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  • This service provides access to the World Mineral Statistics database data.

  • This service was created as part of the EU (FP7) funded EarthServer project. It provided the public facing WCS component of the Geology Data Service for this project. Other public facing components were available at: Services were discontinued in 2022.

  • This INSPIRE network service provides an Atom feed of predefined datasets that are available for download.

  • We collect data from sensors located throughout the UK and beyond capturing information on properties such as groundwater temperature and levels, barometric air pressure and motion sensors. We have recently started collecting information related to the energy efficiency of buildings and have developed techniques for incorporating data from sensors operated by other institutions. Some of the data we collect is available through the sensor API and sensor dashboard which provides easy access to the API data.

  • This service is an INSPIRE download WFS service, providing UK onshore bedrock geological data at 1:625 000 scale. This map data is collected as part of an ongoing BGS project: Digital Geological Map of Great Britain (DiGMapGB). GeoServer software is used to provide this WFS service. This service is delivering MappedFeatures specified by GeologicUnits, the geological history of which is recorded by GeologicEvents.