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  • This code uses pathway modelling to look at correlations of exotic plant invasion in tropical rainforest remnants and continuous sites. Partial least squares path-modelling looks at correlations between latent variables that are informed by measured variables. The code examines the relative influence of landscape-level fragmentation, local forest disturbance, propagule pressure, soil characteristics and native community composition on invasion. The total native community is examined first. Then subsets of the native community are modelled separately, adult trees, tree saplings, tree seedlings and ground vegetation. The relationship between the native and exotic communities was tested in both directions. Full details about this application can be found at

  • This model combines the carbon footprint of a reforestation project in the Peruvian amazon with a biomass model of the growing trees and a soil carbon model. The script aims at estimating the net carbon capture potential of a growing forest located in the Peruvian amazon and on degraded sandy soil only. It compares the emissions associated with setting up a reforestation plot (from seed reception to seedling transplant) with the expected carbon capture by the growing trees and increased soil carbon stock at a desired timescale. The model includes the production, use, and degradation of biochar. This model was produced within the Soils-R-GGREAT project, funded by NERC. Full details about this application can be found at

  • Age-depth models for Pb-210 datasets. The St Croix Watershed Research Station, of the Science Museum of Minnesota, kindly made available 210Pb datasets that have been measured in their lab over the past decades. The datasets come mostly from North American lakes. These datasets were used to produce both chronologies using the 'classical' CRS (Constant Rate of Supply) approach and also using a recently developed Bayesian alternative called 'Plum'. Both approaches were used in order to compare the two approaches. The 210Pb data will also be deposited in the database. The dataset consists of 3 files; 1. Rcode_Pb210.R R code to process the data files, produce age-depth models and compare them. 2. Output of age-model runs of the St Croix datasets 3. Excel files of the St Croix Pb-210 datasets