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  • Cloud properties derived from the AVHRR instrument on NOAA-16 by the ESA Cloud CCI project. The L3U datasets consists of cloud properties from L2 data granules remapped to a global space grid of 0.1 degree in latitiude and longitude, without combining any observations from overlapping orbits; only sampling is done. Common notations for this processing level are also L2b and L2G. Data is provided with a temporal resolution of 1 day. This dataset is version 1.0 data from Phase 1 of the CCI project.

  • Cloud properties derived from the AVHRR instrument on NOAA-16 by the ESA Cloud CCI project. The L3C dataset consists of data combined (averaged) from a single instrument into a global space-time grid, with a spatial resolution of 0.5 degrees lat/lon and a temporal resolution of 1 month. This dataset is version 1.0 data from Phase 1 of the CCI project.

  • This dataset contains Daily Snow Cover Fraction of viewable snow from AVHRR, produced by the Snow project of the ESA Climate Change Initiative programme. Snow cover fraction viewable (SCFV) indicates the area of snow viewable from space over land surfaces. In forested areas this refers to snow viewable on top of the forest canopy. The SCFV is given in percentage (%) per pixel. The global SCFV product is available at about 5 km pixel size for all land areas, excluding Antarctica and Greenland ice sheets. The coastal zones of Greenland are included. The SCFV time series provides daily products for the period 1982-2019. The product is based on medium resolution optical satellite data from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). Clouds are masked using the Cloud CCI cloud v3.0 mask product. The retrieval method of the snow_cci SCFV product from AVHRR data has been further developed and improved based on the ESA GlobSnow approach described by Metsämäki et al. (2015) and complemented with a pre-classification module. All cloud free pixels are then used for the snow extent mapping, using spectral bands centred at about 630 nm and 1.61 µm (channel 3a or the reflective part of channel 3b), and an emissive band centred at about 10.8 µm. The snow_cci snow cover mapping algorithm is a two-step approach: first, a strict pre-classification is applied to identify all cloud free pixels which are certainly snow free. For all remaining pixels, the snow_cci SCFV retrieval method is applied. The following auxiliary data set is used for product generation: ESA CCI Land Cover from 2000; water bodies and permanent snow and ice areas are masked based on this dataset. Both classes were separately aggregated to the pixel spacing of the SCF product. Water areas are masked if more than 50 percent of the pixel is classified as water, permanent snow and ice areas are masked if more than 50 percent are identified as such areas in the aggregated map. The SCFV product is aimed to serve the needs for users working in the cryosphere and climate research and monitoring activities, including the detection of variability and trends, climate modelling and aspects of hydrology, meteorology and biology. The Remote Sensing Research Group of the University of Bern is responsible for the SCFV product development and generation. ENVEO developed and prepared all auxiliary data sets used for the product generation. The SCFV AVHRR product comprises one longer data gap of 92 between November 1994 and January 1995, and 16 individual daily gaps, resulting in a 99% data coverage over the entire study period of 38 years.

  • The Cloud_cci AVHRR-PMv3 dataset (covering 1982-2016) was generated within the Cloud_cci project, which was funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) as part of the ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) programme (Contract No.: 4000109870/13/I-NB). This dataset is one of the 6 datasets generated in Cloud_cci; all of them being based on passive-imager satellite measurements. This dataset is based on measurements from AVHRR (onboard the NOAA-7, NOAA-9, NOAA-11, NOAA-14, NOAA-16, NOAA-18, NOAA-19 satellites) and contains a variety of cloud properties which were derived employing the Community Cloud retrieval for Climate (CC4CL; Sus et al., 2018; McGarragh et al., 2018) retrieval framework. The core cloud properties contained in the Cloud_cci AVHRR-PMv3 dataset are cloud mask/fraction, cloud phase, cloud top pressure/height/temperature, cloud optical thickness, cloud effective radius and cloud liquid/ice water path. Spectral cloud albedo is also included as experimental product. The cloud properties are available at different processing levels: This particular dataset contains Level-3C (monthly averages and histograms) data, while Level-3U (globally gridded, unaveraged data fields) is also available as a separate dataset. Pixel-based uncertainty estimates come along with all properties and have been propagated into the Level-3C data. The data in this dataset are a subset of the AVHRR-PM L3C / L3U cloud products version 3.0 dataset produced by the ESA Cloud_cci project available from To cite the full dataset, please use the following citation: Stengel, Martin; Sus, Oliver; Stapelberg, Stefan; Finkensieper, Stephan; Würzler, Benjamin; Philipp, Daniel; Hollmann, Rainer; Poulsen, Caroline (2019): ESA Cloud Climate Change Initiative (ESA Cloud_cci) data: Cloud_cci AVHRR-PM L3C/L3U CLD_PRODUCTS v3.0, Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), DOI:10.5676/DWD/ESA_Cloud_cci/AVHRR-PM/V003.

