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  • These high resolution high-oblique time-lapse images were collected in hourly intervals from 5 locations around Helheim glacier in SE Greenland in the summer of 2013. Three cameras (Cameras 1, 2 and 3) were aimed at the calving front ~3.5 km down glacier from the calving front and two cameras (Cameras 4 and 5) were aimed cross-glacier ~3 km up glacier from the calving front. The images are in two stereo groups allowing the extraction of 3D data with significant processing though there are some optical issues that will degrade quality. Links to Published Papers: 1, Extensive Retreat of Greenland Tidewater Glaciers 2000-2010. 2, Dynamics of glacier calving at the ungrounded margin of Helheim Glacier South East Greenland. 3, Reverse Glacier motion during Iceberg calving and the cause of Glacial Earthquakes. 5, A High-resolution Sensor Network for Monitoring Glacier Dynamics. , On the Role of Buoyant Flexure in Glacier Calving. 6, Buoyant Flexure controls summer dynamic mass loss at Helheim Glacier Greenland

  • This dataset contains video (841 mp4) and photograph (8674 jpg) data of soft and hard coral communities from Thailand, Japan and Fiji. These data were collected in order to be used to construct 3d models of the coral forests and reefs. The 3D models were creating by extracting stills from the video, and supplementing with added photographs, then using Agisoft metashape to make the photogrammetric reconstructions of the coral communities (as *.psx files). These data will be used to reconstruct the community ecology using spatial point process analyses and Bayesian network inference. There are 128 models from 8 sites taken across 25 days from Phi Phi Islands, Phuket, Thailand. The Thailand models consist of videos taken with a variety of different techniques, and were an exercise in honing the methods of data collection, rather than taking data to be used. There are 14 models from four sites in Okinawa and Shikoku Islands, Japan across 4 days. There are 47 models from nine sites in Rainbow Reef, Tavenui, Fiji across 13 days. This data set is part of an project to understand the eco-evolutionary dynamics of early animal communities using ecological approaches with this data providing modern analogue communities.

  • The database contains scanned photographs (at 1016dpi) of the UK and various locations around the world. Some are single band (black&white) others are 3 band colour. The images are stored in various formats on various types of magnetic media: .COT raw scans can only be used on the Intergraph ImageStation; .JPG (Intergraph format); .TIF. Processed scans may also be saved as stereomodels (with project data) and as orthophotographs. Mono coverage for most of the UK and we are constantly acquiring stereo data. Data is updated when unscanned areas are required by projects.