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  • Experimental mechanical data for single crystal shear experiments. Grant abstract: In 2011, NERC began a scoping exercise to develop a research programme based around deep Earth controls on the habitable planet. The result of this exercise was for NERC to commit substantial funding to support a programme entitled "Volatiles, Geodynamics and Solid Earth Controls on the Habitable Planet". This proposal is a direct response to that call. It is widely and generally accepted that volatiles - in particular water - strongly affect the properties that control the flow of rocks and minerals (their rheological properties). Indeed, experiments on low-pressure minerals such as quartz and olivine show that even small amounts of water can weaken a mineral - allowing it to flow faster - by as much as several orders of magnitude. This effect is known as hydrolytic weakening, and has been used to explain a wide range of fundamental Earth questions - including the origin of plate tectonics and why Earth and Venus are different. The effect of water and volatiles on the properties of mantle rocks and minerals is a central component of this NERC research programme. Indeed it forms the basis for one of the three main questions posed by the UK academic community, and supported by a number of international experts during the scoping process. The question is "What are the feedbacks between volatile fluxes and mantle convection through time?" Intuitively, one expects feedbacks between volatiles and mantle convection. For instance, one might envisage a scenario whereby the more water is subducted into the lower mantle, the more the mantle should weaken, allowing faster convection, which in turn results in even more water passing into the lower mantle, and so on. Of course this is a simplification since faster convection cools the mantle, slowing convection, and also increases the amount of volatiles removed from the mantle at mid-ocean ridges. Nevertheless, one can imagine many important feedbacks, some of which have been examined via simple models. In particular these models indicate a feedback between volatiles and convection that controls the distribution of water between the oceans and the mantle, and the amount topography created by the vertical movement of the mantle (known as dynamic topography). The scientists involved in the scoping exercise recognized this as a major scientific question, and one having potentially far reaching consequences for the Earth's surface and habitability. However, as is discussed in detail in the proposal, our understanding of how mantle rocks deform as a function of water content is remarkably limited, and in fact the effect of water on the majority of mantle minerals has never been measured. The effect of water on the flow properties of most mantle minerals is simply inferred from experiments on low-pressure minerals (olivine, pyroxenes and quartz). As argued in the proposal, one cannot simply extrapolate between different minerals and rocks because different minerals may react quite differently to water. Moreover, current research is now calling into question even the experimental results on olivine, making the issue even more pressing. We propose, therefore, a comprehensive campaign to quantify the effect of water on the rheological properties of all the major mantle minerals and rocks using a combination of new experiments and multi-physics simulation. In conjunction with 3D mantle convection models, this information will allow us to understand how the feedback between volatiles and mantle convection impacts on problems of Earth habitability, such as how ocean volumes and large-scale dynamic topography vary over time. This research thus addresses the aims and ambitions of the research programme head on, and indeed, is required for the success of the entire programme.

  • This is a generic powerpoint showing results from azimuthal Q analysis of seismic data collected during the JC152 cruise (Bull et al., 2018). The presentation gives an introduction to the CHIMNEY project and study area. Data from 2 sources (GI guns and Surface sparker) are analysed, giving rise to measurements of attenuation as a function of two-wave time, azimuth and frequency at two locations. The data are inverted using a rock physics model, and probability distributions for matrix permeability and fracture size at the two sites are developed. Reference: Bull, J. M. (2018). Cruise Report – RRS James Cook JC152: CHIMNEY - Characterisation of Major Overburden Pathways above Sub-seafloor CO2 Storage Reservoirs in the North Sea Scanner and Challenger Pockmark Complexes,University of Southampton, 55 pp. Available at: NERC Grant - Characterization of major overburden leakage pathways above sub-seafloor CO2 storage reservoirs in the North Sea (CHIMNEY)

  • Synthetic seismic waveforms computed using the spectral element method for 1-D and 3-D Earth models for a variety of scenarios of structures in the deep Earth's interior.

  • These data contain time series of stress, strain, confining pressure, elastic wave velocities of samples of Vermont antigorite and Westerly granite deformed under hydrostatic and triaxial conditions at room temperature and dry conditions. This dataset is used and fully described/interpreted in the paper: David, E.C., N. Brantut, L.N. Hansen and T.M. Mitchell, Absence of stress-induced anisotropy during brittle deformation in antigorite serpentinite, submitted to J. Geophys. Res.

  • In 2015 long offset seismic gathers were collected at Korff Ice Rise, West Antarctica, with the aim of studying fabric within the ice column and ice bed properties. Data were collected at sites within 700m of one another along the axis of the ice divide. The seismic gathers were collected at 60 deg intervals to study azimuthal variation in seismic velocity and shear wave splitting. This study is part of the British Antarctic Survey programme Polar Science for Planet Earth. All data were collected with the support of the British Antarctic Survey.

  • In 2014 polarimetric phase sensitive radar data were collected at Korff Ice Rise, West Antarctica, with the aim of studying fabric within the ice column and ice bed properties. Data were collected at sites within 700m of one another along the axis of the ice divide. The radar data were collected by rotating the antenna through 180 deg to allow reconstruction of the azimuthal variation in power and phase. This study is part of the British Antarctic Survey programme Polar Science for Planet Earth. All data were collected with the support of the British Antarctic Survey. The ApRES fieldwork were funded by Natural Environmental Research Council grant NE/J008087/1, led by Richard Hindmarsh.

  • A number of processes, both natural and anthropogenic, involve the fracture of rocks subjected to tensile stress, including vein growth and mineralization, and the extraction of hydrocarbons through hydraulic fracturing. In each case, the fundamental material property of mode-I fracture toughness must be overcome in order for a tensile fracture to nucleate and propagate. Whilst measuring this parameter is straightforward at ambient pressure, estimating the fracture toughness of rocks at depth, where they experience a confining pressure, is technically challenging. Here, we report a new analysis combining results from standard thick-walled cylinder burst tests with quantitative acoustic emission to estimate the mode-I fracture toughness (KIc) of Nash Point Shale at elevated confining pressure, simulating in-situ conditions to approximately 1km. In the most favorable orientation, the pressure required to fracture the rock shell (injection pressure, Pinj) increases from 6.1 MPa at 2.2 MPa confining pressure (PC), to 34 MPa at 20 MPa confining pressure. When fractures cross the shale bedding, the required injection pressures are 30.3 MPa (at Pc = 4.5 MPa) and 58 MPa (at Pc = 20 MPa), respectively. Applying the model of Abou-Sayed (1978) to estimate initial flaw size, we calculate that this pressure increase equates to an increase in KIc from 0.6 MPa.m1/2 at 3.2 MPa differential pressure (Pinj - PC) to 4.1 MPa.m1/2 at 22 MPa differential pressure. We conclude that the increasing pressure due to depth in the Earth will have a significant influence on fracture toughness, which is also a function of the inherent anisotropy.