and the Direct Broadcast version (where the date signifies the last day of the retrieval period), the date associated with each daily V006 retrieval is the center of the moving 16 day input window. This change is in response to user requests. Version-5 MODIS BRDF & Albedo products have attained Validation Stage 3. Shortname: MCD43A2 , Platform: Combined Aqua Terra , Instrument: MODIS , Processing Level: Level-3 , Spatial Resolution: 500 m , Temporal Resolution: daily , ArchiveSets: 6, 61 , Collection: MODIS Collection 6 (ArchiveSet 6) , PGE Number: PGE23 , File Naming Convention: MCD43A2.AYYYYDDD.hHHvVV.CCC.YYYYDDDHHMMSS.hdf YYYYDDD = Year and Day of Year of acquisition hHH = Horizontal tile number (0-35) vVV = Vertical tile number (0-17) CCC = Collection number YYYYDDDHHMMSS = Production Date and Time , Citation: Crystal Schaaf - University of Massachusetts Boston, Zhuosen Wang - NASA GSFC and MODAPS SIPS - NASA. (2015). MCD43A2C MODIS/Terra+Aqua BRDF/Albedo Quality Daily L3 Global - 500m. NASA LP DAAC. , Keywords: Climate Change, Albedo, Reflectance

  • These data are a copy of MODIS data from the NASA Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System (LAADS) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The copy is potentially only a subset. Below is the description from The MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Albedo product (MCD43A3) provides 500-meter data describing both directional hemispherical reflectance (black-sky albedo) and bihemispherical reflectance (white-sky albedo). The MCD43A3 product contains 16 days of data provided in a level-3 gridded data set in Sinusoidal projection. Both Terra and Aqua data are used in the generation of this product, providing the highest probability for quality assurance input data. It is designated with a shortname beginning with MCD, which is used to refer to 'combined' products, those comprised of data using both Terra and Aqua. Note that the V006 MODIS MCD43 products are retrieved daily and represent the best BRDF possible based on 16 days worth of inputs with the day of interest emphasized. Unlike the earlier reprocessed versions (where the date of the product signifies the first day of the retrieval period), and the Direct Broadcast version (where the date signifies the last day of the retrieval period), the date associated with each daily V006 retrieval is the center of the moving 16 day input window. This change is in response to user requests. Version-5 MODIS BRDF & Albedo products have attained Validation Stage 3. Shortname: MCD43A3 , Platform: Combined Aqua Terra , Instrument: MODIS , Processing Level: Level-3 , Spatial Resolution: 500 m , Temporal Resolution: daily , ArchiveSets: 6, 61 , Collection: MODIS Collection 6 (ArchiveSet 6) , PGE Number: PGE23 , File Naming Convention: MCD43A3.AYYYYDDD.hHHvVV.CCC.YYYYDDDHHMMSS.hdf YYYYDDD = Year and Day of Year of acquisition hHH = Horizontal tile number (0-35) vVV = Vertical tile number (0-17) CCC = Collection number YYYYDDDHHMMSS = Production Date and Time , Citation: Crystal Schaaf - University of Massachusetts Boston, Zhuosen Wang - NASA GSFC and MODAPS SIPS - NASA. (2015). MCD43A3 MODIS/Terra+Aqua BRDF/Albedo Daily L3 Global - 500m. NASA LP DAAC. , Keywords: Climate Change, Albedo, Reflectance

  • The ESA Ocean Colour CCI project has produced global level 3 binned multi-sensor time-series of satellite ocean-colour data with a particular focus for use in climate studies. This dataset contains the Version 4.0 Remote Sensing Reflectance product on a geographic projection at approximately 4 km spatial resolution and at a number of time resolutions (daily, 5-day, 8-day and monthly composites). Values for remote sensing reflectance at the sea surface are provided for the standard SeaWiFS wavelengths (412, 443, 490, 510, 555, 670nm) with pixel-by-pixel uncertainty estimates for each wavelength. These are merged products based on SeaWiFS, MERIS and Aqua-MODIS data. Note, this dataset is also contained within the 'All Products' dataset. This data product is on a geographic grid projection, which is a direct conversion of latitude and longitude coordinates to a rectangular grid, typically a fixed multiplier of 360x180. The netCDF files follow the CF convention for this projection with a resolution of 8640x4320. (A separate dataset is also available for data on a sinusoidal projection).

  • The ESA Ocean Colour CCI project has produced global level 3 binned multi-sensor time-series of satellite ocean-colour data with a particular focus for use in climate studies. This dataset contains the Version 4.0 Remote Sensing Reflectance product on a sinusoidal projection at approximately 4 km spatial resolution and at a number of time resolutions (daily, 5-day, 8-day and monthly composites). Values for remote sensing reflectance at the sea surface are provided for the standard SeaWiFS wavelengths (412, 443, 490, 510, 555, 670nm) with pixel-by-pixel uncertainty estimates for each wavelength. These are merged products based on SeaWiFS, MERIS and Aqua-MODIS data. Note, these data are also contained within the 'All Products' dataset. This data product is on a sinusoidal equal-area grid projection, matching the NASA standard level 3 binned projection. The default number of latitude rows is 4320, which results in a vertical bin cell size of approximately 4 km. The number of longitude columns varies according to the latitude, which permits the equal area property. Unlike the NASA format, where the bin cells that do not contain any data are omitted, the CCI format retains all cells and simply marks empty cells with a NetCDF fill value. (A separate dataset is also available for data on a geographic projection).

