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    This dataset consists of model outputs from ensemble simulations of an idealised Southern Ocean using a quasi-geotrophic model called Q-GCM. As such, there are no calendar dates associated with it. Two models were generated: Initial Condition Perturbation Ensemble (ICPE) experiments model output covers years 162-168 of the simulation; Boundary Condition Perturbation Ensemble (BCPE) experiments model output covers years 150-180 of the simulation. The models created form the practical element of the NERC project ‘The structure and stability of transport and fixing barriers within the Antarctic Circumpolar Current’. The project aims to quantify the relationship between Southern Ocean winds, the eddy saturation mechanism and the branch-like structure of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. The work was funded by means of a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Discovery Science New Investigators Grant ‘NE/I001794/1’. The grant ran from 02 August 2010 to 21 September 2012 and was led by Dr. Chris Wilson at the UK’s National Oceanography Centre (NOC). The model simulation data were submitted to the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) for archive and are stored in the originator format.

  • Data were collected in 2017, to provide information on spatial patterns of dune migration rates and associated water flow characteristics, at locations on the South Saskatchewan River, Canada. Dune migration rates were measured using repeat aerial imagery. Bedform crests were digitised in individual images, and average dune migration rates were calculated from the mean migration distance between image pairs, divided by the time between image collection. Water depth and velocity data were collected using a Sontek M9 acoustic Doppler current profiler (aDcp) mounted on a small zodiac boat. The position of the aDcp was recorded using a RTK dGPS system. Data were collected on 12th June 2017 as part of NERC project NE/L00738X/1 Full details about this dataset can be found at