

35 record(s)
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  • Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) mission was funded jointly by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change External Link (DECC) and the Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research External Link (DIISR). This dataset contains the Along-Track Scanning Radiometer on ESA ERS-1 satellite (ATSR-1) Browse Product. These data are 3 band colour composite, quick-look images at coarse resolution. The browse product for the ATSR-1 and the ATSR-2 missions were introduced during the third reprocessing of data products. This product was derived from the Level 1B product and auxiliary data.

  • Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) mission was funded jointly by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change External Link (DECC) and the Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research External Link (DIISR). This dataset contains the Along-Track Scanning Radiometer on ESA ERS-1 satellite (ATSR-1) Spatially Averaged Sea Surface Temperature Product for Meteo Users. These data are the Level 2 product designed for the use by meteorological offices derived from Level 2 AST product. The product contains only the sea surface temperature with spatial resolution of 10 arc minutes. It also contains the Average Brightness Temperature (ABT) fields, which includes brightness temperature and TOA sea record on the same spatial resolution. Like the AST product this product is derived from, all areas contains data, where the land pixels have empty data, and the coasts containing averages derived only from the sea pixels in the cell. The third reprocessing was done to implement the updated algorithms, processors, and auxiliary files.

  • Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) mission was funded jointly by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change External Link (DECC) and the Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research External Link (DIISR). The Along-Track Scanning Radiometer on ESA ERS-2 satellite (ATSR-2) Browse Product. These data are 3 band colour composite, quick-look images at coarse resolution. The browse product for the ATSR-1 and the ATSR-2 missions were introduced during the third reprocessing of data products. This product was derived from the Level 1B product and auxiliary data.

  • Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) mission was funded jointly by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change External Link (DECC) and the Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research External Link (DIISR). This dataset contains the Along-Track Scanning Radiometer on ESA ERS-2 satellite (ATSR-2) Gridded Surface Temperature (GST) Product. These data are the Level 2 full spatial resolution (approximately 1 km by 1 km) geophysical product derived from Level 1B product and auxiliary data. The contents of the pixel fields, which are a mixture of Top of Atmosphere (TOA) and surface brightness temperature/radiance, are switch-able depending on the surface type. The third reprocessing was done to implement updated algorithms, processors, and auxiliary files.

  • Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) mission was funded jointly by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change External Link (DECC) and the Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research External Link (DIISR). This dataset contains the Along-Track Scanning Radiometer on ESA ERS-2 satellite (ATSR-2) Spatially Averaged Sea Surface Temperature Product for Meteo Users. These data are the Level 2 product designed for the use by meteorological offices derived from Level 2 AST product. The product contains only the sea surface temperature with spatial resolution of 10 arc minutes. It also contains the Average Brightness Temperature (ABT) fields, which includes brightness temperature and TOA sea record on the same spatial resolution. Like the AST product this product is derived from, all areas contains data, where the land pixels have empty data, and the coasts containing averages derived only from the sea pixels in the cell. The third reprocessing was done to implement the updated algorithms, processors, and auxiliary files.

  • This dataset contains Global gas flaring activity from the Along Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) (1991-2012) and Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) (2017-2018) sensors. The data records have been processed to identify persistent thermal anomalies with spectral characteristics consistent with the combustion of natural gas during industrial gas flaring activities. Two different datasets are produced globally for each sensor type, one recording the activity and the other the sampling of these assumed gas flaring sites. The activity dataset records whenever a flare is up, i.e. is actively combusting, and provides a characterisation of the flares behaviour in terms of radiant heat output (in W). The determination of radiant heat output is achieved using the single channel SWIR radiance method of Fisher and Wooster (2018), based on the MWIR radiance method used extensively in the analysis of biomass burning. The sampling dataset records whenever a flaring site is seen by the satellite (irrespective of whether it is up or not) and also provides information on typical levels of cloud cover in the vicinity of the flare. The activity dataset contains information on the point location of the flare (accurate to within approximately ±1km) in the form of a lat/lon coordinate. Also provided is an index lookup that can be used to simply aggregate the flaring activity into arc-minute bins and these are referred to as lat_arcmin and lon_arcmin in the dataset. The sampling dataset is provided at the spatial level of the arc-minute binning only, and when merged onto the activity dataset long-term assessment of a flaring site can be performed. Such estimates of flaring activity over extended time periods for a given flaring site can be made by calculating the flare up-time (times seen actively flaring over time period or the expected number of cloud free overpasses for time period) and the mean radiant heat output of the flare for the same time period. The product of time period (in seconds), the estimated flare up-time and the mean radiant heat output provides an estimate of typical flare activity.

  • Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) mission was funded jointly by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change External Link (DECC) and the Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research External Link (DIISR). This dataset contains the Along-Track Scanning Radiometer on ESA ERS-1 satellite (ATSR-1) Average Surface Temperature (AST) Product. These data are the Level 2 spatially averaged geophysical product derived from Level 1B product and auxiliary data. There are two types of averages provided: 10 arcminute cells and 30 arcminute cells. All cells are present regardless of the surface type. Hence, the sea (land) cells would also have the land (sea) records even though these would be empty. Cells containing coastlines will have both valid land and sea records; the land (sea) record only contains averages from the land (sea) pixels. The third reprocessing was done to implement the updated algorithms, processors, and auxiliary files.

  • Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) mission was funded jointly by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change External Link (DECC) and the Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research External Link (DIISR). This dataset contains the Along-Track Scanning Radiometer on ESA ERS-2 satellite (ATSR-2) Average Surface Temperature (AST) Product. These data are the Level 2 spatially averaged geophysical product derived from Level 1B product and auxiliary data. There are two types of averages provided: 10 arcminute cells and 30 arcminute cells. All cells are present regardless of the surface type. Hence, the sea (land) cells would also have the land (sea) records even though these would be empty. Cells containing coastlines will have both valid land and sea records; the land (sea) record only contains averages from the land (sea) pixels. The third reprocessing was done to implement the updated algorithms, processors, and auxiliary files.

  • Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) mission was funded jointly by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change External Link (DECC) and the Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research External Link (DIISR). This dataset contains the Along-Track Scanning Radiometer on ESA ERS-2 satellite (ATSR-2) Gridded Brightness Temperature/Reflectance (GBTR) Product. These data are the Level 1B product that consists of Top of Atmosphere (TOA) radiance measurements and brightness temperatures at full resolution for both the nadir and forward views. The product was calibrated for instrumental and atmospheric effects and re-sampled to a fixed grid aligned to the sub-satellite track. This product were derived from the Level 0 product and auxiliary data, and serves as the input data for all Level 2 products. The third reprocessing was done to implement the updated algorithms, processors, and auxiliary files.

  • Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) mission was funded jointly by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change External Link (DECC) and the Australian Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research External Link (DIISR). This dataset contains the Along-Track Scanning Radiometer on ESA ERS-2 satellite (ATSR-2) L2P product is a full resolution data with dual-view Sea Surface Temperature (SST) values. Version 3.0 of this dataset were produced with the ARC L2P processor version 1.2, which replaces the ARC SST processor. The processor applies its own algorithm to generate SST data from the Level 1B Data. This method differs from that used to produce the Gridded Surface Temperature (GST) products. This product also includes the ATSR Saharan Dust index (ASDI) and the clear-sky probability estimated by the ARC cloud detection algorithm.