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  • Details of location and geology of wells and springs on Anglesey plus 6 inch County Sheet site maps.

  • The collection consists of records for c.5000 wells and springs in Scotland mostly lodged by drillers in compliance with the Water Act. These include data on well construction, water yields, water levels, water chemistry and well lithology. The collection is organised on the One-Inch Geological Sheet basis. Catalogues for wells in Central Scotland were published between 1963 and 1969. The BGS Single Onshore Borehole Index (SOBI) provides a partial digital index to the records.

  • 100,000 paper records of water wells, including details of lithologies, well construction, water levels and yields and water chemistry. Details lodged by drillers under statute. Includes approximately 90% of water boreholes in England & Wales, less in Scotland. There is a high density of information over major aquifers and urban areas with new data added as it is received from drillers and other outside organisations. The level of detail within individual records varies, reflecting historical changes in reporting practices.