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  • These data are a copy of MODIS data from the NASA Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System (LAADS) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The copy is potentially only a subset. Below is the description from Shortname: MOD09GA , Platform: Terra , Instrument: MODIS , Processing Level: Level-2 Tiled , Spatial Resolution: 500 m, 1 km , Temporal Resolution: daily , ArchiveSets: 61, 6 , Collection: MODIS Collection 6.1 - Level 1, Atmosphere, Land (ArchiveSet 61) , PGE Number: PGE13

  • These data are a copy of MODIS data from the NASA Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System (LAADS) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The copy is potentially only a subset. Below is the description from Global MODIS vegetation indices are designed to provide consistent spatial and temporal comparisons of vegetation conditions. Blue, red, and near-infrared reflectances, centered at 469-nanometers, 645-nanometers, and 858-nanometers, respectively, are used to determine the MODIS daily vegetation indices. The MODIS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) complements NOAA's Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) NDVI products providing continuity for time series applications over this rich historical archive. MODIS also includes a new Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) product that minimizes canopy background variations and maintains sensitivity over dense vegetation conditions. The EVI also uses the blue band to remove residual atmosphere contamination caused by smoke and sub-pixel thin cloud clouds. The MODIS NDVI and EVI products are computed from atmospherically-corrected bi-directional surface reflectances that have been masked for water, clouds, heavy aerosols, and cloud shadows. Global MYD13A2 data are provided every 16 days at 1-kilometer spatial resolution as a gridded level-3 product in the Sinusoidal projection. Vegetation indices are used for global monitoring of vegetation conditions and are used in products displaying land cover and land cover changes. These data may be used as input for modeling global biogeochemical and hydrologic processes and global and regional climate. These data also may be used for characterizing land surface biophysical properties and processes, including primary production and land cover conversion. Collection-5 MODIS/Aqua Vegetation Indices products are Validated at Stage 2, meaning that accuracy has been assessed over a widely distributed set of locations and time periods via several ground-truth and validation efforts. Although there may be later improved versions, these data are ready for use in scientific publications. Shortname: MYD13A2 , Platform: Aqua , Instrument: MODIS , Processing Level: Level-3 , Spatial Resolution: 1 km , Temporal Resolution: 16 day , ArchiveSets: 6, 61 , Collection: MODIS Collection 6 (ArchiveSet 6) , PGE Number: PGE35 , File Naming Convention: MYD13A2.AYYYYDDD.hHHvVV.CCC.YYYYDDDHHMMSS.hdf YYYYDDD = Year and Day of Year of acquisition hHH = Horizontal tile number (0-35) vVV = Vertical tile number (0-17) CCC = Collection number YYYYDDDHHMMSS = Production Date and Time , Citation: Kamel Didan - University of Arizona, Alfredo Huete - University of Technology Sydney and MODAPS SIPS - NASA. (2015). MYD13A2 MODIS/Aqua Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 1km SIN Grid. NASA LP DAAC. , Keywords: Climate Change, Canopy Characteristics, Biomass, Vegetation Index, Plant Phenology, Length of Growing Season

