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  • The North Atlantic Climate System Integrated Study (ACSIS) Atlantic Ocean medium resolution SST dataset is a 5-day field of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) on a ½ degree by ½ degree grid from 1950 to 2014 and covers the Atlantic Ocean. The dataset is based on in situ ship and buoy SST observations from the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) Revision 3. Measurements which fail initial quality control checks are rejected and for each grid box where there is data a trimmed mean and sample standard deviation are calculated to produce super-observations. These are then expressed as anomalies from the 1981-2014 Climatology (mean, annual, semi-annual and tri-annual) from the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) SST dataset (version 2.0) derived from satellite observations. The measurements are then interpolated using Kriging to infill gaps and estimate uncertainties. The spatial covariance used in the Kriging was derived from the CCI SST analysis residuals (CCI SST analysis minus the CCI SST climatology). After interpolation, bias corrections derived from the HadSST. dataset are applied. The dataset is available as annual CF complaint NetCDF files, with a total of 65 annual files available. Each file contains: the 5 day mean sea surface temperature; the corresponding climatological value, the sea surface temperature anomaly and the uncertainty in the sea surface temperature. The new dataset has been developed as part of the UK North Atlantic Climate System Integrated Study (ACSIS) for use in validation and comparison with regional climate models. Other potential uses include boundary forcing for regional reanalyses, monitoring and assessment of regional climate change and other studies requiring SST at a resolution higher than typical for the in situ products (i.e. < 1 month, < 1°) and spanning the satellite and pre-satellite era.

  • This dataset contains monthly 1 degree averages of sea surface temperature data in Obs4MIPS format, from the European Space Agency (ESA)'s Climate Change Initiatve (CCI) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) v2.1 analysis. The data covers the period from 1981-2017, with the data from 1981 to 2016 coming from the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) project of the ESA CCI project. The data for 2017 were generated using the same approach but under funding from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). This particular product has been generated for inclusion in Obs4MIPs (Observations for Model Intercomparisons Project), which is an activity to make observational products more accessible for climate model intercomparisons. Data are made freely and openly available under a Creative Commons License by Attribution (CC By 4.0) When citing this dataset please also cite the associated data paper: Merchant, C.J., Embury, O., Bulgin, C.E., Block T., Corlett, G.K., Fiedler, E., Good, S.A., Mittaz, J., Rayner, N.A., Berry, D., Eastwood, S., Taylor, M., Tsushima, Y., Waterfall, A., Wilson, R., Donlon, C. Satellite-based time-series of sea-surface temperature since 1981 for climate applications, Scientific Data 6:223 (2019).

  • This v2.0 SST_cci Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Level 2 Preprocessed (L2P) Climate Data Record (CDR) consists of stable, low-bias sea surface temperature (SST) data from the AVHRR series of satellite instruments. It covers the period between 08/1981 and 12/2016. This L2P product provides these SST data on the original satellite swath with a single orbit of data per file. The dataset has been produced as part of the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative Sea Surface Temperature project(ESA SST_cci). The data products from SST CCI accurately map the surface temperature of the global oceans over the period 1981 to 2016 using observations from many satellites. The data provide independently quantified SSTs to a quality suitable for climate research. Data are made freely and openly available under a Creative Commons License by Attribution (CC By 4.0)

  • This v2.0 SST_cci Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) Level 3 Collated (L3C) Climate Data Record (CDR) consists of stable, low-bias sea surface temperature (SST) data from the ATSR series of satellite instruments. It covers the period 11/1991 - 04/2012. This L3C product provides these SST data on a 0.05 regular latitude-longitude grid and collated to include all orbits for a day (separated into daytime and nighttime files). The dataset has been produced as part of the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative Sea Surface Temperature project(ESA SST_cci). The data products from SST CCI accurately map the surface temperature of the global oceans over the period 1981 to 2016 using observations from many satellites. The data provide independently quantified SSTs to a quality suitable for climate research. Data are made freely and openly available under a Creative Commons License by Attribution (CC By 4.0) .