  • The ESA Ocean Colour CCI project has produced global level 3 binned multi-sensor time-series of satellite ocean-colour data with a particular focus for use in climate studies. This dataset contains the Version 4.2 Remote Sensing Reflectance product on a sinusoidal projection at approximately 4 km spatial resolution and at a number of time resolutions (daily, 5-day, 8-day and monthly composites). Values for remote sensing reflectance at the sea surface are provided for the standard SeaWiFS wavelengths (412, 443, 490, 510, 555, 670nm) with pixel-by-pixel uncertainty estimates for each wavelength. These are merged products based on SeaWiFS, MERIS and Aqua-MODIS data. Note, these data are also contained within the 'All Products' dataset. This data product is on a sinusoidal equal-area grid projection, matching the NASA standard level 3 binned projection. The default number of latitude rows is 4320, which results in a vertical bin cell size of approximately 4 km. The number of longitude columns varies according to the latitude, which permits the equal area property. Unlike the NASA format, where the bin cells that do not contain any data are omitted, the CCI format retains all cells and simply marks empty cells with a NetCDF fill value. (A separate dataset is also available for data on a geographic projection).

  • The ESA Ocean Colour CCI project has produced global level 3 binned multi-sensor time-series of satellite ocean-colour data with a particular focus for use in climate studies. This dataset contains the Version 4.2 Remote Sensing Reflectance product on a geographic projection at approximately 4 km spatial resolution and at a number of time resolutions (daily, 5-day, 8-day and monthly composites). Values for remote sensing reflectance at the sea surface are provided for the standard SeaWiFS wavelengths (412, 443, 490, 510, 555, 670nm) with pixel-by-pixel uncertainty estimates for each wavelength. These are merged products based on SeaWiFS, MERIS and Aqua-MODIS data. Note, this dataset is also contained within the 'All Products' dataset. This data product is on a geographic grid projection, which is a direct conversion of latitude and longitude coordinates to a rectangular grid, typically a fixed multiplier of 360x180. The netCDF files follow the CF convention for this projection with a resolution of 8640x4320. (A separate dataset is also available for data on a sinusoidal projection).

  • The ESA Ocean Colour CCI project has produced global, level 3, binned multi-sensor time-series of satellite ocean-colour data with a particular focus for use in climate studies. This dataset contains the Version 5.0 Remote Sensing Reflectance product on a geographic projection at approximately 4 km spatial resolution and at a number of time resolutions (daily, 5-day, 8-day and monthly composites) covering the period 1997 - 2020. Values for remote sensing reflectance at the sea surface are provided for the standard SeaWiFS wavelengths (412, 443, 490, 510, 555, 670nm) with pixel-by-pixel uncertainty estimates for each wavelength. These are merged products based on SeaWiFS, MERIS and Aqua-MODIS data. Note, this dataset is also contained within the 'All Products' dataset. This data product is on a geographic grid projection, which is a direct conversion of latitude and longitude coordinates to a rectangular grid, typically a fixed multiplier of 360x180. The netCDF files follow the CF convention for this projection with a resolution of 8640x4320. (A separate dataset is also available for data on a sinusoidal projection). Please note, data from December 2020 onwards are affected by an anomaly discovered after production and resulting in a spurious jump in remote sensing reflectance. The anomaly has been corrected in the version 5.0.1 of the dataset available through the Copernicus Climate Change Service ( Version 6.0 of this data is now also available here:

  • The ESA Ocean Colour CCI project has produced global, level 3, binned multi-sensor time-series of satellite ocean-colour data with a particular focus for use in climate studies. This dataset contains the Version 5.0 Remote Sensing Reflectance product on a sinusoidal projection at approximately 4 km spatial resolution and at a number of time resolutions (daily, 5-day, 8-day and monthly composites) covering the period 1997 - 2020. Values for remote sensing reflectance at the sea surface are provided for the standard SeaWiFS wavelengths (412, 443, 490, 510, 555, 670nm) with pixel-by-pixel uncertainty estimates for each wavelength. These are merged products based on SeaWiFS, MERIS and Aqua-MODIS data. Note, these data are also contained within the 'All Products' dataset. This data product is on a sinusoidal equal-area grid projection, matching the NASA standard level 3 binned projection. The default number of latitude rows is 4320, which results in a vertical bin cell size of approximately 4 km. The number of longitude columns varies according to the latitude, which permits the equal area property. Unlike the NASA format, where the bin cells that do not contain any data are omitted, the CCI format retains all cells and simply marks empty cells with a NetCDF fill value. (A separate dataset is also available for data on a geographic projection). Please note, data from December 2020 onwards are affected by an anomaly discovered after production and resulting in a spurious jump in remote sensing reflectance. The anomaly has been corrected in the version 5.0.1 of the dataset available through the Copernicus Climate Change Service ( Version 6.0 of this data is now also available here:

  • The ESA Ocean Colour CCI project has produced global level 3 binned multi-sensor time-series of satellite ocean-colour data with a particular focus for use in climate studies. This dataset contains the Version 1.0 Remote Sensing Reflectance product on a sinusoidal projection at approximately 4 km spatial resolution and at a daily time resolution. Values for remote sensing reflectance at the sea surface are provided for the standard SeaWiFS wavelengths (412, 443, 490, 510, 555, 670nm) with pixel-by-pixel uncertainty estimates for each wavelength. These are merged products based on SeaWiFS, MERIS and Aqua-MODIS data. Note, this dataset is also contained within the 'All Products' dataset. This data product is on a sinusoidal equal-area grid projection, matching the NASA standard level 3 binned projection. The default number of latitude rows is 4320, which results in a vertical bin cell size of approximately 4 km. The number of longitude columns varies according to the latitude, which permits the equal area property. Unlike the NASA format, where the bin cells that do not contain any data are omitted, the CCI format retains all cells and simply marks empty cells with a NetCDF fill value. (A separate dataset is also available for data on a geographic projection).