  • These data are a copy of MODIS data from the NASA Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System (LAADS) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The copy is potentially only a subset. Below is the description from The MODIS/Aqua Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity (LST/E) products provide per-pixel temperature and emissivity values in a sequence of swath-based to grid-based global products. The MODIS/Aqua LST/E Daily L3 Global 1 km SIN Grid,(Short name: MYD11A1), is a gridded version of the L2 Daily LST/E data set, whose LSTs are retrieved by the split-window algorithm. The Collection-4 (C4) LST/E L3 MYD11A1 product inputs include the MODIS L1B calibrated and geolocated radiances, geolocation, cloud mask, atmospheric profiles, land and snow cover. The band 31 and 32 emissivities are estimated by a classification-based emissivity method, which relies on the pixel's land cover type as determined by the land and snow cover inputs. Until June 2001, the AVHRR-based IGBP land cover product was used. Following that time, MODIS-derived land cover product was used. The estimated emissivities in arid and semi-arid areas are potentially uncertain, and users are advised to exercise caution in their applications. The day/night alogorithm extracts average temperatures (in Kelvin) and applies them to a pair of MODIS daytime and nighttime observations. This method yields 1 K accuracy for materials with known emissivities. The V4 MYD11A1 product has a temporal acquisition range of February 24, 2000 (2000-055) until January 3, 2007 (200-003). The C4 collection remains consistent with C41, and users may combine the two collections in a time-series analysis. The MODIS/Aqua Collection 41 (C41) products use a modified Collection-4 (C4) LST algorithm and Collection-5 (C5) data inputs. The C41 products primarily address underestimation problems in the C5 Climate Modeling Grid (CMG) products. Recent validation activities reveal that the C5 CMG products underestimate LSTs up to 6K especially in desert and semi-arid regions. The availability of this collection starts with MODIS/Aqua data acquisition on January 1, 2007 (2007-001). This date is driven by the availability of the MODIS C5 data inputs (level-1B radiance data, geolocation data, cloud mask, atmospheric profiles, and land and snow cover data). The MODIS/Aqua C5 LST/E L3 Global 5 km Grid product incorporates 1-km pixels, which are produced daily using the generalized split-window LST algorithm. This algorithm is optimally used to separate ranges of atmospheric column water vapor and lower boundary air surface temperatures into tractable sub-ranges. The surface emissivities in bands 31 and 32 are estimated from land cover types. The C5 MYD11_L2 product's acquisition range started March 5, 2000 (2000-065) and will continue until some time after the C6 reprocessing is complete. The C41 and C5 MODIS/Aqua LST/E products, including the MYD11A1, are validated to Stage-2 with well-defined uncertainties over a range of representative conditions. Further details regarding MODIS land product validation for the LST/E products are available from the MODIS land team validation site referenced under 'Val Status' section. The C41 LST products from 2007-001 will remain consistent with similar products from C4, and hence are amenable to combine them in a time-series analysis. Users should exercise caution, and not mix the C4.x (i.e., C4 and C41) and C5 LST products in their analyses. Shortname: MYD11A1 , Platform: Aqua , Instrument: MODIS , Processing Level: Level-3 , Spatial Resolution: 1 km , Temporal Resolution: daily , ArchiveSets: 6, 61 , Collection: MODIS Collection 6 (ArchiveSet 6) , PGE Number: PGE16M , File Naming Convention: MYD11A1.AYYYYDDD.hHHvVV.CCC.YYYYDDDHHMMSS.hdf YYYYDDD = Year and Day of Year of acquisition hHH = Horizontal tile number (0-35) vVV = Vertical tile number (0-17) CCC = Collection number YYYYDDDHHMMSS = Production Date and Time , Citation: Zhengming Wan - University of California Santa Barbara, Simon Hook, Glynn Hulley - JPL and MODAPS SIPS - NASA. (2015). MYD11A1 MODIS/Aqua Land Surface Temperature and the Emissivity Daily L3 Global 1km SIN Grid. NASA LP DAAC. , Keywords: Climate Change, Land Surface Temperature, Emissivity, Fires

