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  • As part of the ESA Land Cover Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project a static map of open water bodies at 150 m spatial resolution at the equator has been produced. The CCI WB v4.0 is composed of two layers: 1. A static map of open water bodies at 150 m spatial resolution resulting from a compilation and editions of land/water classifications: the Envisat ASAR water bodies indicator, a sub-dataset from the Global Forest Change 2000 - 2012 and the Global Inland Water product. This product is delivered at 150 m as a stand-alone product but it is consistent with class "Water Bodies" of the annual MRLC (Medium Resolution Land Cover) Maps. The product was resampled to 300 m using an average algorithm. Legend : 1-Land, 2-Water 2. A static map with the distinction between ocean and inland water is now available at 150 m spatial resolution. It is fully consistent with the CCI WB-Map v4.0. Legend: 0-Ocean, 1-Land. To cite the CCI WB-Map v4.0, please refer to : Lamarche, C.; Santoro, M.; Bontemps, S.; D’Andrimont, R.; Radoux, J.; Giustarini, L.; Brockmann, C.; Wevers, J.; Defourny, P.; Arino, O. Compilation and Validation of SAR and Optical Data Products for a Complete and Global Map of Inland/Ocean Water Tailored to the Climate Modeling Community. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 36.

  • As part of the ESA Land Cover Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project a set of Global Land Cover Maps have been produced. These are available at 300m spatial resolution for three epochs centred on the year 2010 (2008-2012), 2005 (2003-2007) and 2000 (1998-2002), where each epoch covers a 5-year period. Each pixel value corresponds to the label of a land cover class defined using UN-LCCS classifiers. For each epoch, the land cover map is delivered along with 4 quality flags which document the reliability of the classification. These are described further in the Product User Guides. Further Land Cover CCI products, user tools and a product viewer are available at:

  • This data set is part of the ESA Sea Ice Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project. The dataset provides sea ice concentration for the Arctic region, derived from the SSMI satellite instrument. It consists of daily gridded SIC fields based on Passive Microwave Radiometer measurements from the SSMI instrument with a 25km grid spacing, along with the total standard error (uncertainty) and quality control flags. It has been built upon the algorithms and processing software originally developed at the EUMETSAT OSI SAF for their SIC dataset. Please note, in the sea ice concentration data set - on purpose - no weather filter has been applied to eliminate weather-induced spurious ice in the open ocean along the ice edge in order to avoid discarding regions with a real sea ice cover. Users are advised to read the product user guide and the publication by Ivanova et al. [2015] (see documentation section). A second sea ice dataset has also been produced from the AMSR-E instrument, and these should be regarded as individual datasets and not combined without further investigations about the compatibility.

  • This data set is part of the ESA Sea Ice Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project. The dataset provides sea ice concentration (SIC) for the Antarctic region, derived from the SSMI satellite instrument. It consists of daily gridded SIC fields based on Passive Microwave Radiometer measurements from the SSMI instrument with a 25km grid spacing, along with the total standard error (uncertainty) and quality control flags. It has been built upon the algorithms and processing software originally developed at the EUMETSAT OSI SAF for their SIC dataset. Please note, in the sea ice concentration data set - on purpose - no weather filter has been applied to eliminate weather-induced spurious ice in the open ocean along the ice edge in order to avoid discarding regions with a real sea ice cover. Users are advised to read the product user guide and the publication by Ivanova et al. [2015] (see documentation section). A second sea ice dataset has also been produced from the AMSR-E instrument, and these should be regarded as individual datasets and not combined without further investigations about the compatibility.

  • This data set is part of the ESA Sea Ice Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project. The dataset provides sea ice concentration for the Antarctic region, derived from the AMSR-E satellite instrument. It consists of daily gridded SIC fields based on Passive Microwave Radiometer measurements from the AMSR-E instrument with a 25km grid spacing, along with the total standard error (uncertainty) and quality control flags. It has been built upon the algorithms and processing software originally developed at the EUMETSAT OSI SAF for their SIC dataset. Please note, in the sea ice concentration data set - on purpose - no weather filter has been applied to eliminate weather-induced spurious ice in the open ocean along the ice edge in order to avoid discarding regions with a real sea ice cover. Users are advised to read the product user guide and the publication by Ivanova et al. [2015] (see documentation section). A second sea ice dataset has also been produced from the SSM/I instrument, and these should be regarded as individual datasets and not combined without further investigations about the compatibility. The project team warns potential users that the AMSR-E SIC time-series is less mature than the SSM/I one, and that the former should be used with extra care, possibly after visual inspection or comparison to other data sources (such as the SSM/I time series during the overlap period)

