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  • Global analyses from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) from 1994 - present. This dataset collection follows on from the ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA-15 and ERA-40) datasets with the same parameters at identical resolutions. Data is available in a number of resolutions and vertical level types. Some Monthly means and Seasonal Forecast data (1987-present) are also available.

  • The mesoscale forecast data are of tephigrams which show the temperature at given pressures in the atmosphere. The dataset also contains maps of wind convergence and total rainfall over the UK and northern Europe. The data were collected from observation stations in the UK, Belgium, and France on the 7th of July 2004. Temperature and dew point data from radiosondes are plotted on these diagrams to allow calculations of convective stability or convective available potential energy (CAPE) Wind barbs are plotted to indicate the winds at heights of 10 metres and at 900 hectopascals. Plots are also available of total rainfall.

  • Surface level forecast parameters on a reduced N256 Gaussian grid from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECWMF) ERA-Interim programme. The ERA-Interim global atmospheric reanalysis of the covers 1979 to August 2019. This follows on from the ERA-15 and ERA-40 re-analysis projects This subset of the ERA-Interim dataset contains 45 parameters.

  • This dataset contains T159 spherical harmonics gridded, model level, forecast timestep data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Re-Analysis (ERA) 40 program from January 1958 to December 2001. ERA-40 followed on from the ERA-15 re-analysis project. Access limited to UK based academic researchers only. These data are GRIB formatted.

  • T106 Spectral data from ECMWF's operational forecasting system from 1st March 1994 to 1st November 2000 containing analyses and forecasts produced by the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) model on model levels. Coverage is not complete for these data. Users needing data at this resolution as opposed to the T159 data should contact user support to discuss requirements.

  • This dataset contains T159 spherical harmonics gridded, pressure level, forecast timestep data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Re-Analysis (ERA) 40 program from January 1958 to December 2001. ERA-40 followed on from the ERA-15 re-analysis project. Access limited to UK based academic researchers only. These data are GRIB formatted.

  • This data is provided to comply with the AGU''s data policy for the publication of Glauert et al., "Evaluation of SaRIF high-energy electron reconstructions and forecasts" in Space Weather, 2021. Each data file corresponds to a figure or table in the paper and covers the period from 1 March 2019 to 1 September 2019. The data sets are as follows: Figure 1 - SaRIF reconstructions of the >800 keV and the >2 MeV flux (in cm-2 s-1 sr-1) measured by the GOES 14 spacecraft. Figure 3 - SaRIF 24-hour forecasts of the >800 keV and the >2 MeV flux (in cm-2 s-1 sr-1) at the location of the GOES 14 spacecraft. Figure 5 - SaRIF reconstructions of the >800 keV and the >2 MeV flux (in cm-2 s-1 sr-1) measured by the GOES 14 spacecraft, with the improvements to the modelling detailed in the paper. Figure 6 - Simulated SaRIF 24-hour forecasts of the >800 keV and the >2 MeV flux (in cm-2 s-1 sr-1) at the location of the GOES 14 spacecraft, with the improvements to the modelling detailed in the paper. Table 6 - Simulated SaRIF 24-hour reconstructions and forecasts of the >800 keV and the >2 MeV flux (in cm-2 s-1 sr-1) at the location of the GOES 14 spacecraft when the outer boundary for the simulation is placed at L* = 6.6. These are the values used to produce the metrics in Table 6. This research was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Highlight Topic Grant NE/P01738X/1 (Rad-Sat), National and Public Good activity grant NE/R016445/1 and ESA contract 4000118861/16/D/MRP (SSA P2-SWE-XIII proto- type)

  • In support of the COAPEC Thematic Programme the BADC has extracted seasonal forecast ensemble data from the ECMWF MARS (Meteorological Archive and Retrieval System) archive. These data are also known as "Hindcasts" as they are forecasts run retrospectively. Since the data is part of the ECMWF Operational system BADC users must successfully apply for access to this dataset before they can obtain the data. The ECMWF produced two sets of runs, System 1 and System 2. The data archived at the BADC are the System 2 runs which use the atmospheric component Cy23r4 of the IFS (Integrated Forecasting System) with a horizontal resolution of TL95 at 40 levels in the vertical. This is the same cycle of the IFS used for the ERA-40 re-analysis. A detailed description of the ECMWF Seasonal Forecasting system can be found on the ECMWF web site. Products: The BADC has extracted monthly means, maxima, minima and standard deviations for the available surface variables from 1987 to 6 months before the present date. Atmospheric variables are only currently available as monthly means. The data is held as part of the main BADC Operational ECMWF archive. For each month there are six forecast months archived, with 5 ensemble members for 10 months of the year, and 40 ensemble members in May and November of each year from 1987-2001. From 2002 onwards there are 40 ensemble members per month. There are 33 parameters held on surface or single levels and 6 parameters available on pressure levels. The data is held on a regular 1.875 x 1.875 degree grid in GRIB format.

  • N80 Gaussian gridded surface operational data from 1 March 1994 to present containing the ongoing analyses and forecasts produced by the most recent ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) model. The IFS is regularly updated as improvements are made to the model, computing facilities and observations used in data assimilation.

  • This dataset contains N80 Gaussian gridded, surface level, forecast timestep parameters from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Re-Analysis (ERA) 40 program from September 1958 to August 2002. ERA-40 followed on from the ERA-15 re-analysis project. Access limited to UK based academic researchers only. These data are GRIB formatted.