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European Facility for Airborne Research (EUFAR)

172 record(s)
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From 1 - 10 / 172
  • Hyperspectral remote sensing measurements using the ARSF Optech Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper 3033 LIDAR, ARSF Rollei Digital Camera, ARSF Specim AISA Eagle and ARSF Specim AISA Hawk instruments onboard the NERC ARSF Dornier Do228-101 D-CALM Aircraft for the AIMWETLAB - Aerial imaging of the wetlands of Lake Balaton and the Kis-Balaton (EUFAR10_01) project (flight reference: 2010_235b). Data were collected over the Balaton Peninsula, Hungary area.

  • In situ atmospheric measurements using the SAFIRE ATR42 Core Instrument suite onboard the ATR42 - SAFIRE aircraft for the icare-QUAD- Quality of Airborne Data (ICARE-QAD) project (flight reference: as60). Data were collected over the Toulouse, France area.

  • Hyperspectral remote sensing measurements using the ARSF AsiaFENIX hyperspectral imager and ARSF Optech Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper 3033 LIDAR instruments onboard the NERC ARSF Dornier Do228-101 D-CALM Aircraft for the MEDhy^2CON- MEDiterranean HYdrological and HYperspectral monitoring of landscape CONnectivity in contrasting Mediterranean insular catchments (Mallorca, Spain) (EUFAR15_38) project (flight reference: 2015_169a). Data were collected over the Mallorca, Spain area.

  • Hyperspectral remote sensing measurements using the ARSF Rollei Digital Camera and ARSF Optech Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper 3033 LIDAR instruments onboard the NERC ARSF Dornier Do228-101 D-CALM Aircraft for the HYMOSENS2: rivers HYdroMOrphological characterization by high-resolution remote SENSing data (EUFAR15_68) project (flight reference: 2015_270). Data were collected over the Ain, France area.

  • Hyperspectral remote sensing measurements using the ARSF Specim AISA Eagle, ARSF Specim AISA Hawk, ARSF Optech Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper 3033 LIDAR and ARSF Rollei Digital Camera instruments onboard the NERC ARSF Dornier Do228-101 D-CALM Aircraft for the SEDMEDHY- Soil Erosion Detection within MEDiterranean agricultural areas using HYperspectral data (EUFAR11_07) project (flight reference: 2011_220). Data were collected over the Toledo, Spain area.

  • Hyperspectral remote sensing measurements using the ARSF Optech Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper 3033 LIDAR, ARSF Rollei Digital Camera, ARSF Specim AISA Eagle and ARSF Specim AISA Hawk instruments onboard the NERC ARSF Dornier Do228-101 D-CALM Aircraft for the AIRES-CZM - Using AIRborne REmote Sensing for improved Coastal Zone Management (EUFAR10_02) project (flight reference: 2010_199a). Data were collected over the Santander, Spain area.

  • In situ atmospheric and hyperspectral remote sensing measurements using the Ocean Optics spectrometer on the AWI-polar5 aircraft and AIMMS20 instrument on the AWI-polar5 aircraft onboard the POLAR 5 - AWI aircraft for the ALISA - Atmosphere-surface interactions over the Larsen Ice Shelf and Weddell Sea, Antarctic project (flight reference: awi-polar5_20100213_alisa). Data were collected over the Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica area.

  • In situ atmospheric measurements using the SAFIRE ATR42 Core Instrument suite onboard the ATR42 - SAFIRE aircraft for the WaLiTemp- Inter-comparison of airborne and ground-based lidar measurements for the characterization of atmospheric water vapour and temperature profiles (WALITEMP) project (flight reference: as38). Data were collected over the Montpellier, France. Mediterranean Basin area.

  • Hyperspectral remote sensing measurements using the ARSF AsiaFENIX hyperspectral imager and ARSF Optech Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper 3033 LIDAR instruments onboard the NERC ARSF Dornier Do228-101 D-CALM Aircraft for the MEDhy^2CON- MEDiterranean HYdrological and HYperspectral monitoring of landscape CONnectivity in contrasting Mediterranean insular catchments (Mallorca, Spain) (EUFAR15_38) project (flight reference: 2015_169b). Data were collected over the Mallorca, Spain area.

  • In situ atmospheric measurements using the SAFIRE ATR42 Core Instrument suite onboard the ATR42 - SAFIRE aircraft for the i-WAKE2- island-induced WAKE dynamics (I-WAKE2) project (flight reference: as42). Data were collected over the Madeira, Portugal area.