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  • Over 22000 km of corrected aeromagnetic total intensity data from various surveys in offshore petroleum areas in UK Continental Shelf and overseas collected to assist directional drilling. Line separation is 2 km and flight altitude is 80 m above sea level and navigation is by GPS (Global Positioning System). Some surveys have been bought or commissioned on an exclusive basis by BGS and can be used without further ado, others require permission sought from the aeromagnetic survey company or end-client.

  • This data includes all of the information provided to the BGS (British Geological Survey) through the National Hydrocarbon Data Archive for the Hutton Field. It includes: Production data and a 3D seismic survey in addition to borehole records from 65 wells across the Hutton Field.

  • This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location, with basic metadata, of selected DECC (Department of Energy & Climate Change) offshore hydrocarbon wells. The source data for this layer was downloaded from the DECC website at These are DECC owned data and information and supply of the actual data is through the DECC release agents.