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  • Tropospheric ORganic CHemistry Experiment (TORCH) was a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Polluted Troposphere Research Programme project (Round 1 - NER/T/S/2002/00145. Duration 2002 - 2005) led by A. Lewis, University of York. TORCH 1 took place in July and August 2003 at Writtle College, near Chelmsford, Essex. This dataset contains model outputs.

  • CASIX, the Centre for observation of Air-Sea Interactions & fluXes, is a NERC Centre of Excellence in Earth Observation. The scientific focus was on advancing the science of air-sea interactions and reducing the errors in the prediction of climate change. The primary goal was to quantify accurately the global air-sea fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2). CASIX accelerated the exploitation of new Earth Observation satellite data to further the understanding of marine biogeochemistry in the Earth System. CASIX links NERC Centres, university groups and the Met Office to model ocean circulation and the ocean carbon cycle. This dataset contains global monthly primary production estimates derived using the Smyth et al 2005 model from SeaWiFS data.

  • Datasets of 5 day back trajectories have been computed on a routine basis using analyses from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF). The three components of the wind and surface pressure over three launch grids covering the UK, the mid-Atlantic storm track region and the eastern USA, plus back trajectories from field campaign instrument sites were used to output datasets consisting of latitude, longitude and pressure of the trajectory every 30 minutes. This dataset contains ECMWF trajectories model data for prime.

  • This dataset contains WACCM-X model results under RCP8.5 (Representative Concentration Pathway) carbon dioxide increases and low solar activity. These cover ground level to a pressure level of 4e-10 hPa (~300 km altitude) on a global 144x96 longitude-latitude grid . Data is given in daily instantaneous files in the netCDF format. Default WACCM-X outputs remain, along with the following additional variables: 'PS' - Surface Pressure 'Z3' - Geopotential Height (above sea level) 'T' - Temperature 'U' - Zonal Wind 'V' - Meridional Wind 'CO2' - Carbon Dioxide Concentration 'CO' - Carbon Monoxide Concentration 'NO' - Nitric Oxide Concentration 'H2O' - Water Vapour Concentration 'O' - Atomic Oxygen Concentration More detail on each variable is given within the netCDF files and the readme file. 16 month runs from edited initial files at 10 year intervals from 2005 to 2095 under RCP8.5. There is also a 16 month 1975 run and 64 month 2000 run. All of these cyclically repeat the initial year. These are separated into individual folders with the RCP8.5 CO2 concentration listed. The first 4 months of each of these datasets have been ignored in processing as the model spins up, but are included here for completeness. This data was collected to understand the density drop at low earth orbit altitudes as carbon dioxide concentrations increase.

  • Datasets of 5 day back trajectories have been computed on a routine basis using analyses from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF). The three components of the wind and surface pressure over three launch grids covering the UK, the mid-Atlantic storm track region and the eastern USA, plus back trajectories from field campaign instrument sites were used to output datasets consisting of latitude, longitude and pressure of the trajectory every 30 minutes. This dataset contains ECMWF trajectories old model data for PUMA.

  • This dataset contains methane concentrations from a chemistry-climate model, focusing on year 2000 and year 2100. The present-day forcings were used for the 2000 simulation, while for year 2100 the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) RCP8.5 pathway were used. All experiments were run as perpetual timeslice experiments and are global model simulations made using the Met Office Unified Model at vn7.3 based on the HadGEM3-A science configuration. The model was run in atmosphere-only mode with a horizontal resolution of 2.5 degree latitude by 3.75 degree longitude, 60 vertical levels up to 84 km, and prescribed sea surface temperatures and sea ice extents. SST, sea ice and other forcings from earlier model experiments were used, e.g. Banerjee et al. (doi:/10.5194/acp-14-9871-2014). For the year 2000 experiments, greenhouse gas, ozone depleting substances and ozone precursor emissions are taken from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project - Phase 5 (CMIP5) reference forcings, as in Lamarque, 2010 ( The data comprise a series of separate experiments designed to test the performance of methane emissions in this model and to compare against the default that uses a prescribed concentration at the surface, with a view to assessing the performance of the more physically realist emissions treatment. For year 2000, the model was run for three experiments: the first (BASE) experiments employ a set of emissions derived from EDGAR v4 to describe anthropogenic methane emissions, with biognenic emissions taken from the chemistry-transport model (CTM) intercomparison experiment (TransCom-CH4) paper of Patra et al, (DOI:10.5194/acp-11-12813-2011), a second set of experiments used identical emissions to BASE except that CO emissions were increased by 50% globally from the emissions of Lamarque, this is called Delta_CO, and a third year 2000 experiment used CMIP5 methane emissions from Lamarque (as above) rather than EDGAR and biogenic emissions derived from Melton et al. ( rather than Patra. These experiments test the model skill in simulating methane based on the model treatment of emissions and establish the sensitivity to emissions. Three future climate experiments were also performed using climate forcings appropriate to year 2100 following the RCP8.5 pathway. We looked at the climate drivers in turn that arise as the climate changes. In the first, DELTA_CC, climate forcings were adjusted from greenhouse gases to year 2100 values, but kept methane and other anthropogenic forcings at year 2000 values, a second experiment, DELTA_CH4, adjusted CH4 to Year 2100 values from the emissions database as above, a third was an all-forcings experiments in which greenhouse gases, methane and ozone precursors were adjusted to RCP8.5 levels. This gave three separate experiments which explore how methane responds to these changes in the climate drivers.

  • Datasets of 5 day back trajectories have been computed on a routine basis using analyses from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF). The three components of the wind and surface pressure over three launch grids covering the UK, the mid-Atlantic storm track region and the eastern USA, plus back trajectories from field campaign instrument sites were used to output datasets consisting of latitude, longitude and pressure of the trajectory every 30 minutes. This dataset contains ECMWF trajectories model data for 1995.

  • Datasets of 5 day back trajectories have been computed on a routine basis using analyses from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF). The three components of the wind and surface pressure over three launch grids covering the UK, the mid-Atlantic storm track region and the eastern USA, plus back trajectories from field campaign instrument sites were used to output datasets consisting of latitude, longitude and pressure of the trajectory every 30 minutes. This dataset contains ECMWF trajectories model actual grid data.

  • Datasets of 5 day back trajectories have been computed on a routine basis using analyses from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF). The three components of the wind and surface pressure over three launch grids covering the UK, the mid-Atlantic storm track region and the eastern USA, plus back trajectories from field campaign instrument sites were used to output datasets consisting of latitude, longitude and pressure of the trajectory every 30 minutes. This dataset contains ECMWF trajectories model data for 1995.

  • Datasets of 5 day back trajectories have been computed on a routine basis using analyses from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF). The three components of the wind and surface pressure over three launch grids covering the UK, the mid-Atlantic storm track region and the eastern USA, plus back trajectories from field campaign instrument sites were used to output datasets consisting of latitude, longitude and pressure of the trajectory every 30 minutes. This dataset contains ECMWF trajectories model forecast data for 1996.