  • This data set is part of the ESA Sea Ice Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project. The dataset provides sea ice concentration for the Arctic region, derived from the AMSR-E satellite instrument. It consists of daily gridded SIC fields based on Passive Microwave Radiometer measurements from the AMSR-E instrument with a 25km grid spacing, along with the total standard error (uncertainty) and quality control flags. It has been built upon the algorithms and processing software originally developed at the EUMETSAT OSI SAF for their SIC dataset. Please note, in the sea ice concentration data set - on purpose - no weather filter has been applied to eliminate weather-induced spurious ice in the open ocean along the ice edge in order to avoid discarding regions with a real sea ice cover. Users are advised to read the product user guide and the publication by Ivanova et al. [2015] (see documentation section). A second sea ice dataset has also been produced from the SSM/I instrument, and these should be regarded as individual datasets and not combined without further investigations about the compatibility. The project team warns potential users that the AMSR-E SIC time-series is less mature than the SSM/I one, and that the former should be used with extra care, possibly after visual inspection or comparison to other data sources (such as the SSM/I time series during the overlap period).

  • The ESA Fire Climate Change Initiative (CCI) dataset collection consists of maps of global burned areas for years 2006 to 2008, developed from satellite observations. The products are based upon thermal information from the MODIS active fires product and spectral information from the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS), on board the ENVISAT ESA satellite. The Grid product is derived from the Pixel product by summarizing its burned area information into a regular grid covering the Earth for 15-day periods with 0.5 degree resolution. Information on burned area is included in 22 individual layers: sum of burned area, standard error, fraction of observed area, number of patches and the burned area for 18 land cover classes, as defined by the Globcover (2005) product. For further information on the product and its format see the Fire CCI product user guide in linked documentation.

  • The ESA Fire Climate Change Initiative (CCI) dataset collection consists of maps of global burned areas for years 2005 to 2011, developed from satellite observations. The products are based upon spectral information from the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS), on board the ESA ENVISAT satellite, and thermal information from the MODIS active fires product. The Grid product is derived from the Pixel product by summarising its burned area information into a regular grid covering the Earth for 15-day periods with 0.25 degree resolution. Information on burned area is included in 22 individual layers: sum of burned area, standard error, fraction of observed area, number of patches and the burned area for 18 land cover classes, as defined by the Land Cover CCI v1.6.1 product. For further information on the product and its format see the Fire_cci product user guide in the linked documentation.

  • This dataset provides Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) data derived as part of the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) programme. In this product the data has been produced at a spatial resolution of 50km and a time resolution of 1 week. This has then been spatially resampled on a 25km EASE (Equal Area Scalable Earth) grid and 1 day of time sampling. A monthly product is also available. This first version of the CCI+SSS products is a preliminary version issued for evaluation purposes by voluntary scientists and for framing future CCI+SSS products. This product has not been fully validated yet and may contain flaws. In case you discover some, the CCI salinity team ( are very keen to get your feedback. In case you would like to use them in a presentation or publication, please be aware of the following caveats: CAVEATS - The SSS random error in the weekly product is overestimated by a factor ~1.4. - The Number of outliers is wrongly set to 'NaN' in the case where it is equal to zero. - Products have not yet been not optimised for some issues encountered at high latitudes (i.e. remaining ice, RFI pollution, biases due to land-sea contamination and dielectric constant in cold waters). - The criteria for flagging data close to land (including islands) are conservative and likely to be too restrictive in places. - There is a systematic global underestimation (-0.08) of SSS starting at the beginning of the data set, and gradually disappearing at the end of 2010. - There is a seasonal varying bias (~0.1, peaking in the middle of the year) in the Pacific North of 25°N. Acknowledgements: The authors thank the CCI+ SSS validation team, in particular S. Guimbard (ODL) and A. Martin (NOC), for their feedback on the products, R. Catany (ARGANS) for managing the project and P. Cipollini and C. Donlon (ESA) for their sound advice.

  • The ESA Fire Disturbance Climate Change Initiative (CCI) project has produced maps of global burned area derived from satellite observations. The MODIS Fire_cci v5.1 grid product described here contains gridded data on global burned area derived from the MODIS instrument onboard the TERRA satellite at 250m resolution for the period 2001 to 2019. This product supercedes the previously available MODIS v5.0 product. The v5.1 dataset was initially published for 2001-2017, and has been periodically extended to include 2018 to 2020. This gridded dataset has been derived from the MODIS Fire_cci v5.1 pixel product (also available) by summarising its burned area information into a regular grid covering the Earth at 0.25 x 0.25 degrees resolution and at monthly temporal resolution. Information on burned area is included in 23 individual quantities: sum of burned area, standard error, fraction of burnable area, fraction of observed area, number of patches and the burned area for 18 land cover classes, as defined by the Land_Cover_cci v2.0.7 product. For further information on the product and its format see the Fire_cci product user guide in the linked documentation.