  • This v2.0 SST_cci Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Level 3 Collated (L3C) Climate Data Record (CDR) consists of stable, low-bias sea surface temperature (SST) data from the AVHRR series of satellite instruments. It covers the period 08/1981 - 12/2016. This L3C product provides these SST data on a 0.05 regular latitude-longitude grid and collated to include all orbits for a day (separated into daytime and nighttime files). The dataset has been produced as part of the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative Sea Surface Temperature project(ESA SST_cci). The data products from SST CCI accurately map the surface temperature of the global oceans over the period 1981 to 2016 using observations from many satellites. The data provide independently quantified SSTs to a quality suitable for climate research. Data are made freely and openly available under a Creative Commons License by Attribution (CC By 4.0) .

  • This dataset consists of Sea Surface Temperature data with uncertainty estimates, from the Along Track Scanning Radiometer series of satellite instruments (ATSR-1, ATSR-2 and AATSR). It forms part of the collection of datasets from the EUSTACE (EU Surface Temperature for All Corners of Earth) project, which is producing publically available daily estimates of surface air temperature since 1850 across the globe for the first time by combining surface and satellite data using novel statistical techniques. The Sea Surface Temperature data provided here were retrieved in the context of the European Space Agency's (ESA's) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) project, and comprise a Level 3c gridded product, on a 0.25 degree grid. This v1.2 product was provided for input into the EUSTACE project. It is provided here for traceability; more recent CCI data is available from the SST CCI catalogue pages.

  • This v2.0 SST_cci Level 4 Analysis Climate Data Record (CDR) provides a globally-complete daily analysis of sea surface temperature (SST) on a 0.05 degree regular latitude-longitude grid. It combines the orbit data from the Advanced High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) and Along Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) SST_cci Climate Data Records, using a data assimilation method to provide SSTs where there were no measurements. These data cover the period between 09/1981 and 12/2016. The dataset has been produced as part of the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative Sea Surface Temperature project(ESA SST_cci). The data products from SST CCI accurately map the surface temperature of the global oceans over the period 1981 to 2016 using observations from many satellites. The data provide independently quantified SSTs to a quality suitable for climate research. Data are made freely and openly available under a Creative Commons License by Attribution (CC By 4.0) .

  • This v2.0 SST_cci Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) Level 3 Uncollated (L3U) Climate Data Record (CDR) consists of stable, low-bias sea surface temperature (SST) data from the Along Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) series of satellite instruments. It covers the period between 11/1991 and 04/2012. This Level 3 Uncollated (L3U) product provides these SST data on a 0.05 regular latitude-longitude grid with a single orbit per file. The dataset has been produced as part of the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative Sea Surface Temperature project(ESA SST_cci). The data products from SST_cci accurately map the surface temperature of the global oceans over the period 1981 to 2016 using observations from many satellites. The data provide independently quantified SSTs to a quality suitable for climate research. This CDR Version 2.0 product is a later version of the Long Term product v1.1. Data are made freely and openly available under a Creative Commons License by Attribution (CC By 4.0) .

  • Blending a sea-surface temperature (SST) dataset with land air temperature makes an implicit assumption that SST anomalies are a good surrogate for marine air temperature anomalies. It has been shown that this is the case, and that marine SST measurements provide more useful data and smaller sampling errors than marine air temperature measurements would. So blending SST anomalies with land air temperature anomalies is a sensible choice. This dataset contains monthly and seasonal blended sea-surface temperatures (MOHSST6) with land air temperature data from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (P.D. Jones). Data are represented on 5 deg. grids from 1856 to May 2002. The data were provided by the Met Office.

  • Skin Sea Surface Temperature data from the (A)ATSR Validation Campaign by SISTeR (Scanning Infrared Sea surface Temperature Radiometer). To ensure the accuracy of the (A)ATSR, there have been joint efforts to validate the measurement data. One of these efforts is the (A)ATSR Validation Campaign which involves the deployment of the Scanning Infrared Sea surface Temperature Radiometer (SISTeR). This dataset contains the SST data of the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, and the Western Pacific measured by the SISTeR on-board RMS Queen Mary 2 (QM2) during her voyages since 2010. The data collection continues despite the end of AATSR mission for continuation of SST measurement before the deployment of SLSTR on Sentinel-3.