  • This dataset contains Daily Snow Cover Fraction (snow on ground) from AVHRR, produced by the Snow project of the ESA Climate Change Initiative programme. Snow cover fraction on ground (SCFG) indicates the area of snow observed from space over land surfaces, in forested areas corrected for the transmissivity of the forest canopy. The SCFG is given in percentage (%) per pixel. The global SCFG product is available at about 5 km pixel size for all land areas, excluding Antarctica and Greenland ice sheets. The coastal zones of Greenland are included. The SCFG time series provides daily products for the period 1982-2019. The product is based on medium resolution optical satellite data from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). Clouds are masked using the Cloud CCI cloud v3.0 mask product. The retrieval method of the snow_cci SCFG product from AVHRR data has been further developed and improved based on the ESA GlobSnow approach described by Metsämäki et al. (2015) and complemented with a pre-classification module. All cloud free pixels are then used for the snow extent mapping, using spectral bands centred at about 630 nm and 1.61 µm (channel 3a or the reflective part of channel 3b), and an emissive band centred at about 10.8 µm. The snow_cci snow cover mapping algorithm is a two-step approach: first, a strict pre-classification is applied to identify all cloud free pixels which are certainly snow free. For all remaining pixels, the snow_cci SCFG retrieval method is applied. The following auxiliary data sets are used for product generation: i) ESA CCI Land Cover from 2000; water bodies and permanent snow and ice areas are masked based on this dataset. Both classes were separately aggregated to the pixel spacing of the SCF product. Water areas are masked if more than 50 percent of the pixel is classified as water, permanent snow and ice areas are masked if more than 50 percent are identified as such areas in the aggregated map; ii) Forest canopy transmissivity map; this layer is based on the tree cover classes of the ESA CCI Land Cover 2000 data set and the tree cover density map from Landsat data for the year 2000 (Hansen et al., Science, 2013, DOI: 10.1126/science.1244693). This layer is used to apply a forest canopy correction and estimate in forested areas the fractional snow cover on ground. The SCFG product is aimed to serve the needs of users working in cryosphere and climate research and monitoring activities, including the detection of variability and trends, climate modelling and aspects of hydrology, meteorology, and biology. The Remote Sensing Research Group of the University of Bern is responsible for the SCFG product development and generation. ENVEO developed and prepared all auxiliary data sets used for the product generation. The SCFG AVHRR product comprises one longer data gap of 92 between November 1994 and January 1995, and 16 individual daily gaps, resulting in a 99% data coverage over the entire study period of 38 years.

  • This v2.1 SST_cci Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Level 2 Preprocessed (L2P) Climate Data Record (CDR) consists of stable, low-bias sea surface temperature (SST) data from the AVHRR series of satellite instruments. It covers the period between 08/1981 and 12/2016. This L2P product provides these SST data on the original satellite swath with a single orbit of data per file. The dataset has been produced as part of the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative Sea Surface Temperature project(ESA SST_cci). The data products from SST_cci accurately map the surface temperature of the global oceans over the period 1981 to 2016 using observations from many satellites. The data provide independently quantified SSTs to a quality suitable for climate research. This CDR Version 2.1 product supercedes the CDR Version 2.0 product. Data are made freely and openly available under a Creative Commons License by Attribution (CC By 4.0) . When citing this dataset please also cite the associated data paper: Merchant, C.J., Embury, O., Bulgin, C.E., Block T., Corlett, G.K., Fiedler, E., Good, S.A., Mittaz, J., Rayner, N.A., Berry, D., Eastwood, S., Taylor, M., Tsushima, Y., Waterfall, A., Wilson, R., Donlon, C. Satellite-based time-series of sea-surface temperature since 1981 for climate applications, Scientific Data 6:223 (2019).

