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Registers of macrofossils in 127 volumes, covers the whole of the UK. Within each volume, data is arranged sequentially usually by collectors no. The data set began with the first Palaeontologist in the Geological Survey of Great Britain.
Registers of macrofossils arranged by 1" (one inch ro the mile) or 1:50 000 scale English geological sheets. Each register is numbered 1-359 and each sheet has one or more volumes. Within each volume, data is arranged by collectors symbol. This is the system used in the Leeds office (the London office had a different system- see MACROLONDON). It is this system that is currently in use.
5 volumes of macrofossils illustrated in the Quaterly Journal Of The Geological Society are given identifications and locality details together with the bibliographic reference. A few are foreign, but most are from the UK. The first date given is QJGS volume 12 for 1856. Last date mentioned is 1912. Numbers used: GS1-7886; GSA1-5000; GSB1-5000; GSC1-5000;GSD1-6415. The data set is closed, but occasional modification to the registers are infrequently made to update or correct certain specimens.
Registers dating from the 1950s listing some of the macrofossil collections held in the Geological Survey of Ireland between 1868 and 1875. They are numbered sequentially, but as they are a selection only, there are some gaps in the numbers. Numbers included are: I1-4893; K1253-4937;L319-3247;N961-3066;O4521-5000; P1-4393; R1-1270;S1978-2099; T1-500 and U1-2113.
Laser scans of Ediacaran Fossil Surfaces. Data collected 2016-2018 in Newfoundland Canada using a laser-line probe. Data is in the form of .wrp files so can only be opened in Geomagic. The scan files are in files of the bedding plane. All scan numbers with the same base were scanned with the tripod in the same position, so no alignment is needed. Manuel alignment is needed between bases.
Added value microfossil analyses carried out on material from the British Continental shelf are included. Sample number, borehole details, locality and geological information are given together with microfossil identification. The identification logging sheets are housed in box files. Symbols included: CSA1-2205 Continental Shelf Unit North; CSB1-6047 Continental Shelf Unit South; CSC1-7134 Offshore microfossils; CSD1-507 Offshore microfossils; CSE1-6826 Offshore microfossils (incidental and occasional macrofossil data are included). The raw data is held in CONTSHELFRAW and the interpretative reports relating to the microfossils are held elsewhere (TECHREPORTS).