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  • Data from the Synthetic Aperture Radar and Hyperspectral Airborne campaign (SHAC) run by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the British National Space Centre (BNSC). The campaign intended to provide support for industrial and academic research into earth resource and environmental monitoring. The campaign was managed by NRSC- now Infoterra. Fourteen different locations were flown in May and June 2000 in the campaign (see Fig.1), logistical constraints requiring two aircraft be used to fly the two instruments individually. The campaign involved a large number of researchers from NERC-EPFS and CEH, BAE Systems and InfoTerra on the ground collecting information vital to making best use of the airborne data: simultaneous spectral, sun photometer and GPS measurements and the installation by DERA, now QinetiQ, of corner reflectors to gain geo-coding of the E-SAR data. The outcome was previously unavailable, state-of the art, airborne data of the UK, which informed 11 research projects. The following list details the various SHAC2000 projects flown ScotSHAC campaign in Glen Affric Woodhouse, I., University of Edinburgh Fractional ground cover estimation from hyperspectral radiometry. Davenport, I., University of Reading Radar measurements of wheat crops at the Boxworth site. Quegan, S., University of Sheffield Land Surface Biophysical Parameters from Multi-angular Hyperspectral and SAR data. Lewis, P. , UCL Carbon Offset Verification of Forest Ecosystems. Dawson, T. , University of Oxford Remote Sensing of Leaks from Aqueducts. Malthus, T.,University of Edinburgh Integration of SAR and hyperspectral airborne data for quantitative analysis of estuarine convergent fronts and water quality (ref: BNSC SHAC 99/004). Ferrier, G., University of Hull Synergy of HyMap and digital elevation data for the analysis of upland peat erosion pattern and composition. McMorrow, J., University of Manchester Thetford Forest: Retrieval of biodiversity indicators for temperate forest from remote sensing; and Monks Wood: Quantifying habitat structure and quality for woodland birds. Balzter, H., CEH- NERC Remote sensing of hydrology and vegetation dynamics in the New Forest. Milton, E., University of Southampton Assessing the environmental impact of historical basemetal mining at Parys Mountain, Anglesey, with HyMap data. Lamb, A. and Denniss, A., Infoterra Ltd.

  • In situ atmospheric measurements using the SAFIRE ATR42 Core Instrument suite onboard the ATR42 - SAFIRE aircraft for the icare-QUAD- Quality of Airborne Data (ICARE-QAD) project (flight reference: as60). Data were collected over the Toulouse, France area.

  • Hyperspectral remote sensing measurements using the ARSF AsiaFENIX hyperspectral imager and ARSF Optech Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper 3033 LIDAR instruments onboard the NERC ARSF Dornier Do228-101 D-CALM Aircraft for the MEDhy^2CON- MEDiterranean HYdrological and HYperspectral monitoring of landscape CONnectivity in contrasting Mediterranean insular catchments (Mallorca, Spain) (EUFAR15_38) project (flight reference: 2015_169a). Data were collected over the Mallorca, Spain area.

  • Hyperspectral remote sensing measurements using the ARSF Rollei Digital Camera and ARSF Optech Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper 3033 LIDAR instruments onboard the NERC ARSF Dornier Do228-101 D-CALM Aircraft for the HYMOSENS2: rivers HYdroMOrphological characterization by high-resolution remote SENSing data (EUFAR15_68) project (flight reference: 2015_270). Data were collected over the Ain, France area.

  • Hyperspectral remote sensing measurements using the ARSF Specim AISA Eagle, ARSF Specim AISA Hawk, ARSF Optech Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper 3033 LIDAR and ARSF Rollei Digital Camera instruments onboard the NERC ARSF Dornier Do228-101 D-CALM Aircraft for the SEDMEDHY- Soil Erosion Detection within MEDiterranean agricultural areas using HYperspectral data (EUFAR11_07) project (flight reference: 2011_220). Data were collected over the Toledo, Spain area.

  • Hyperspectral remote sensing measurements using the ARSF Optech Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper 3033 LIDAR, ARSF Rollei Digital Camera, ARSF Specim AISA Eagle and ARSF Specim AISA Hawk instruments onboard the NERC ARSF Dornier Do228-101 D-CALM Aircraft for the AIRES-CZM - Using AIRborne REmote Sensing for improved Coastal Zone Management (EUFAR10_02) project (flight reference: 2010_199a). Data were collected over the Santander, Spain area.

  • In situ atmospheric measurements using the SAFIRE ATR42 Core Instrument suite onboard the ATR42 - SAFIRE aircraft for the WaLiTemp- Inter-comparison of airborne and ground-based lidar measurements for the characterization of atmospheric water vapour and temperature profiles (WALITEMP) project (flight reference: as38). Data were collected over the Montpellier, France. Mediterranean Basin area.

  • Hyperspectral remote sensing measurements using the ARSF Rollei Digital Camera, ARSF AsiaFENIX hyperspectral imager and ARSF Optech Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper 3033 LIDAR instruments onboard the NERC ARSF Dornier Do228-101 D-CALM Aircraft for the HOLUHRAUN_HAZ- Assessing the hazard and testing our understanding of environmental and geophysical responses from emplacement of a large volume lava flow field (EUFAR15_58) project (flight reference: 2015_244b). Data were collected over the Central Iceland area.

  • Hyperspectral remote sensing measurements using the ARSF AsiaFENIX hyperspectral imager and ARSF Optech Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper 3033 LIDAR instruments onboard the NERC ARSF Dornier Do228-101 D-CALM Aircraft for the MEDhy^2CON- MEDiterranean HYdrological and HYperspectral monitoring of landscape CONnectivity in contrasting Mediterranean insular catchments (Mallorca, Spain) (EUFAR15_38) project (flight reference: 2015_169b). Data were collected over the Mallorca, Spain area.

  • In situ atmospheric measurements using the SAFIRE ATR42 Core Instrument suite onboard the ATR42 - SAFIRE aircraft for the i-WAKE2- island-induced WAKE dynamics (I-WAKE2) project (flight reference: as42). Data were collected over the Madeira, Portugal area.