  • This dataset contains permafrost ground temperature data produced as part of the European Space Agency's (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Permafrost project. It forms part of the second version of their Climate Research Data Package (CRDP v2). It is derived from a thermal model driven and constrained by satellite data. Grid products of CDRP v2 are released in annual files, covering the start to the end of the Julian year. This corresponds to average annual ground temperatures and is provided for specific depths (surface, 1m, 2m, 5m , 10m). Case A: This covers the Northern Hemisphere (north of 30°) for the period 2003-2019 based on MODIS Land Surface temperature merged with downscaled ERA5 reanalysis near-surface air temperature data. Case B: This covers the Northern Hemisphere (north of 30°) for the period 1997-2002 based on downscaled ERA5 reanalysis near-surface air temperature data which are bias-corrected with the Case A product for the overlap period 2003-2019 using a pixel-specific statistics for each day of the year.

  • This dataset contains permafrost extent data produced as part of the European Space Agency's (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Permafrost project. It forms part of the second version of their Climate Research Data Package (CRDP v2). It is derived from a thermal model driven and constrained by satellite data. Grid products of CDRP v2 are released in annual files, covering the start to the end of the Julian year. This corresponds to average annual ground temperatures (at 2 m depth) which forms the basis for the retrieval of yearly fraction of permafrost-underlain and permafrost-free area within a pixel. A classification according to the IPA (International Permafrost Association) zonation delivers the well-known permafrost zones, distinguishing isolated (0-10%) sporadic (10-50%), discontinuous (50-90%) and continuous permafrost (90-100%). Case A: This covers the Northern Hemisphere (north of 30°) for the period 2003-2019 based on MODIS Land Surface temperature merged with downscaled ERA5 reanalysis near-surface air temperature data. Case B: This covers the Northern Hemisphere (north of 30°) for the period 1997-2002 based on downscaled ERA5 reanalysis near-surface air temperature data which are bias-corrected with the Case A product for the overlap period 2003-2019 using a pixel-specific statistics for each day of the year.

  • Cloud properties derived from the merged series of AVHRR instruments on the NOAA-15 to NOAA-18 satellites by the ESA Cloud CCI project. The L3S dataset consists of data combined (averaged) from into a global space-time grid, with a spatial resolution of 0.5 degrees lat/lon and a temporal resolution of 1 month. This dataset is version 1.0 data from Phase 1 of the CCI project.

  • This dataset contains v4.0 permafrost extent data produced as part of the European Space Agency's (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Permafrost project. It forms part of the third version of their Climate Research Data Package (CRDP v3). It is derived from a thermal model driven and constrained by satellite data. CRDPv3 covers the years from 1997 to 2021. Grid products of CDRP v3 are released in annual files, covering the start to the end of the Julian year. This corresponds to average annual ground temperatures (at 2 m depth) which forms the basis for the retrieval of yearly fraction of permafrost-underlain and permafrost-free area within a pixel. A classification according to the IPA (International Permafrost Association) zonation delivers the well-known permafrost zones, distinguishing isolated (0-10%) sporadic (10-50%), discontinuous (50-90%) and continuous permafrost (90-100%). Case A: It covers the Northern Hemisphere (north of 30°) for the period 2003-2021 based on MODIS Land Surface temperature merged with downscaled ERA5 reanalysis near-surface air temperature data. Case B: It covers the Northern Hemisphere (north of 30°) for the period 1997-2002 based on downscaled ERA5 reanalysis near-surface air temperature data which are bias-corrected with the Case A product for the overlap period 2003-2021 using a pixel-specific statistics for each day of the year.