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  • Data comprise numbers of soil microarthorpods (mesofauna) extracted over 10 days from soils in northern, subarctic Sweden sampled on 29th July 2019. Soils were sampled from treeline mountain birch forest and stands of tundra willow that were wither 'girdled' (connection between leaves and roots cut by disrupting the phloem transport) or ‘control’ (no treatment), two years prior. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • Fungal community DNA was sequenced from soils in northern, subarctic Sweden. Soils were sampled from treeline mountain birch forest and stands of tundra willow that were wither ‘girdled’ (connection between leaves and roots cut by disrupting the phloem transport) or ‘control’ (no treatment), 0, 1 and 2 years after the treatment was applied. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset records the Saiga antelope die-off and calving sites in Kazakhstan. It represents the locations (and where available dates) of (i) die-offs and (ii) normal calving events in the Betpak-dala population of the saiga antelope, in which three major mass mortality events have been recorded since 1988. In total, the data contains 214 saiga die-off and calving sites obtained from field visits, aerial surveys, telemetry and literature. Locations derived from field data, aerial surveys or telemetry are polygons representing the actual size and shape of the die-off or calving sites; locations sourced from the literature are point data around which buffers of 6km were created, representing the average size of calving aggregations. Of the 214 locations listed, 135 sites for which environmental data were available were used to model the probability of a die-off event. The collection and use of these data are written up in more detail in papers which are currently under review (when published links will be added to this record). Saiga antelope are susceptible to mass mortality events, the most severe of which tend to be caused by haemorrhagic septicaemia following infection by the bacteria Pasteurella multocida. These die-off events tend to occur in May during calving, when saigas gather in dense aggregations which can be represented spatially as relatively small sites. The Betpak-dala population is one of three in Kazakhstan, located in the central provinces of the country (see map). Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset contains in situ CO2 efflux, root production and fungal hyphae production from plots distributed across a subarctic landscape in Northern Sweden. Six paired plots were established in mountain birch forest and five paired plots were established in tall shrub tundra where one of each pair was 'girdled' and one acted as a non girdled 'control'. Efflux measurements were made during six sampling campaigns over 2017 and 2018 at an approximate frequency of once per week during each campaign, constituting a time series of measurements. Production measurements integrated root or hyphae production over the whole growing season (June-September) and therefore there is one datapoint per plot per year. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset contains information on life history traits of the host Plodia interpunctella (Pyralidae; Hübner) and the parasitoid wasp Venturia canescens (Ichneumonidae; Gravenhorst). The data was collected from a single generation life history experiment investigating the combined effects of daily stochastic temperature fluctuations and resource degradation on individual life history in the Plodia-Venturia host-parasitoid trophic interaction. The Plodia interpunctella data include egg viability, egg status, hatching date, adult emergence date, date of death, sex, egg length in mm, and adult leg (mid-femur) length in mm. The Venturia canescens data include adult emergence date, adult emergence outcome (i.e., the species that emerged from parasitized host larvae), date of death and adult leg (hind-tibia) length in mm. The temperature time series data include the date and daily temperature in the fluctuating temperatures treatment. Full details about this nonGeographicDataset can be found at

  • This dataset contains information on population counts in experimental populations of Plodia interpunctella (Pyralidae; Hübner) and the parasitoid wasp Venturia canescens (Ichneumonidae; Gravenhorst). The data was collected from a multi-generation microcosm experiment carried out to characterise the combined effects of daily stochastic temperature fluctuations and resource degradation on population responses in the Plodia-Venturia host-parasitoid trophic interaction. The population count data include the weekly total numbers of dead adult hosts and parasitoids and the numbers of live early (L1-L3) and late (L4-L5) host instars and of host and parasitoid pupae in half sections of diet removed weekly and replaced by fresh diet (half sections are a 12th of experimental population boxes). The temperature time series data include the date and daily temperature in the fluctuating temperatures treatment. Full details about this nonGeographicDataset can be found at

  • This dataset consists of structure, biomass (carbon density) and biodiversity (plant species richness) from forest inventory plots at forest restoration sites in South and Southeast Asia and the code for the analyses of these data as conducted in Banin, Raine et al (2023). The recorded data consists of plot level censuses carried out up to May 2021 collated from published studies, grey literature and data provided by co-authors. This represents the collation of data from 11 sites in areas where disturbance had led to the clearance or degradation of natural forest. Plots where tree seedlings were planted (active restoration) and plots where no seedling planting took place (natural regeneration) were censused for structure, biomass and/or biodiversity. Some of the sites in the dataset also recorded data at old growth forest plots for reference, and/or provided repeat measures of forest metrics over time. The dataset also includes the code used for analysis of this plot level data, used to compare the outcome of different restoration approaches. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset consists of survival and heights of trees planted for forest restoration in South and Southeast Asia and the associated analytical code. The data consists of tree censuses collated from published studies, grey literature and data provided by co-authors, up to/including May 2021. Data are collated from 176 sites in areas where disturbance or clearance of the natural forest had occurred and where trees were then planted and monitored over time. The analyses included here model height growth, extract annual size-standardised growth rates and test the effects of biophysical and climatic conditions and planting regimes on survival and growth. This dataset was created to represent the current state of knowledge on forest restoration outcomes in South and Southeast Asia. This is the full dataset for the survival and height analysis. Full details about this dataset can be found at

  • This dataset contains information on life history variation and population dynamics in response to coloured environmental variation in the laboratory model system comprised of the moth Plodia interpunctella (Pyralidae; Hübner) and the parasitoid wasp Venturia canescens (Ichneumonidae; Gravenhorst). Data were collected from two complementary experiments investigating the effects of daily coloured temperature fluctuations on individual life history variation (single-generation life history experiment) and population dynamics (multi-generation microcosm experiment) in both species. In both experiments, the effects of three types of coloured noise were investigated and compared to constant temperature conditions: blue noise (characterized by rapid (negatively autocorrelated) fluctuations), red noise (characterized by slow (positively autocorrelated) fluctuations) and white noise (characterized by random fluctuations). The life history experiment lasted 56 days and the microcosm experiment lasted 310 days. Full details about this nonGeographicDataset can be found at