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The SLIMCAT (Single Layer Isentropic Model of Chemistry And Transport) Reference Atmosphere for UTLS-Ozone was a set of example output from the SLIMCAT three-dimensional chemical transport model (CTM). It includes three-dimensional global fields of chemical (and sometimes meteorological) variables as computed for twelve dates in 1997, near the middle of each month. This data set includes 12 files, each of them corresponding to one output time near the middle of each month of Year 1997 (12 Jan, 11 Feb, 13 Mar, 12 Apr, 12 May, 11 Jun, 11 Jul, 10 Aug, 19 Sept, 19 Oct, 18 Nov, 18 Dec). Each file contains the calculated 3-D distribution of 37 chemical species or families and 6 meteorological variables. The model used is the SLIMCAT chemistry transport model (CTM). The model was run from October 1991 and forced by the UK Met Office analyses. The model used 18 isentropic levels. The vertical coordinate in the data files is the globally averaged altitude. The real lat/lon-dependent altitude is given in the ALT field recorded in the files. The THETA field gives the real model theta levels (which are constant with latitude/longitude). Data from Martyn Chipperfield, University of Leeds. NERC Research Programme UTLS-Ozone (Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere) and National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO).
The Aberystwyth Egrett Experiment: Gravity Waves, Turbulence, Mixing and Filamentation in the Tropopause Region is a Upper Troposphere Lower Stratosphere (UTLS) Round 2 project led by Dr J. Whiteway and Dr G. Vaughan, Department of Physics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth. This dataset contains airborne measurements, by the Egrett aircraft, of turbulence, ozone, water vapour and CH4.
Data from the Upper Troposphere Lower Stratosphere (UTLS) programme's round 1 research project "Dynamics and Chemistry of Frontal Zones" (DCFZ). DCFZ investigated the role of frontal shear zones in determining upper tropospheric chemical distributions. This dataset contains Chilbolton radar images.
The Aberystwyth Egrett Experiment: Gravity Waves, Turbulence, Mixing and Filamentation in the Tropopause Region is a Upper Troposphere Lower Stratosphere (UTLS) Round 2 project led by Dr J. Whiteway and Dr G. Vaughan, Department of Physics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth. This dataset contains atmospheric CFC measurements from the University of Cambridge DIRAC gas chromatograph onboard the Egrett aircraft.
UTLS-OZONE was a NERC directed mode programme funding projects to study the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. The particular emphasis was on the processes determining the distribution of ozone and any subsequent climate impacts. Two UTLS Ozone projects were based on airborne campaigns using the FAAM aircraft, namely ITOP-UK and CIRRUS. This dataset contains ECMWF meteorological images.
NERC-UTLS Ozone Thematic Program, 'Night-Time Chemistry of the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere' project measuring sunrise NO3 and sunset NO2 column densities above Aberystwyth. This dataset contains column density and profiles of NO3.
UTLS-OZONE was a NERC directed mode programme funding projects to study the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. The particular emphasis was on the processes determining the distribution of ozone and any subsequent climate impacts. Two UTLS Ozone projects were based on airborne campaigns using the FAAM aircraft, namely ITOP-UK and CIRRUS. This dataset contains ozonesonde and LIDAR ozone profiles measured by the Aberystwyth group in support of the UTLS-OZONE projects: * Dynamics and Chemistry of Frontal Zones (DCFZ) (PI: Keith Browning, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading) * Atmospheric Chemistry and Transport of Ozone (ACTO) (PI: Stuart Penkett, School of the Environment, University of East Anglia) * the Egrett experiment (PI: Jim Whiteway, University of Wales at Aberystwyth) * "Night-Time Chemistry in the UTLS Region" (PI: Hugh Coe, University of Manchester) and of the EU project TRACAS.
The Aberystwyth Egrett Experiment: Gravity Waves, Turbulence, Mixing and Filamentation in the Tropopause Region is a Upper Troposphere Lower Stratosphere (UTLS) Round 2 project led by Dr J. Whiteway and Dr G. Vaughan, Department of Physics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth. This dataset contains NERC MST Radar Facility at Aberystwyth, Mid-Wales.
NERC-UTLS Ozone Thematic Program, 'Night-Time Chemistry of the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere' project measuring sunrise NO3 and sunset NO2 column densities above Aberystwyth. This dataset contains column density and profiles of NO2.
NERC-UTLS Ozone Thematic Program, 'Night-Time Chemistry of the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere' project measuring sunrise NO3 and sunset NO2 column densities above Aberystwyth, Mid-Wales.