  • These data are a copy of MODIS data from the NASA Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System (LAADS) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The copy is potentially only a subset. Below is the description from The MODIS Level-2 Cloud product consists of cloud optical and physical parameters. These parameters are derived using remotely sensed infrared, visible and near infrared solar reflected radiances. MODIS infrared channel radiances are used to derive cloud top temperature, cloud top height, effective emissivity, cloud phase (ice vs. water, opaque vs. non-opaque), and cloud fraction under both daytime and nighttime conditions. MODIS visible radiances are used to derive cloud optical thickness and effective particle radius and cloud shadow effects. Near-infrared solar reflected radiance provides additional information for the retrieval of cloud particle phase (ice vs. water, clouds vs. snow). The shortname for this Level-2 MODIS cloud product is MOD06_L2. MOD06_L2 consists of parameters at a spatial resolution of either 1km or 5km (at nadir). Each MOD06_L2 product file covers a 5-minute time interval. This means that for 5km resolution parameters, the output grid is 270 pixels wide by 406 pixels in length. Every tenth granule has an output grid size of 270 by 408 pixels. For 1-km resolution parameters, the output grid is 1354 pixels in width by 2030 pixels in length and every tenth granule has an output grid size of 1354 by 2040 pixels. MOD06_L2 product files are stored in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS). All gridded cloud parameters are stored as Scientific Data Sets (SDS) within the file, except two (band number and statistics). These are stored as Vdata (table arrays). Approximately 288 files are produced daily. Nighttime files are smaller than their daytime counterparts since only the cloud top properties are retrieved at night. The MODIS Cloud Product will be used to investigate seasonal and inter-annual changes in cirrus (semi-transparent) global cloud cover and cloud phase with multispectral observations at 1km spatial resolution. For additional details see the MODIS Atmospheres web site page onCollection 6.1 Updates. Shortname: MOD06_L2 , Platform: Terra , Instrument: MODIS , Processing Level: Level-2 , Spatial Resolution: 1 km , Temporal Resolution: 5 minute , ArchiveSets: 61 , Collection: MODIS Collection 6.1 - Level 1, Atmosphere, Land (ArchiveSet 61) , PGE Number: PGE06 , File Naming Convention: MOD06_L2.AYYYYDDD.HHMM.CCC.YYYYDDDHHMMSS.hdf AYYYYDDD = Acqusition Year and Day of Year HHMM = Hour and Minute of acquisition CCC = Collection number YYYYDDDHHMMSS = Production Date and Time AYYYYDDD = Year and Day of Year of acquisition , Citation: Platnick, S., Ackerman, S., King, M., et al., 2015. MODIS Atmosphere L2 Cloud Product (06_L2). NASA MODIS Adaptive Processing System, Goddard Space Flight Center, USA: , Keywords: Water Vapor, Precipitable Water

  • These data are a copy of MODIS data from the NASA Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System (LAADS) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The copy is potentially only a subset. Below is the description from "The MODIS Level-1B data set contains calibrated and geolocated at-aperture radiances for 36 discrete bands located in the 0.4 µm to 14.4 µm region of the electromagentic spectrum. These data are generated from MODIS Level-1A scans of raw radiance, and in the process are converted to geophysical units of W/(m2µm sr). In addition, the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) may be determined for the solar reflective bands (1-19, 26) through knowledge of the solar irradiance (e.g., determined from MODIS solar diffuser data, and from the target illumination geometry). Additional data are provided including quality flags, error estimates and calibration data. Visible, shortwave infrared, and near infrared measurements are only made during the daytime, while radiances for the thermal infrared region (bands 20-25, 27-36) are measured continuously. The resolution of channels 1 and 2 is 250 m, channels 3 through 7 are 500m resolution, and the rest are 1 km resolution. However, for the MODIS L1B 1 km product, the 250 m and 500 m band radiance data and their associated uncertainties have been aggregated to 1 km resolution. Thus, the entire channel data set is referenced to the same spatial and geolocation scales. Separate L1B products are available for just the 250 m channels (MYD02QKM) and the 500 m channels (MYD02HKM) that preserve the original resolution of the data. Spatial resolution for pixels at nadir is 1 km, degrading to 4.8 km in the along-scan direction at the scan extremes. However, thanks to the overlapping of consecutive swaths and the respective pixels there, the resulting resolution at the scan extremes is about 2 km. A 55 degree scanning pattern at the EOS orbit of 705 km results in a 2330 km orbital swath width with global coverage every one to two days. A single MODIS Level-1B granule will nominally contain a scene built from 203 scans (or swaths) sampled 1354 times in the cross-track direction, corresponding to approximately 5 minutes worth of data. Since an individual MODIS scan (or swath) will contain 10 along-track spatial elements, the scene will be composed of 1354 by 2030 pixels, resulting in a spatial coverage of 2330 km by 2030 km. Due to the MODIS scan geometry, there will be increasing overlap occurring beyond about a 25 degree scan angle. Users requiring the full-resolution geolocation and solar/satellite geometry can obtain the separate MODIS Level-1 Geolocation product (MYD03) from LAADS." Shortname: MYD021KM , Platform: Aqua , Instrument: MODIS , Processing Level: Level-1B , Spatial Resolution: 1 km , Temporal Resolution: 5 minute , ArchiveSets: 61, 6 , Collection: MODIS Collection 6.1 - Level 1, Atmosphere, Land (ArchiveSet 61) , PGE Number: PGE02 , File Naming Convention: MYD021KM.AYYYYDDD.HHMM.CCC.YYYYDDDHHMMSS.hdf AYYYYDDD = Acqusition Year and Day of Year HHMM = Hour and Minute of acquisition CCC = Collection number YYYYDDDHHMMSS = Production Date and Time YYYYDDD = Year and Day of Year of acquisition , Citation: MODIS Characterization Support Team (MCST), 2017. MODIS 1km Calibrated Radiances Product. NASA MODIS Adaptive Processing System, Goddard Space Flight Center, USA: , Keywords: Climate Change, Radiance

  • These data are a copy of MODIS data from the NASA Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System (LAADS) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The copy is potentially only a subset. Below is the description from "The MODIS Aerosol Product monitors the ambient aerosol optical thickness over the oceans globally and over a portion of the continents. Further, the aerosol size distribution is derived over the oceans, and the aerosol type is derived over the continents. Daily Level-2 data are produced at the spatial resolution of a 10x10 1-km pixel array (at nadir). Prior to MODIS, satellite measurements were limited to reflectance measurements in one (GOES, METEOSAT) or two (AVHRR) channels. There was no real attempt to retrieve aerosol content over land on a global scale. Algorithms had been developed for use only over dark vegetation. The blue channel on MODIS, not present on AVHRR, offers the possibility to extend the derivation of optical thickness over land to additional surfaces. The algorithms use MODIS bands 1 through 7 and 20 and require prior cloud screening using MODIS data. Over the land, the dynamic aerosol models are derived from ground-based sky measurements and used in the net retrieval process. Over the ocean, three parameters that describe the aerosol loading and size distribution are retrieved. Pre-assumptions on the general structure of the size distribution are required in the inversion of MODIS data, and the volume-size distribution is described with two log-normal modes: a single mode to describe the accumulation mode particles (radius < 0.5 µm) and a single coarse mode to describe dust and/or salt particles (radius > 1.0 µm). The quality assurance control of these products will be based on comparison with ground stations and climatology. For additional details see the MODIS Atmospheres web site page onCollection 6.1 Updates. " Shortname: MOD04_L2 , Platform: Terra , Instrument: MODIS , Processing Level: Level-2 , Spatial Resolution: 10 km , Temporal Resolution: 5 minute , ArchiveSets: 61 , Collection: MODIS Collection 6.1 - Level 1, Atmosphere, Land (ArchiveSet 61) , PGE Number: PGE04 , File Naming Convention: MOD04_L2.AYYYYDDD.HHMM.CCC.YYYYDDDHHMMSS.hdf YYYYDDD = Year and Day of Year of acquisition HHMM = Hour and Minute of acquisition CCC = Collection number YYYYDDDHHMMSS = Production Date and Time AYYYYDDD = Year and Day of Year of acquisition , Citation: Levy, R., Hsu, C., et al., 2015. MODIS Atmosphere L2 Aerosol Product. NASA MODIS Adaptive Processing System, Goddard Space Flight Center, USA: , Keywords: Climate Change, Atmospheric Correction, Aerosol Optical Depth/Thickness

  • These data are a copy of MODIS data from the NASA Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System (LAADS) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The copy is potentially only a subset. Below is the description from The MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) BRDF/Albedo Quality product (MCD43A2) describes the overall condition of the other BRDF and Albedo products. The MCD43A2 product contains 16 days of data at 500 meter spatial resolution provided in a level-3 gridded data set in Sinusoidal projection, and includes albedo quality assurance, snow conditions, ancillary information, and inversion information. Both Terra and Aqua data are used in the generation of this product, providing the highest probability for quality assurance input data. It is designated with a shortname beginning with MCD, which is used to refer to 'combined' products, those comprised of data using both Terra and Aqua. Note that the V006 MODIS MCD43 products are retrieved daily and represent the best BRDF possible based on 16 days worth of inputs with the day of interest emphasized. Unlike the earlier reprocessed versions (where the date of the product signifies the first day of the retrieval period), and the Direct Broadcast version (where the date signifies the last day of the retrieval period), the date associated with each daily V006 retrieval is the center of the moving 16 day input window. This change is in response to user requests. Version-5 MODIS BRDF & Albedo products have attained Validation Stage 3. Shortname: MCD43A2 , Platform: Combined Aqua Terra , Instrument: MODIS , Processing Level: Level-3 , Spatial Resolution: 500 m , Temporal Resolution: daily , ArchiveSets: 6, 61 , Collection: MODIS Collection 6 (ArchiveSet 6) , PGE Number: PGE23 , File Naming Convention: MCD43A2.AYYYYDDD.hHHvVV.CCC.YYYYDDDHHMMSS.hdf YYYYDDD = Year and Day of Year of acquisition hHH = Horizontal tile number (0-35) vVV = Vertical tile number (0-17) CCC = Collection number YYYYDDDHHMMSS = Production Date and Time , Citation: Crystal Schaaf - University of Massachusetts Boston, Zhuosen Wang - NASA GSFC and MODAPS SIPS - NASA. (2015). MCD43A2C MODIS/Terra+Aqua BRDF/Albedo Quality Daily L3 Global - 500m. NASA LP DAAC. , Keywords: Climate Change, Albedo, Reflectance

  • These data are a copy of MODIS data from the NASA Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System (LAADS) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The copy is potentially only a subset. Below is the description from Shortname: MYD09A1 , Platform: Aqua , Instrument: MODIS , Processing Level: Level-3 , Spatial Resolution: 500 m , Temporal Resolution: 8 day , ArchiveSets: 61, 6 , Collection: MODIS Collection 6.1 - Level 1, Atmosphere, Land (ArchiveSet 61) , PGE Number: PGE21

  • These data are a copy of MODIS data from the NASA Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System (LAADS) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The copy is potentially only a subset. Below is the description from Shortname: MYD09GA , Platform: Aqua , Instrument: MODIS , Processing Level: Level-2 Tiled , Spatial Resolution: 500 m, 1 km , Temporal Resolution: daily , ArchiveSets: 61, 6 , Collection: MODIS Collection 6.1 - Level 1, Atmosphere, Land (ArchiveSet 61) , PGE Number: PGE13

  • These data are a copy of MODIS data from the NASA Level-1 and Atmosphere Archive & Distribution System (LAADS) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). The copy is potentially only a subset. Below is the description from The MODIS Land Cover Type product contains multiple classification schemes, which describe land cover properties derived from observations spanning a year's input of Terra and Aqua data. The primary land cover scheme identifies 17 land cover classes defined by the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (IGBP), which includes 11 natural vegetation classes, 3 developed and mosiacked land classes, and three non-vegetated land classes. The MODIS Terra + Aqua Land Cover Type Yearly L3 Global 500 m SIN Grid product incorporates five different land cover classification schemes, derived through a supervised decision-tree classification method: Land Cover Type 1: IGBP global vegetation classification schemeLand Cover Type 2: University of Maryland (UMD) schemeLand Cover Type 3: MODIS-derived LAI/fPAR schemeLand Cover Type 4: MODIS-derived Net Primary Production (NPP) schemeLand Cover Type 5: Plant Functional Type (PFT) scheme Additional layers include a Land Cover Type Assessment SDS, a Land Cover Percent SDS, and a Land Cover Quality Control SDS. Collection 5.1 Land Cover Type products are produced with revised training data and certain algorithm refinements. For further details, please consult the following paper: Friedl, M. A., Sulla-Menashe, D., Tan, B., Schneider, A., Ramankutty, N., Sibley, A., andHuang, X. (2010). MODIS Collection 5 global land cover: Algorithm refinements and characterization of new datasets. Remote Sensing of Environment, 114, 168-182. Shortname: MCD12Q1 , Platform: Combined Aqua Terra , Instrument: MODIS , Processing Level: Level-3 , Spatial Resolution: 500 m , Temporal Resolution: annual , ArchiveSets: 6 , Collection: MODIS Collection 6 (ArchiveSet 6) , PGE Number: PGE41 , File Naming Convention: MCD12Q1.AYYYYDDD.hHHvVV.CCC.YYYYDDDHHMMSS.hdf AAYYYYDDD = Acquisition Year and Day of Year hHH = Horizontal tile number (0-35) vVV = Vertical tile number (0-17) CCC = Collection number YYYYDDDHHMMSS = Production Date and Time , Citation: Mark Friedl, Damien Sulla-Menashe - Boston University and MODAPS SIPS - NASA. (2015). MCD12Q1 MODIS/Terra+Aqua Land Cover Type Yearly L3 Global 500m SIN Grid. NASA LP DAAC. , Keywords: Climate Change, Climate Modeling, Land Cover